Mal: This is why we lost you know, superior numbers.
Zoë: Thanks for the reenactment, sir.

Zoë: I know something ain't right.
Wash: Sweetie, we're crooks. If everything were right, we'd be in jail.

Mal: See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart.

Book: That young man's very brave.
Mal: Yeah. He's my hero.

Inara: What did I tell you about barging into my shuttle?
Mal: That it was manly and impulsive?
Inara: Yes, precisely, only the exact phrase I used was "don't".

Mal: Kaylee, what the hell's going on in the engine room? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?

Niska: Oh, you do not like I kill this man?
Mal: No, I'm sure he was a... very bad person.
Niska: My wife's nephew. At dinner I am getting earful. There is no way around that.

Guy on Planet: Hey, you gonna toast Unification day with me? Six years today, the Alliance sent the Browcoats runnin', pissin' their pants... You know, your coat is kinda a brownish color.
Mal: It was on sale.
Guy on Planet: You didn't toast? Y'know, I'm thinkin' you're one o' those Browncoats...
Mal: And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schoolin', so why don't we just ignore each other 'til we go away.

Mal: Drunks are so cute.

Mal: This job I would pull for free.
Zoë: Can I have your share?
Mal: No
Zoë: If you die, can I have your share?
Mal: Yes.

Mal: You know, you ain't quite right.
River: It's a popular theory.

Captain Reynolds: He's not the first psycho to hire us nor the last. You think that's a commentary on us?

Mal: Can't get paid if you're dead.
Jayne: Can't get paid if you crawl away like a bitty little bug neither. I got a share of this job. Ten percent of nothin' is, let me do the math here... nothin' and a nothin', carry the nothin'...

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech?

Mal: You know, they tell ya to never hit a man with a closed fist but it is, on occasion, hilarious.

[Jayne is trying to trade his favorite gun for Mal's new wife]
Mal: She's a human being. She has a name.
Jayne: So is this. I call her Vera.

Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.

Mal: Oh, I'm gonna go to the special hell.

[comforting Mal's new wife]
Kaylee: Oh, don't worry honey, he makes everybody cry. He's like a monster.
Mal Reynolds: I am not a monster.

Zoë: Next time we smuggle stock, let's make it something smaller.
Wash: Yeah, we should start dealing in those black market beagles.

Mal: Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might want to see to that.

Zoë: Captain'll come up with a plan.
Kaylee: Well, that's good... right?
Zoë: Possibly you're not recalling some of his previous plans.

Inara: I am grateful, you know, for the ill-conceived and high-handed attempt to defend my honor although I didn't want you to.
Mal: Gracious as that is...

[standing over his wounded opponent, refusing to kill him]
Mal: You know, they say mercy is the mark of a great man.
[stabs the man]
Mal: Guess I'm just a good man.
[stabs him again]
Mal: Well, I'm all right.

Mal: Well look at this. 'Pears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoë: Big damn heroes, sir.
Mal: Ain't we just.

Wash: Could you please tell my wife the fun she's missing out on?
Inara: Ariel's a nice place, actually. There are some beautiful museums, not to mention some of the finest restaurants in the Core.
Wash: But... not boring, like she made it sound.

Mal: Let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job, and then I get paid.

Wash: So... two days in a hospital. That's awful. Don't you just hate doctors?
Simon: Hey.
Wash: I mean, present company excluded.
Jayne: Let's not be excluding people. That'd be rude.

Mal: One of you is gonna fall and die and I'm not cleaning it up.

Patience: Didn't expect to be hearing from you any time soon.
Mal Reynolds: Well, we may not have parted on best terms. I realise certain words were exchanged, also certain bullets.

Agent McGinnis:We are transferring you to a holding area until you can be retrieved.
Simon: Retrieved? By whom?
Agent McGinnis: People who want you alive. People not me.

Mal: We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.

Bandit: You're gonna give us what's due us and every damn thing else on that boat. And I think maybe you gonna give me a little one-on-one time with the missus.
Jayne: Oh, I think you might wanna reconsider that last part. See, I married me a powerful ugly creature.
Mal: [In disguise in a dress and large bonnet] How can you say that? How can you shame me in front of new people?
Jayne: If I could make you prettier, I would.
Mal: You are not the man I met a year ago.

Inara: So, explain to me again why Zoe wasn't in the dress?
Mal: Tactics, woman. Needed her in the back. Besides, those soft cotton dresses feel kinda nice. There's a whole airflow.
Inara: And you'd know that because...?
Mal: You can't open the book of my life and jump in the middle. Like woman, I'm a mystery.

Mal: One of those will feed a family for a month. Longer if they don't like their kids too well.

 [Mal and Wash are being tortured]
Mal: You know me and Zoe got a history - and I figure you gotta be asking yourself some fairly fundamental questions about the nature of that history...
Wash:  You never slept with my wife.
Mal: You know that for a fact, do you? You ever ask her?
[they get electrocuted again, Mal keeps after Wash]
Mal: We were together good long time before you come around, Wash. And she is a damn fine lookin' woman.
Wash:Never happened... know how I know?
Mal: How. Tell me, Wash.
Wash: The whole "captain" thing isn't Zoe's trouble. It's the guy-she-never-slept-with thing. Hell, Mal - I wish you had slept with her! Then at least she'd be over it!
Mal: You *want* me to sleep with her? That make you feel better?
Wash: It might!
Mal: Imagine it'd do wonders for her, too.
Wash: Screw you!
Mal: Get in line!
Mal: Okay. Gonna do it, then. Wash? Wash! First thing, we get back - I'm taking your wife into my bed. Gonna get me a piece'a...

[Zoë has made soup for Wash, and sets it on the table for him]
Wash: Mmm. Wife soup. I must have done good.
Zoë: Yes, dear. You done good. But this is a one time thing, so I suggest you savor it.
Mal:  Did you tell her?
Wash: Tell her what?
Mal: [to Zoë] Your husband has demanded that we sleep together.
Zoë: Really.
Wash:  What? Mal, come on...
Mal: He seems to think it would get all this burning sexual tension out in the open. You know, make it a fair fight for your womanly affections...
Wash: No! That was just the torture talking...Remember? The torture?
Mal: [walks to Zoë, takes one of her hands and places it on his hip, then with his other hand, moves some hair off her shoulder, sporting a deadpan expression] Private, it's a difficult mission - but you and I have to get it on.
Zoë: [looks at Wash who is struggling to get to his feet, then looks back at Mal and puts her free hand on his shoulder. Also with a deadpan expression] I understand. We have no choice. Take me, sir. Take me hard.
Jayne: [who has just begun to enter the dining hall] Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'.
Wash: [as Mal and Zoë get closer to kiss - looking like two teenagers on their first date, Wash steps in grabs Zoë's arm and pulls her to the door of the dining hall] We'll be in our bunk.

Mal: How about I keep out of your whoring and you keep out of my thieving?

Simon: I've never shot anyone before.
Book: I was there, son. I'm fairly sure you haven't shot anyone yet.

Jayne: So, like, never?
Book: Well, no.
Jayne: Not ever, never?
Book: Some orders allow shepherds to marry, but I follow a narrower path.
Jayne: But you still got the urge. They don't... cut it off or nothin'?
Book: No, I'm more or less intact. I just direct my energy elsewhere.
Jayne: You mean like masturbatin'?

Mal: [about River] She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.

Wash: Little River just gets more colorful by the moment. What'll she do next?
Zoë: Either blow us all up or rub soup in her hair. It's a toss-up.
Wash: I hope she does the soup thing. It's always a hoot, and we don't all die from it.

[after River gets a hold of one of Jayne's guns]
Jayne: I didn't make here crazy. Hell I didn't even want on the ship.
Mal: Is that the direction you want this conversation to go in?
Jayne: Just don't want to take a lashing for something I ain't the cause of.
Zoë: Where's River at now?
Mal: In her room, which I'm thinking we bolt from the outside from now on.
Wash: That's a little extreme, isn't it?
Jayne: Anyone remember her coming at me with a butcher's knife?
Wash: Wacky fun.
Jayne: You wanna go, little man?
Wash: Only if it's someplace with candlelight.
Zoë: Sir, I know she's unpredictable, but I don't think she'd harm anyone.
Jayne: Butcher's knife!
Zoë: Anyone we can't spare.

Mal: If someone tries to kill you, you just try and kill 'em right back!

Jayne: Hey, do you have any funny whorin' stories?
Inara: Oh, do I ever. Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will.

Sir Warrick Harrow: I know Badger and I think he's a psychotic lowlife.
Mal: And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community.

Mal: We're deep in space, corner of No and Where.

Badger: The situation is... fluid.
Jayne: The only fluid I see here is the puddle of piss refusing to pay our wage.

Simon: Are you out of your mind?
Mal: Just about.

Mal: Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I *will* end you.

Mal: You've only got to scare him.
Jayne: Pain is scary.

Simon: So, finally a decent wound on this ship and I miss it. I'm sorry.
Mal: Well you were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Jayne: Time for some thrilling heroics.

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: Yes; I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.

Wash: I've been in a firefight. Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.

[flipping through Simon's journal]
Jayne: "Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."

Zoë: We're getting him back.
Jayne: [staring at Mal's severed ear] What are we going to do - clone him?

Mal: Now all we need are some patients.
Simon: Corpses. For this to work River and I will have to be dead.
Jayne: I'm starting to like this plan.

Jayne: Let's move this conversation in a not-Jayne's-fault direction.

Jayne: [drinking tea] This ain't bad.
Badger: There's a trick to it. Wood alcohol.
Mal: So now we're favored guests, treated to beverages that make you blind.

Mal: Ship like this, be with you until the day you die.
Zoë: That's because it's a deathtrap.

Jayne: If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak.

Mal: Looks can be deceiving.
Jayne: Not as deceiving as a low down, dirty... deceiver.
Mal: Well said. Wasn't that well said, Zoe?
Zoë: It had a kinda poetry to it.

Jayne: What we need is a diversion. I say Zoe gets nekked.
Wash: No.
Jayne: I could get nekked...?
Zoë: No.
Wash: No.

Jayne: Mal! Looks like we got us some imminent violence!

Inara: It sounds like something this crew can handle. I can't guarantee they'll handle it particularly well.
Nandi: If they've got guns and brains at all...
Inara: They've got guns.

Jayne: Don't see much point getting involved in other people's troubles without an up-front price negotiation.
Zoë: As I said, no-one's forcing you to go. This job is purely speculative.
Jayne: Good. Don't know these people, don't much care to.
Mal: They're whores.
Jayne: I'm in.

Jayne: [to his gun] See Vera? Dress yourself up, you get taken out somewhere fun.

Simon: What happened in here?
Jayne: Needed to find some tape.
Simon: So you had to tear my infirmary apart?
Jayne: Apparently.

Sir Warwick Harrow: You didn't have to wound that man.
Mal: No, but it was funny.

Jayne: What'd y'all order a dead guy for?

Zoë: If I'm gonna wear a dress, I want something with some slink.
Wash: You want a slinky dress? I can buy you a slinky dress. Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?
Jayne: I'll chip in.

Mal: Okay, help me find our man. He's supposed to be older, kind of stocky. Wears a red sash crossways.
Kaylee: Why does he do that?
Mal: Maybe he won the Miss Persephone pageant. Just help me look!
Kaylee: Is that him?
Mal: That's the buffet table.
Kaylee: But how will we know for sure until we've questioned it?

Jayne: She'll turn you in before you can say..."Don't turn me in, lady."

Jayne: [to Simon] Little Kaylee here just wishes you was a gynecologist.
Mal: Jayne, you will keep a civil tongue in that mouth, or I will sew it shut. Is there an understanding between us?
Jayne: You don't pay me to talk pretty. Just because Kaylee gets lubed up over some big-city dandy...
Mal: Walk away from this table. Right now.
[Jayne loads his plate with food and leaves]
Simon: What do you pay him for?
Mal: What?
Simon: I was just wondering what his job is - on the ship.
Mal: Public relations.

[Simon prepares some bad rice]
River: I don't want it.
Simon: River, you have to eat. It's good. It tastes like...
[Simon samples rice and grimaces]
Simon: It's good.
Jayne: It smells like crotch.

Jayne: [Jayne, himself a tough guy, describing a mobster's goons] These are stone killers. They ain't cuddly like me.

Jayne: Well, as a rule, I say girlfolk ain't to be trusted.
River: Jayne is a girl's name.
Jayne: Well, Jayne ain't a girl! If she starts in on that girl's name thing, I'll show her good and all I got man parts.
Simon: I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. I just... It's not coming.

Mal: Yeah, that went well.
Inara: You call this going well?
Mal: We got the loot didn't we?
Inara: Yes, but...
Mal: Then I call it a win. What's the problem?
Inara: Should I start with the part where you're stranded in the middle of nowhere or the part where you have no clothes?

Zoë: If they board us, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh and sew our skin to their clothes. And if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order.

Mal: Which one you figure tracked us?
Zoë: The ugly one, sir.
Mal: Could you be more specific?

Wash: I'd say worth a little risk.
Jayne: Yeah, that was some pretty risky sittin' ya did there.
Wash: That's right, of course. Because they wouldn't arrest me if we got boarded. I'm just the pilot. I could always say that I was flying the ship by accident.

Zoë: [about Serenity, on first seeing her] You paid money for this, sir? On purpose?

Jayne: Whoo! My John Thomas is about to pop off and fly around the room, there's so much tasty in here.
Wash: Would be you'd get your most poetical about your pecker.

Kaylee: Everyone's got somebody. Wash, tell me I'm pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Kaylee: Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: Cause you're pretty.

Kaylee: Don't you just love this party? Everything's so fancy, and there's some kind of hot cheese over there.

Mal: [about Saffron] You would have kissed her too.
Zoë: Wash didn't.
Mal: But she was naked and all articulate!
Wash: Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere.

Mal: [about cattle] You know, they walk just as easy if you lead 'em.
Jayne: I like smackin' 'em.

Kaylee: Look, they got boy whores. Isn't that thoughtful?

Wash: But these apples are healthsome and good.
Jayne: Yeah, grenades cost extra.

Jayne: Well, I don't like the idea of someone hearing what I'm thinking.
Inara: No one likes the idea of hearing what you're thinking.

Kaylee: [about Simon's birthday cake] I wasn't able to get hold of no flour, so it's mostly protein. In fact, it's pretty much what we just ate for dinner.
[everyone laughs] But I did try to get the frosting as chocolatey as possible.

Simon: I'm trying to put this as delicately as I can. How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?
Captain Reynolds: You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you you'll be awake. You'll be facing me. And you'll be armed.

Jayne: [over radio] Oh, now, girl, that is just plain dirty.
Mal: [into radio] Jayne, you are aware your radio's transmittin'? 'Cause I don't feel particularly girlish or dirty at the moment.

[at a scrap yard]
Kaylee: Figures - first time in the Core, and what do I get to do? Dig through trash. Why couldn't he send me shopping at the Tri-plex, or... Ooh! Synchronizers!

River: The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems.
Mal: See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with. Long as she does it quiet like.

Mal: We take it to Whitefall, maybe talk to Patience.
Zoë: Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again.
Mal: Why not?
Zoë: She shot you.
Mal: Well, yeah, she did a bit.

[Simon sees a statue of Jayne and realizes the town they are in idolizes him as a hero]
Simon: This must be what going mad feels like.
[later, after listening to a song about Jayne being a hero]
Simon: No, this must be what going mad feels like.

Zoë: [to Mal] Sir, I'd like you to take the helm please.
[looks at Wash]
Zoë: I need this man to tear all my clothes off.
Wash: Work, work, work...

Wash: [to Mal, about his "wife"] Did she really make fresh bao?
Zoë: You know that sex we were planning to have ever again?

[Jayne spits on knife sharpening stone]
Simon: Could you not do that while we're - ever?

Kaylee: It was your makeout session that got us into this, sir.
Mal: I was poisoned!
Inara: You were drugged.
Jayne: That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.

Mal: Don't worry... this is all part of our new plan.
Kaylee: Captain, how exactly is this...
Mal: Still working out the details.

River: My food is problematic.

Mal: You are very much lacking in imagination.
Zoë: I imagine that's so, sir.

[Kaylee opens wooden box filled with strawberries]
Kaylee: Ooooh, grandpa!
Book: I never married.

[after slashing Jayne with a knife]
River: He looks better in red.

Inara: What was the last cargo we snuck past the alliance in a transport?
Mal: That was...
Inara: What was the cargo?
Mal: They were dolls.
Inara: They were little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbled!
Mal: Hey, people LOVE those!

Durran Haymer: How long have you been with him?
Mal: Uff... We are not together.
Saffron: He's my husband.
Mal: Well, who in the damn galaxy ain't?

Book: If you take sexual advantage of that girl, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

Mal: This is my first mate, Zoe. I'll introduce you to the rest later. They're good folk.
Jayne: Can I start getting sexed already?
Mal: Well, that one's kind of horrific.

Mal: [Mal is in the process of rescuing Simon from being burned at the stake] Your talent for alienating folks is near miraculous.
Simon: Yes, I'm very proud.

Magistrate Higgins: I brought you here to bed my son, not throw him a tea party.

Mal Reynolds: If anyone gets nosy just, you know, shoot them.
Zoë: Shoot them?
Mal Reynolds: Politely.

Mal: Petty?
Inara: I didn't mean petty.
Mal: So what did you mean?
Inara: Suoxi?
Mal: That's Chinese for petty.

Sir Warrick Harrow: What a vision you are in your fine dress. It must have taken a dozen slaves a dozen days to get you into that getup. 'Course your daddy tells me it takes the space of a schoolboy's wink to get you out of it again.

Inara: Are you in pain?
Mal: Absolutely, I got stabbed you know, right here.
[lifts shirt to show a bloodstained bandage on side of abdomen]
Inara: I saw.
Mal: I don't care much for fancy parties. Too rough.
Inara: It wasn't entirely a disaster.
Mal: [lifts his shirt again] I got stabbed. Right here.

Durran Haymer: [finding out his wife is a traitor] Well, I appreciate your honesty. Not, y'know, a lot.

River: "I swallowed a bug."
