An AVATAR Gizynopsis
(SeeWhat Happens When You Hang Out)  In a bar
  Hey, Little Red Riding Hood--you sure are looking.......ewwwww......

Skinner's in his office, clenching his jaw, twitching his lip,  he does
NOT want to sign his divorce papers, we didn't even know he was
married.  He is SO upset about this impending crisis that he goes RIGHT
to a hotel bar, where a beautiful woman asks him if he is "holding THIS
for someone?", oh, MY!!! They proceed to go to bed, go DIRECTLY to bed,
where, as the thunder rolls, Skinner finds he's in the sack, in the
mouth-watering buff, with an OLD SCREAMING thing !!!  He JERKS awake,
gasping in chest-heaving (mine) beautiful fear, but the woman is NOT
old, but she IS quite DEAD.

Mulder, looking WAY too concerned (why HER?? why her and not ME??),
questions a tight-faced Skinner, while Scully sulks and looks
face-slappingly skeptical.  Mulder discovers from the dead woman's
fomer boss that she was a prostitute, and Scully discovers, in the
autopsy bay, that the woman wore Urban Decay "Phosphorescent Yellow"
lipstick,and got it ALL OVER HER MOUTH AND NOSE.  They go to question
the woman's madam,and find out that, indeed, Skinner's signed credit
card  statement was used for the woman's last transaction.  Mulder
looks like he's gonna puke, Scully is doubtful, but  insists to Mulder
that  she feels the same way about Skinner that he does   (No, you
don't....I would have done him for FREE...)

The duo confront a studdly rumpled and stubbly  Skinner as he is
released from custody " This doesn't concern you"  An angst-faced
Mulder insists  "Of COURSE it concerns us (I'm in love with you)"
Skinner takes off after what he thinks is an old woman in a red hood,
the vision from his dream, but it  is a younger, pretty woman. Skinner
runs like he's seen a ghost anyway, and Mulder and Scully find that
this is Sharon Skinner, the big guy's WIFE, and now Mulder REALLY looks
angsty (she IS prettier than me...) Sharon tells Mulder "You're one of
the few people that Walter ever mentioned from work"  Mulder blushes
and looks pleased.  Meanwhile, Scully has found that Skinner is being
treated for a sleep disorder, and from her descriptions, Mulder says
"That SUCKS!!"  Wait, no, he says  "this is a Succubus", a spirit that
COMES for sex, so to speak.

Skinner sits alone and drinking in his pathetic empty pretty apartment,
making GREAT glassesless  poor-me FACE, no wonder, his middle name is
SERGEI and he used to have GREAT hair.   Sharon comes to comfort him,
but he rejects her (he wants Mulder), she leaves and he falls asleep
and dreams of the screaming woman, and when he wakes up, he is told his
wife was in a bad accident.  Mulder questions him, and he admits to
having visions of the old woman, Mulder feels the woman is trying to
protect him, "From what?"  Skinner asks  (and Mulder steps close and
whispers ***from ME***)  Mulder swipes the air bag from Mrs Skinheads
car,and takes it to Pendrell to analyze the FACE print.  Meanwhile,
Scully is questioned by the OPC, who wonder if she and Skinner have
been enchanted by Mulder's  way out theories.  Scully stone-facedly
confesses that she thinks Mulder is full of shit, but, on the other
hand, both her and Skinner ARE enchanted (by his ass...)  Mulder comes
back and he and Scully pursue a lead back to The Madam's, but she took
a short dive out a long window--things are tough all over...  They set
up the poor remaining hooker as bait to inform and catch Frame-Him Guy.

Skinner goes to the hospital and has a SUPER angst face monologue with
Sharon, oh, MY (come here, baby, *I'll* comfort you), he kisses her and
her THING BEEPS!!! he looks away,and looks back,and she is now the OLD
WOMAN, what the????  Skinner FACES his face off, she turns BACK into
Sharon and whispers "Listen....(do wah do, do you want to know a

As the music swells and races, the trap has worked,  Frame-Him Guy is
at the hotel, but he is GOOD, and Scully gets wacked  with a door AGAIN
(why can't she ever just get SHOT, already?) FHG looks menacing, we
hear POOOWW!!!!.....and it is Skinner, saving the day, not to mention
Scully's ass once again.

Skinner tries to put his office back in order, that yellow crime tape
leaves SUCH a nasty residue, Scully brings their official report of the
case, but has left several things ambiguously unanswered.   Mulder
stares pouty pissed  out the window as Skinner tap dances around the
fact that he can't admit what has happened, Mulder gets RIGHT in his
face and breathlessly asks "Why don't you just tell *me*?"  Skinner
stares for a long second and dismisses them both, then pulls his
wedding ring from the drawer and stares at it.

He's wondering if it willl fit Mulder...