I wanna be very clear: I still have the use of my penis.

I wore a tank top today because I thought it was summer, and no one ever taught me to read a calendar.

When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist. 

< style="font-weight: bold;">People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers.

Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?

< style="font-weight: bold;">COACH BEISTE:
Early's late if you make tomorrow yesterday.

Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say I smell like copper. I can get a sunburn indoors at night. According to recent legend, I have no soul.

The other day he made me buy the green grapes and the red grapes at the market, and then we just mixed them in the bowl and just ate them. It was madness, sheer madness!

The guys said if I took the Glee club photo, they'd make me choose between a Hitler mustache and buck teeth. And I can't rock either of those looks.

I'm gonna say this as nice as I can. But you look like a sad clown hooker.

I don’t think one decision makes your life. Unless you invent some zombie virus or something

The independent polling company in my Dockers has determined you're the hottest girl in the school.

I would like to graduate high school knowing at least how to make some sort of pate.

Blaine is the first in a long line of conflicted men that you will date that will turn out to be only the most flaming of homosexuals.

Blaine and I love football. Well, Blaine loves football. I love scarves.

I don’t know why I find his stupidity charming. I mean, he’s cheating off a girl who thinks the square root of four is rainbows.

< style="font-weight: bold;">Oh bambi... I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy...

Rachel manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time.

Makeovers are like crack to me.

I’m a sex shark. If I stop moving, I die.

Hey ankle grabber! I had sex with your mother. No seriously. I cleaned your pool, and then I had sex with her in your bed. Nice Star Wars sheets.

Girls don't have prostates! I looked it up.

I had sex with you because you got me drunk on wine coolers and I felt fat that day. But it was a mistake. You’re a Lima loser and you’ll always be a Lima loser.

I am not homophobic. In fact, I have two gay dads. See, I was born out of love. My two dads screened potential surrogates based on beauty and IQ. Then they mixed their sperm together and used a turkey baster. To this day we don't know which one is my real dad, which I think is pretty amazing.

I'd like your feedback as to whether I was brilliant or simply outstanding

Your face tastes awesome

I just had a relationship with a guy who turned out to be gay. That is songwriting gold.

I'm a closet lesbian and a judgmental bitch, which means one thing—I have awesome gaydar.

Just so you know, I have custom bibs for me and Mercedes. You know why? Cause we's—be's goin'—to Breadstix.

Look, I don't mean to be a bitch—well, actually, I do.

They must have sensed I'm a lesbian. Do I smell like a golf course?

Oh, and also, I have razorblades hidden in my hair. Tons, just hidden all up in there.
I do this thing where I sort of alternate which one of those kids I hate the most. Right now, it's the dancing Asian.

You know, William, that's what one Hubert Humphrey said back in 1968 at the start of the Democratic National Convention. But then hippies put acid in everyone's bourbon, and when an updraft revealed Lady Bird Johnson's tramp stamp and tattoos above her ovaries, Mayor Richard J. Daley became so incensed with sexual rage that he punched his own wife in the face and spent the next hour screaming, "Sex party!" into the microphones of all three major networks

You should be ashamed of yourself—you are seriously no fun to interrogate or almost torture.

Kiss my ass, Josh Groban. I’m an internationally ranked cheerleading coach.

So you like show tunes: Doesn’t mean you’re gay, it just means you’re awful

Santana! Wheels! Gay kid! Asian! Other Asian! Aretha! Shaft!

I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. That's the smell of failure, and it's stinking up my office.

You think this was hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they're going in another direction. That was hard.

'I always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness

'I like minorities so much, I'm thinking of moving to California to become one

'I, for one, think intimacy has no place in a marriage. Walked in on my parents once, and it was like seeing two walruses wrestling

I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your house...and punch you in the face.

'If I have a pregnant girl doing a handspring into a double layout, the judges aren't going to be admiring her impeccable form, they're going to be wondering if the centrifugal force is going to make the baby's head start crowning

Get out of my office... if you can manage squeezing through the door without your water breaking all over the carpet.

All I want is just one day a year when I'm not visually assaulted by uglies and fatties.

Glee Club. Every time I try to destroy that clutch of scab-eating mouth-breathers it only comes back stronger like some sexually ambiguous horror movie villain. Here I am, about to turn 30, and I've sacrificed *everything* only to be shanghaied by the bi-curious machinations of a cabal of doughy, misshapen teens

Listen you little psycho. This is Will’s wife and if I don’t get enough sleep my anti-depressants won’t work and then I’ll go crazy and I’ll kill you. Stop calling! ***

You might wonder what Josh Groban is doing talking to you. You see, throngs of screaming teenagers don't do it for Josh Groban. No. Josh Groban loves a blousy alcoholic.--Josh Groban

Puck:Dude, your mouth is huge. How many tennis balls can you fit in there?
I don’t know. I’ve never had any balls in my mouth. Have you?

Will: ''I will destroy you''
Sue: ''I am about to vomit down your back.''

Kurt: Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?
Cheerleader: Your sexuality?

Finn: I want to do glee. I'm really happy when I perform.
Quinn: People think you're gay now, Finn. And you know what that makes me? Your big, gay beard!

Ken Tanaka: Who's Josh Groban?
Sandy Ryerson: Who is Josh Groban? Kill Yourself! He is an angel sent from heaven to deliver Platinum Records unto us. And if he were here right now I'd club you to death with his Critics' Choice Award.
