"Why do I keep doing that? I haven't even seen !"-Grace Park after she called Daniel Dae Kim Jin instead of Chin twice in a scene.

"I think I'd be a good pimp cuz I'd never beat my ho's." -Scott Caan

Alex just called our team the new Power Rangers. Made me smile.--Daniel Dae Kim


"There are a LOT of Asians in this scene..."--Scott Caan

Scott Caan Quote of the Day:
Fan: "I love ."
Scott: "Is something wrong with you?"
(from DDK on Twitter)


Danny: We had the Yankees. You and your old man had deep sea demolition classes or something.

Danny:You're like a devourer of dreams. You eat them. You're like a little Pac-Man in cargo pants.

McGarrett: Must you know every detail of my life?
Danny: Hey, this is the CIA you are dealing with here, okay. They wrote the book on advanced interrogation techniques, which I am absolutely positive you have sitting on your bedside table right now.

Rachel: I assume you've heard the term passive-aggressive.
Danny: I wasn't being passive-aggressive.
Rachel: No, you were being aggressive-aggressive.

Danny: It's nothing. I've got it. I'm gonna take care of it.
McGarrett: Okay, I know what nothing means, so...
Danny: Nothing means, nothing, Stephen. I'm fine.
McGarrett: Don't go anywhere I'm gonna be there soon.

Danny: I am stretching because my back hurts. You know why my back hurts?
McGarrett: No. Why does your back hurt?
Danny: Because I spent the morning pushing a car down the highway.
McGarrett: Oh, where I come from that's called good exercise.
Danny: Oh really? Where's that, Krypton? Where I come from it's called a workers comp settlement.

McGarrett: What about our John Doe?
Danny: You mean Jack?
McGarrett: You got an I.D.?
Danny: No...His head was in a box. Jack...
Chin: That just ain't right, bro.
Danny: Too soon?

Danny: I have a number of a therapist I wanna give you. Walk up steps like a human.

Danny: Can I ask you a question? Why are you always driving my car?
McGarrett: I like to drive.
Danny: No. Rainman liked to drive. You have control issues.

Danny: His idea of communication is dropping a witty one-liner and shooting you in the face.

Danny: It's okay? I know that you are trained to endure torture, but this is unbearable, okay? This is- This is not right. Songs this bad make people want to kill other people. Understand?
McGarrett: I think it's catchy.

Danny: Oh! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell are you doing?
McGarrett: Probable cause. We were just doing a thing. I thought...
Danny: I meant we could get a key from the manager, you Neanderthal animal.

Danny: I just had a thought.
McGarrett: Don't hurt yourself.

Danny: I've been calling you like you owe me money.

Danny: You have got to do a better job of picking your friends.
McGarrett: What are you talking about? I picked you.

McGarrett: Do you realize how much of your life revolves around food?
Danny: Do you realize how much of your life revolves around armed conflict?

McGarrett: I came to ask you questions
Danny: Oh yeah, well if it's about the prom, I already have a date.

Steve: Just for the record, if I pulled something like this, you'd be reading me the riot act about proper police procedure.
Danny: No, I'd probably just arrest you.
Steve: Compared to this, hanging a guy off a roof or throwing a guy in a shark cage is pretty tame.
Danny: No, I disagree, I think the shark cage was way worse than this.
Steve: Whatever. You're wrong. I'm just saying to be clear, next time I get a free pass.

Danny: Okay... Let's say I am you, and you are the bad guy here. I would know that all the ways onto the ship are visable somehow. So, how would you outsmart yourself and get yourself onto that ship without yourself seeing yourself?
Steve: okay, was that an actual question, or were you just throwing words together and hoping they made sense?

Steve: When I say "book em' Dan-o" it's a term of endearment.
Danny: Ok, do it every day... I like it.

Steve: You don't think I am a happy person?
Danny: I am sure you have your moments, like when Guns and Ammo puts out its gift guide, or a Rambo retrospective comes on TV.

Danny: I don't know I was still playing Ms. Pac-man
Steve: Ever made it to double pretzel?
Danny: Triple Banana bitch.
Steve: You're lying.

Danny: I love pancakes in the afternoon.
Steve: I like pancakes.
Danny: You do? You seem more like napalm in the morning kind of guy.

Danny: First you have to seek to understand before you can be enlightened.
Steve: I will literally pay you cash to stop talking.

Danny: Why do you have aneurism face?
Steve: I don't have aneurism face.

Steve: What happen to you?
Danny: I tore my ACL, from all the fun we have been having the last few weeks.
Steve: Well, once you're done bitching about your boo-boo, I would love to know what's going on here.

Steve: Let me ask you something. How far deep did you have to dig? I mean, how much of your soul did you just lose by actually appreciating me?
Danny: Ah. (thinks about it a moment) Measuring.
Steve: Right. Maybe you're not as alone here as you think, Dan-o.

Danny: Okay. All right. What's that look?
Steve: What look?
Danny: The look. The look you give me when you don't tell me what you're thinking and the next thing I know I'm getting shot at.

Steve: Book em' Danno
Danny: Really? Is that gonna be a thing now?
Steve: You don't like it?
Danny: Don't like it.
Steve: I think it's catchy.

Danny: If a suspect dies, he loses the ability to speak. Ergo, he is useless to us.
Steve: Ergo?

Steve: This is densely layered ballistic glass, laminated onto a shield of resilient polycarbonate.
Danny: Why can't you just say "bulletproof."

Steve: I am sincerely sorry, that is what I was trying to tell you, last year, when this conversation started.
Danny: Your apology is noted, acceptance is pending.

Danny: Let's just not talk.
Steve: You mean now? Or ever?

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.
