Tales of the Jedi
(witty moments for a handsome Jedi Possum)

That performance should have a warning in neon lights: WILL CAUSE HANDS FREE EXPLOSION!!


"Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes?"

"You can be my alibi when I kidnap that delicious John Barrowman"

"You're talking to the king of geekness here..."

"Think it'd take an elephant tranquilliser to do me any good!"

"People are so weird! They'll sue over anything nowadays. "Oh look, I just crapped in my shorts, I'm suing Fruit of the Loom!"

"I swear if you stuck us both in a sack and shook it, I don't know which one would fall out first."

"It's gone down faster than Trixie on a trick."
-talking about BtVS

"I've seen every Charlie Chan movie ever made, I know a clue when I see one."
-more on the sham marriage...

"Two great gay tastes that taste great together!"
-talking about Wonder Woman and ABBA

"Yeah, about all you can do with candy corn is imagine that it's nipples."
(boy, Halloween must be fun at his house *L*)

"Yeah I can just hear those immortal words uttered at *that* wedding: "Mr. ___, you may now kiss the beard."
(but he's not bitter)

"Someone call Jessica Fletcher to investigate, cos that's so wrong!"
on marrying a woman who looks like an eighteen year old boy...

"I'm no angel, though I play one on TV."

"The thing that irks me with straight folks is how they kind of lord things over yours head. Know what I mean? Ooo! We're getting married! Ooo! We've got kids! Ooo! Pardon me for gagging!"

"Yes, I'm pretty good at getting it in on the first try. I especially like to watch it twirl around the rim."
 talking about basketball, in theory...

"I thought at the time: *100 mg -- I'm gonna fly off the bed next time!*"

"You got a geek moment from Headcold!Chad tonight."
(sounds sexier than it was)

"I'd love to know why printer ribbons are so expensive! What do they do, hand squish it out of an octopus's backside?!"

"This is a lightsaber, this is your head on the ground. Any questions?"

"Yeah...whew! (passes the Goddess a ciggy)."

"My fingers are licked clean, so I'm ready to roll!"

"Quite frankly, colds suck!"

"Yes, I'm evil... I might as well milk it."
-uncharacteristically, to his friend Gerald about someone who got up his nose (did that make sense?!)

"When you've gotta unload, you've gotta unload..."
-memorable moment from Grandmother...

"Chad's silly."
- Chad's niece Jazzy

Kristen: What kind of dancing is that?!
Chad: Straight boy dancing.
(talking about the strippers on Charmed)
