My world, welcome to it!

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.
The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things
 and make them unimportant. "
--The Eleventh Doctor

 LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could die tomorrow; we all could. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

 "Oh, look at you lot. You're all so vacant.
Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing."
-- Sherlock Holmes

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

"I'm being extremely clever up here and
there's no one to stand around looking impressed!
What's the point in having you all?"
-The Eleventh Doctor

DEREK AKA JENNY TALIA: You brought the house down! I have to tell you, I honestly wasn't sure whether I could like you when I met you. (Yeah, you, crazy kid with the rainbow scarf at Startek). I watched you integrate yourself into my community, and then become integral to it, and then make it your own. You have become someone that I can trust with anything, and I value the relationship we have. Stay as proud as you are now. And dammit, get your ass over here soon--this porn isn't going to watch itself!

ANDY SMOKES/BRIAN: You big crybaby! You have a lot of weight on your shoulders right now, and are handling it like a true gentleman. I'm glad we are friends!
ALURA: Are you really coming back? Not that we need more skinny girls, but you know, we like you well enough, I guess...Wherever you wind up, be amazing!
AURORA: Great to have met you, and I hope you had a great time this weekend!
CHAD: Look at you go! That was a brilliant number and I just want to tell you that I love that guy that you are on stage. He totally deserves more time than you give him. Also, I saw that guy you hooked up with--you did know those weren't his real teeth, right? Be yourself, Chugar, and trust people to like you without the snark.
CHEYENNE: Hope you made out like a bandit tonight. What a brilliant outfit, and then working so hard too! Peter Burke would be very proud of you! (Neal would probably try to con you out of your tips!) Can't wait to indulge in a little more bromance-telly with you soon!
CHINA: Remember, Lassie, Danno Loves You! Thanks for being the sober scrutineer with the heart of a bacon sarnie and the handwriting of a serial killer. Cheers!
JASON&WHITNEY:Dudes, I wish you could have been here. Besides which, I could not ask for two better friends! I love you guys (yeah, it sounded like Cartman in my head too!)
KERRY: There will never be a time that you will not be my/the best Emperor! Thanks for always having my back! And of course, now the whole bar knows what has yours...."Let's begin with the riding crop." More madge coffees, please!! xo
KIM: GAWD, what were we thinking? It's been a long time since I've prepped a brunch with you! Now pay attention! We cannot actually get you a live in bubble, so you need to take care of yourself!
KORINNE: I miss you, I miss Blacked-out Korinne, I miss Japanese Tourist Korinne, I miss Fifth-and-Cameron Korinne! I want my whole set of Tranny Action figures back! Seriously, though, do whatever you need to in order to be happy!
KRICKET:Thanks for always looking out for me, and know you are a terrific friend. Oh, wait, this is for Jenny's program, isn't it? Lucky she had you or the decorations wouldn't have been what they were. Way to take the lead! And I want you to always remember this one thing: There's an app for that!
LITA: Great to meet you and thanks for being here for Jenny!
MIRANDA AND JAMES: Wish you could have been here tonight; it was great fun, and frankly, way better than the Owl show!
MITCHELL: Should I just tell you how nice you looked on Friday and get the JennyRage over with? This weekend was smooth like buttah, in no small part because of you. Couple of things I should mention--Scooter and Ruby already asked for jello shooters, and I've ordered you a burger if you show up drunk at three in the morning! My porn viewing wouldn't be the same without you! Next year, let's just go to Iceswisseden! Also, that Sasktel ad? He's the Big Bad Wolf, and the cutout is a pig. Just so you know...
MONIQUE:You did an excellent job tonight, and while Jenny was amazing, your year was a force to be reckoned with. Happy anniversary! Good luck with the future crowns, thanks for helping Kim and most of all Bless you for the ride home!
RENE: Well, you didn't manage to sell me on candle wax or leather, but I'll never watch Sesame Street the same way again! I see what Kerry sees in you, and it was a delight and an honour to meet you and somehow not terrify you *L* We'll have to do a Buffy marathon sometime!
SHANE: It was brilliant to see you this weekend, and you just let me know when/if there's anything I can do. PS You're totally awesome, you big geek, why do you keep forgetting that? Love you!
You hosted the fuck outta this show! Thanks for making me laff, and sorry I didn't do more for your cause with the Court. Keep doing what you do so well!
THOMAS&MARTIN: I know you have so much on your plate right now, but you have to know that we all miss the fuck out of you guys, and wish we could see more of you! Hope the house and all your plans are better than you ever dreamed--you guys deserve it!!
TRIXIE: Oh, God, I've missed the fuck outta you! Those were some child bearing hips you shared with us this weekend, I have to say! Call me if you need a hand with that campout/gunmoll/dragshow you've got planned for Moose Jaw, or if you just have some Sangrias that need drinking! And for the last time, there is no fucking pizza and offsale at my house!
TYRA: And with a 6.0 from the Russian judge, the gold medal for gymnastics goes to Tyra! Way to show those skinny bitches a thing or two *L*
VICTORIA: I really hope this goes somewhere and you don't turn out to be just another twink with a certificate in haircutting and some cute tatoos. You could be great! Good luck and god bless.
What can be said that hasn't already been said! I hope the music in your soul plays for a thousand years! Also, I don't want to see your panties anymore, please.

"His idea of communication is dropping a witty one-liner
 and shooting you in the face."
-Danny Williams, Hawaii Five-0

JOELLE: You are an awesome friend--Benedict's lucky to have us! KLU: Thank you for, well, you know, DO DO DO DO DO DO DO STEVE! ANN: So jealous! CHAD: I miss us and we will get a chance to watch Doctor Who together someday! NEAL: Are you in Winnipeg? You could have been here mocking with me! BERNIE: double decade! Hope you're okay! LAURIE: Just random hugs, you know how it goes!

MICK and JAX: They are at peace and leave everyone who knew them with an emptiness unfillable.

"Oh, so you meant spectacularly ignorant in a nice way."
-- Sherlock

GLCR-Managers come and go but the GLCR is forever! Integration is terrifying, but I believe that this organization can adapt with the best of them, and will always be a home to those who need it.  To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. I tried to get back in, but it's definitely no longer home for me, although I still like to holiday there once in a while. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how important they are, and how much their hard work is appreciated! Every little bit helps! Bruce, Daniel, in many ways you have been the backbone of this organization, coming on board only a few years after Bernie, Sean and I started it, and I hope that you will always be mentors as the new members  take their turn to shine as "lifers" too. (But you'll never hear me call you mom and dad!) 

Craig: Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?

    The Doctor: They never really stop.
-Doctor Who

HUGS: Steve, Danny, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS : Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; List sibs, LJ friends and online fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you....

  Danny: First you have to seek to understand before you can be enlightened.
Steve: I will literally pay you cash to stop talking.

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I didn't have a melon or two to murder! At any rate, I'll add names if I feel like it, or if you email me.
Oh, and don't forget:
In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and ALWAYS made by Ianto Jones). The smoking section is ALWAYS open. Fox Mulder is ALWAYS just as close as my dvd player, Slow Motion Walter is ALWAYS more than  just a blues song,  and the Gunmen ALWAYS visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears ALWAYS frolic in my living room. Blair Sandburg is ALWAYS the bottom, Steve is ALWAYS going to be a super-ninja robot SEAL and Danno with ALWAYS love him, John Watson is ALWAYS a BAMF and Sherlock is ALWAYS a high-functioning sociopath (do your research). Benedict is ALWAYS the best at everything, there is ALWAYS a next Sunday, and finally,
the Blanches are ALWAYS shaken, never stirred.

John: "That...was amazing."
Sherlock: "Do you think so?"
John: "Of course it was, it was extraordinary. It was quite extraordinary."
Sherlock: "That's not what people normally say."
John: "What do people normally say?"
Sherlock: "Piss off." 


 Copyright 2011 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.