“I love to write. I love it. I mean there's nothin in the world I like better, and that includes sex, probably because I'm so very bad at it. "

Q: Not that anybody who’s a Buffy fan should be that shocked that you did this at this point, but Joss, you killed Giles.
JOSS: Yeah, I did. I did. I have several reasons for that, some of which I can’t reveal because ripples from that event are going to be a part of both [the Buffy "Season 9" comic and the new Angel comic]. Part of it was really just feeling that Giles’ place in the comic book did not sit the way it did in the show. To have this paternal, expositional guy there — it wasn’t really something that played in the comics the way it did when Tony Head [i.e. actor Anthony Stewart Head] does it. I wanted to make all this matter and have something that would send emotional ripples through all the characters. Also, I’m a prick. But I did tell Tony it was going to happen before it did. At first he said, “Oooh,” a little worried. Then I said, “Angel’s gonna kill you.” He said, all excited, “Oooh! That’s great!”

Excerpt from a wee EW interview:

"Balderdash" is so '07. Let it go.

"Have you ever killed anyone by accident?"
"If by accident you mean they were suddenly leaving or not available for sequels, then yes,"
-San Diego Comicon, 2008

"It was Nicholas Brendon, The man is a chameleon."
confirming that the blond extra in act III of "Dr. Horrible" was not, in fact, Sarah Michelle Gellar
-San Diego Comicon, 2008

"You're right, they didn't react as much as they should have. Thanks for pointing out my flaws. Luckily there aren't people everywhere."
-on Jesse's friend's reaction to his death in BtVS, -San Diego Comicon, 2008

In my world, heroes bugger each other senseless. Not all of them, but more than you'd think, and probably not who you're thinking. But seriously, Anybody here care to tell Apollo and the Midnighter how a hero should behave? To their faces?

 You know, um, I just wanna say Angel and Spike, they were hanging out, uh, for years and years and years, they were in, you know, all kinds of deviant, they were vampires... Are we thinking they never...? Come on, people. I'm just sayin'. I'm just sayin'. You know, they're open-minded guys. They may be evil but, you know, they're not bigoted or closed-minded. No, the handholding was, was a deliberate kind of over the top "look how together they are" and yes, inevitably it causes some people to think...

After throwing different actresses up against David (sometimes literally) it was gratifying to find someone who brought out passion in David's performance that I'd never seen. (on James Marsters)

What may or may not have happened is entirely up to the viewer, that's what makes it art. Having said that, I know EXACTLY what happened and it's funny that I'm never going to tell anyone. But did no one see the obvious smoldering passion between the Blue Hand guys? MAN, did you guys miss the boat.

"She's saving the world in a tiara, people; this is why there's a me!”
 on his work-in-progress Wonder Woman movie script.

She's a goddess (not a cool one, not like of the Forest or the Night or anything; I think she's the Goddess of Making a Right Turn on a Red Light, but still, that's useful).
on Jo Chen

Comics don't question my authority. On the minus side, they suck at improv.
on comics vs. live actors

"We had a theme, and that was shiny floors."
on werewolf sex

 I never would have killed Wesley if we hadn't been cancelled.

Always be yourself... unless you suck.

I also don't trust Caribou anymore. They're out there, on the tundra, waiting... Something's going down. I'm right about this.

I don't want the giant ego. I don't want to become Kevin Costner, singing on the soundtrack to The Postman.

I love to write. I love it. I mean there's nothin in the world I like better, and that includes sex, probably because I'm so very bad at it.

Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there.

The two things that matter the most to me: emotional resonance and rocket launchers. Party of Five, a brilliant show, and often made me cry uncontrollably, suffered ultimately from a lack of rocket launchers.

"I'm very much of the 'make it dark, make it grim, make it tough,' but then, for the love of God, tell a joke."

"My visions of the future are always pretty much standard issue. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and there are flying cars."

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."

"Quiet on the set... unless yer poultry."

"Every day's a negotiation and sometimes it's done with guns."

"If I had created reality television I would have had a much greater influence, but then I would have had to KILL MYSELF."

"I set out in television with one simple goal: to purchase a russian bride. Didn’t work out. Immigration stuff -- it’s complicated."

"I truly believe that in years to come, people will look back and say, 'That was a show that was on TV.' Yessir. I truly do."

"Well you know vampires aren't real: I have that to fall back on. If vampires couldn't have erections, our show (Buffy) would have been 12 episodes long."

"We're easing back on the goats. There've been complaints."

"Cardigans, cardigans, cardigans."

"I don't watch pornography. I just write it."

"I do see an end in sight... it's called a massive coronary."

"Praise. You get lots of praise. Eventually you begin to think, 'I INVENTED TELEVISION!' and 'Why doesn't my wife think I'm cooler?"
