Mr. Furious: Lance Hunt is Captain Amazing.
Blue Raja: Oh, here we go.
Shoveler: Oh, don't start that again! Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.
Shoveler: That doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't be able to see!

Mr. Furious: Maybe if you didn't smack me in the face with a shovel every time we went out, we'd have a few more victories to brag about.
Shoveler: All right now, I'm sorry about that. I just have a tendency to lose my concentration when I've got a salad fork stuck in my rear end.

"We've got a blind date with destiny! And it looks like she's ordered the lobster."
-the Shoveller

"Well, I am a ticking time bomb of fury."
-Roy (Ben Stiller)

"We struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering."
-The Shoveler

The Blue Raja: May the forks be with us.

"I knew I should have brought my large pie-server."
The Blue Raja

"Hey, Dad, I'm going to my room with three strange men."
Invisible Boy

"See, that's why, in general, a mad scientist is less desirable than a garden-variety scientist."
The Bowler

The Sphinx: You must be like wolf pack, not six-pack.

The Blue Raja: I'm a superhero, Mother. An effete British superhero. Your boy's a Limey forkflinger, Mother! What WILL the bridge club say?

The Shoveller: God's given me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.
