"Buried alive. The always emphasize the buried, they forget the alive."
-Bob Oblong

"Oo, I'm in flavour country!"

"Bob Oblong, you ARE sex! I'm gonna go upstairs and start plugging things in!"

"Well the old woman is white and carrying a bible, we'd better do as she says."

"I'm too blond to die!"

Well I do have a pen and a prescription pad. And there is no problem I’m not willing to throw a pill at.
– The Doctor

Helga: Don't shoot or I'll kiss him again!
Milo Oblong: She's not bluffing! She'll do it! Her lips are like shark skin!

Milo Oblong: What are you doing?
Pickles Oblong: Burying beer. Aw, crud. That means I drank gopher poison.

Peggy: I can't wait to get back to school and resume learning!
Helga: I can't wait till you drown in your saliva.
Susie: Drowning is my third favorite way to die. But, they are all good.

Bob: Son, you know you're forbidden to handle anything sharper than a boiled egg!

Pristine: Pickles, love your hair, where'd you buy it?
Pickles: Off some whore, I think it was your mother.
Pristine: Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I wouldn't want to expose my daughter and her little friends to a drunken ho bag. Oops! Did I say that out loud?
