Other people, other thoughts

"You know the party's over when Trixie's hanging from the green rock."
-Trixie Pan Am

Just because this is a  program ad, that doesn't mean that I can only congratulate the people doing the actual stepping-down thing. Because I am a pushy bitch, I can take this time to indulge my love of my own voice, and say a kind, or not so kind word to many of the people who made this year and last year what it was.  If you don't see your name here, don't take it personally.  Frankly, I don't have the time or the energy to hate y'all as much as you think I do-thanks anyway.  Of course, I might just be overtired, in which case, buy me a southern, and get a mention!  Just remember, there's an infinite amount of love in the world-enough for me, enough for you, and enough for them.

ALSO STARRING(in no particular order):Jae,  I would do almost anything to have you back in my life-try as I might, I just can't replace you with X-Files; I miss our couch time, I miss cheesecake and headcolds, I miss drinking, dancing and that little black car, I miss that Monday morning wake up... 'Nuff said.  Shane(Ditto, Etcha, Ed, Estee, Pinky, Blue), did you really have the slogan "Gotta catch 'em all" before Nintendo? Love ya, girl, but you're no Skinner, and I'll never grow a moustache for ya, even if it seems like it somedays...Just know you've been a great source of real life for me-kinda like one of those service station maps-helpful, but a bitch to fold the right way! Anne/Uncle Bad Touch--and the award for best use of chicken in a dramatic series goes to...you're the best, baby, I love you so much! Amanda Fukwith-be good to him, or, as Scully would say, I'll hurt you like that beast woman!  Cherry (Reg): What can I say, you never cease to amaze me--you are an Empress-don't let anyone tell you different! Love ya, girl, now lets go find some radishes to pick!  Rae, Y'know what? Y'know what? Y'know what? Y'know what? You don't drink till you're full, you drink till you're tired! Jonathan, you're mad, I mean really mad. Put down the water bottle and back away slowly...let's get drunk sometime!  Sammy, too loo rye aye indeed-the crown is yours, just remember to love yourself a little too. It's all about sleeves and moustaches-stay away from the dark side, my young Padawin! And don't give up-all good things come to she who waits, and by good things, I mean sea monkeys... Kim, you are so cool-great performances, we'll make a drag queen outta ya yet! Andrea: What else is there to say, besides "Fuck her for being so young and promising!" and "Let's get you naked!" Fedorchuk, thanks for the tolerance, and a new appreciation for music.  Remember, shoulders back, not up!  I love you, Betty--VALHALLOWWW!! Whitney--you are so smart, and so pretty, and we all love you--Shane wasn't kidding, you do get to keep the friends... All the twinks-You are all so sweet and I love each and every one of you...now what were your names again? Ethan, Josh, Michael, Dion, Pascal, etc.--yeah, okay, cry for me. Krista-remember, it's all part of the master plan!  Trish, your hair is fabulous and your speech patterns are sexy--now shut up, cos I'm the Baby Jesus! Cameron, keep it out of the head voice! Jeff B.-you rock my world, in that good way-I'd love to hear you singing about porn queens...PTCS, the best group in the city, you deserve way more recognition, not to mention money!! Ryan, aka China White, what's that, Lassie? Timmy fell down the well?! Is my c**t showing? Crystal-if you ever need any help, you know who to call. I respect you.  Joe, I love you!! You can be my stunt double anytime--just aks!! And on the twelfth day of Kwaanza...Bob aka Shelly--I have to get my ICQ back, I miss our chats--where's my Byers/Jimmy sex scene, hmmm? Fred, I miss you, but as long as you're happy... Sean, take good care of him!  Clint, I don't see enough of you. Kerry, always my emperor! I love you!! Neal, I miss my pretty blue bun-bun head, send dresses to make up for it! Carla, I miss you, my tits miss you, we could have been Stardust...!   Bernie, it's getting better all the time. Brent, your pissboy duties will always exist-can't wait til you're home. Derrick, any couch, any time, I still love you.

Like I already said, if I missed ya, sorry...maybe...

"I don't want to do this without you.  I don't even know if I can.  And if I quit now, they win..."