" We could go back to Dallas in November 1963, stand on the grassy knoll, and shout 'Duck!' "
- Kryten, Timeslides

"This sounds like a 12 change of underwear trip."
- Cat, Terrorform

"Love is what seperates us from animals."
"No, Lister. What seperates us from animals is that we don't use our tongues to clean our own genitals."
- Lister & Rimmer

"As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless, uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

"What's he thinking of, warping that close to another vessel. DAMN SPACE HOG!"

"Hey, this is mine. That's mine. all this is mine. I'm claiming all this as mine. Except that bit. I don't want that bit. But all the rest of this is mine. Hey, this has been a good day. I've eaten five times, I've slept six times, and I've made a lot of things mine. Tomorrow, I'm gonna see if I can't have sex with something. Ooooooooow, yeaaaaaaaaah...."

"How's life in hippie heaven, you pregnant baboon bellied space cookie? What's the plan for the day then? Slobbing in the morning, followed by slobbing in the afternoon, then a bit of a snooze before the main evening's slob? God, you're a disgrace to the species."

"I thought it was going to be a good skive and all that, you know? Bit I took one look at the time table and checked out, man. I mean, it was ridiculous. They had, they had lectures at, like first thing, in the afternoon. We're talking half-past twelve everyday. Who's together by then? You can still taste the toothpaste."

"The world loves a bastard."

"Hey, it's not a good night unless you get a traffic cone."

"It's hideous! That's the best design they could come up with? Are you seriously telling me there were choices, and someone said, "ah, there, that's it. That's the shape we're looking for; the last-chicken-in-the-shop look"? Shakespeare had one? Einstein? Perry Como sang Memories Are Made Of These with one of those stashed in his slacks?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a disgusting, pus-filled bubo who has all the wit, charm and self-possession of an Alsatian dog after a head-swap operation?"

"Listen, you bunch of tarts, it's clobbering time! There's a body bag out there with that scudball's name on it, and I'm doing up the zip. anyone who gets in my way gets a napalm enema!"

"Where did it all go wrong...? My life started so promisingly. Rich parents; good school; pony named Trumper. How did I end up like this? On a ship where the fourth most popular pastime is going down to the laundry room and watching my knickers spin dry..."

"She tried to impress me by downing six pints, then belching the whole of Yankee-doodle-dandy."
-Lister, Red Dwarf

"It's impossible, it's like searching for a fart in a jacuzzi."
-Lister, Red Dwarf

"Now I see why dog's lick their testicles"
-Lister, Red Dwarf
