Well, no complaints for taking up valuable time and
energy on the first one, so here comes the next

LITTLE GREEN MEN: Matheson and the Brandenberg Concerto-obviously a little more going on here than
meets the eye. (From Tesa: The entire scene with Mulder, Skinner and Cancerman in Skinner's office just reeks of slash betwixt Skinner and Mulder. Skinner protects Mulder from CSM, and aligns himself, literally and figuratively, behind Mulder, letting us really know for the first time that Skinner really is for Mulder (in more ways than one).
THE HOST: All about his relationship with Skinner-from "Skinner requested me?" to "I hear you really endeared
yourself to A.D. Skinner today." Very naughty boy stuff! Great fey quote, "it just gets hard to smile when they
ask you to bend over and grab your ankles."
BLOOD: How about that gratuitous whining about having to play right field--do the words 'you throw like a girl, Fox,'
mean anything to you?. And Celebrity Skin is a suspiciously gender neutral name for a porno mag...which celebs, Fox?
SLEEPLESS: Hello-o-o, Alex! The man who won't be "ditched like some bad date" Every time they look at each
other you can cut the UST * with a knife! And it seems even CSM is hot for our boy Fox, too.
DUANE BARRY: The red speedos, and Alex looking just a little too long.
ASCENSION: Alex is conflicted about harming Fox, and Skinner is protective of him. "See that he gets home
3: Sure, she shaved him, sure they kissed, but did anyone else noticed that he slept in a chair, fully clothed? As he says in the bar, "normal is not what I feel..." We understand, the way, nice necklace.
ONE BREATH:Personal note, I love this episode! Skinner's visit to the office is the high point. "I'm
afraid to look beyond that experience. You. You are not. You're resignation is unacceptable."You can almost
hear the rest of that sentence:" kiss me, you fool!"
FIREWALKER: Nothing much to speak of...
RED MUSEUM: "The same material my Deep Throat contact died for."--not the Deep Throat, but my Deep Throat...hmmm
EXCELSIUS DEI: I wonder just what's on those 'tapes that aren't his'. Odd how Mulder keeps looking at the naked old man
and smiling, and then when Scully asks what he thinks, he's still thinking about the naked old man...
AUBREY: Mulder's response to Scully's "a woman senses these things..." is so fey! "Aw, pshaw" indeed!
IRRESISTIBLE:Nothing in particular
FRESH BONES: Nothing really, since Chester's just ten years old. A little gratuitous MT with the knife in the ground thing in the graveyard, but that's a whole different list, right?
COLONY:Love this ep, for the background on Mulder and his family-you can see why he's the narcissistic, self-righteous overachiever that he is, and why he's looking for a daddy!
END GAME: Two alpha males duke it out in an elevator-unofficial channels indeed! Personal note: this ep was my Walter
epiphany-loosened tie, no glasses, a little roughed up-mmm...
FEARFUL SYMMETRY: Mulder has a little moment with Frohike "...the camera loves you..."
DOD KALM: You just know when he does age, he'll have work done, like Cher :) He backpedals super fast on his comment about Scully's legs, and gets seasick.
HUMBUG:The GQ pose he strikes at the end of the ep. And this memorable exchange between him and Mr. Nutt, "You'd be surprised how many women find my short stature alluring." Mulder replies, "You'd be surprised how many men do too."
Real subtle, Fox...
THE CALUSARI: je ne sais pas.
F. EMASCULATA: Some sweet interplay between Fox and Walter during a stressful time at work. Sometimes it's hard to maintain a balance...
OUR TOWN: Chicken!
ANASAZI: Love this ep too!"Why did you attack A.D.Skinner?" "I honestly can't say." He almost told her there, I swear he did. It's all about the headlock! And the angst, for those of us who get off on that sort of thing-did I mention Alex panting again, which he seems to do alot of!

*Unrequited Sexual Tension

Season 3, anyone?