UNUSUAL SUSPECTS: Naked Mulder, yay! He calls Frohike handsome without missing a beat. Hmmm...
REDUX: Skinner is being awfully protective of information about "his boy"
REDUX II: It's all about Mulder defending Skinner, and Skinner not being able to keep his eyes off of
Mulder's crotch at the end of the episode!
DETOUR:This is the ep where Mulder declares "Go girl!", identifies with Betty Rubble, and doesn't want
to wrestle with a girl.
CHRISTMAS CAROL:not so much-it's a Scully thang!*L*
POST-MODERN PROMETHEUS: I'd have to say the slashiest thing in here is the way Mulder moves through the
house to the tune of Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves *L*It's still a classic ep, tho!
EMILY:the other Scully ep, although Mulder is along for the ride in this one, being super empathetic to
Scully's needs as a woman...
KITSUNEGARI:Do you think Modell had a crush on Mulder? You can just imagine how "Go fetch her some water!"
went over when the boys got home for the night...The ending was perfect-all that was missing was the kiss, I swear!
SCHIZOGENY:Showing off to Scully, while proving nothing more than how not butch he is-suspect some
identifying with teen victims of abuse-not so much slashy, just interesting
CHINGA: Wow, honey, get a life-great ep for NOT showing all the things Mulder could be doing while Scully's away-things like Krycek, Skinner, etc.
KILL SWITCH: Dreaming of being surrounded by beautiful girls, yet armless, so incapable of touching them-then
they turn out to be dangerous-Fox, your freudian slip is showing! Again, it's all about the restraints, and those funky metal eye-openers!
BAD BLOOD: one of my faves! The indignant "I did not!" after the Shaft theme, the UST with the sheriff himself, and the "stop that, just stop!" and "I was drugged!" speak to a relationship beyond the office to me.
PATIENT X:Mulder actually gets a little butcher when he's playing the skeptic-not much, but a little.
THE RED AND THE BLACK:it's the KRYCEK KISS! No subtext here, it's all in your face! Followed by Mulder
saying:"The inextricable relationships in our lives that are neither accidental, nor somehow within our control, either."  Hmmm...
TRAVELLERS: Smoking and wearing a wedding ring? We don't buy it, honey. Oh, and look, here's Fox, looking for yet
another daddy-Hi Arthur Dales.
MIND'S EYE:nothing much, just understated Mulder empathy.
ALL SOULS: more Mulder the Skeptic.
PINE BLUFF VARIANT: Lot's 'o' moments here, from the sweatpants (mmm) to "If you touch me again you better
kill me!" But best line, is without a doubt "If I'm not home by midnight, feed my fish."  Walter is trying so hard not to lose it, and it shows.  Also love this exchange between Scully and the motel clerk: "Are you the wife?" "not even close!"
FOLIE A DEUX: It's all about trying to save your boss' life as he holds you in a killer headlock, demanding "That's enough, Mulder!" And again with the restraints-yay!Slashiest quote: Mulder to Skinner: "Monsters? I'm your boy."
THE END: You've got a dirty mind indeed! And who did Diana think she was kidding? All she did was make Mulder uncomfortable! And I think Jeffrey had a bit of a crush on Walter...

There was a movie in here, somewhere, but
it wasn't all that slashy, except of course that Walter
loves Fox and Fox loves Walter...
Carry on.