“Talk to you later, Michael,” he finishes as casually as he can, considering that he and Michael have just jointly invented espresso-powered eye sex.
from You Keep Me High by toomuchplor  

Lex: Do you think I'd look better with hair?
    Lana: Um, I don't know. I've never thought about it.
    Lex: Oh, I have. I've thought about a lot of things... Clark has really nice hair.
    Lana: Yeah. Yeah, I guess he does.
    Lex: Does he know?
    Lana: That he has nice hair?

    Clark: Lex, do you ever miss not having a sibling?
    Lex: I used to... until I met you, Clark. You're closer to me than any... blood brother.

Lex: Trust me. Eccentric bald kids sit pretty low on the prep school totem pole.

    Clark: Dad, Lex is just trying to do the right thing.
    Jonathan: I know he is, Clark. I know he didn't try to buy me off, he's just trying to repay me for damages that he thinks he caused. You're right, I got no real reason to doubt him. It's just something in my gut tells me I should.
    Clark: Lex isn't perfect, Dad. I know that. But slamming the door in his face over and over only helps turn him into exactly what you think he already is.

    Clark: I just came by to see if you were all right. I heard you had some trouble in Metropolis.
    Lex: News travels fast.
    Clark: Curse of a small town. So what happened?
    Lex: I decided to play cowboy and got my spurs handed to me. To be honest, I don't know why I'm not dead.
    Clark: There must be someone watching over you.
    Lex: In more ways than one.

Clark: Not when it can get your friend killed. Lex, your father threw you into a mental institution and fried your brain. If you found that out all over again, I thought he might kill you, and I couldn't live with that.

    Clark: Is it true, Lex?
    Lex: You know, after you've been M.I.A. for weeks, I don't think a hello is too much to ask for.
    Clark: How long you been planning to run for state senate?
    Lex: Several months now, and if you're implying I should have told you, you might want to rethink the barrier you've drawn on this friendship.

    Lex: Every time I open my heart to someone, I end up getting hurt. If you ever betrayed me, I don't know what I'd do.

    Clark: Were we ever really friends, Lex?
    Lex: I don't know. I have nothing to compare it to. You're the only real friend I've ever had, Clark. And somewhere along the way, you saw me as your nemesis, turned your back on me.

    Clark: That was her choice. I had nothing to do with it.
    Lex: You never do. That's all right. You see, I understand the allure of trying to unravel the mystery of Clark Kent. I suffered from it once too. When I thought you mattered.

    Lex: Looks like you're working out some issues there.
    Clark: Just doing a little honest work, Lex. You should try it sometime.
    Lex: Why start now? My life's perfect.

    Bart: I want a lawyer.
    Lex: And I want a ponytail! Disappointment abounds.

    Lex: I thought I told you you're no longer a welcome guest at the mansion.
    Clark: Trust me, Lex, I don't want to be here either. But after what you've done...
    Lex: And exactly what did I do? Did I swat a fly with too much force?

    Lex: You've always had an eye for beauty. It's a Latin name, formositas falsus. "Beauty that belies a dark nature."
    Clark: So, even your plants have hidden agendas.
    Lex: Well, I guess it all comes down to survival of the fittest. Doesn't it?
    Clark: A strange vine has cropped up over the ridge at Lone Pine. It's attacking people.
    Lex: And naturally you came to my little shop of horrors to foil my ingenious plot to repopulate the planet with vegetation. Sorry, Clark. I'm all out of evil.

    Lois: Well, I wasn't going to give it to you, but the tights... you're totally pulling it off.
    Lex: You should see him in a tutu.
    Oliver Queen: Lex Luthor... with a girl that he doesn't have to inflate.

Lex: Happiness is just a feeling of euphoria. It's your brain chemistry going into overdrive. That's why so many relationships fail when the honeymoon ends and reality sets in.

Lex: Ever since that day on the bridge, you've always seen yourself as my savior; the one thing that would pull me off the dark path I'd started. See, that's why you cling to the idea that there's still some good in me. You don't want to face the fact that you might have failed.

    Clark: If you thought this friendship was so doomed from the beginning, then why did you fight so hard to keep it?
    Lex: Because I wanted everything you had; the family, the inconspicuous life, the loyal girlfriend. Well, at least I walked away with the part you love the most.

"I like to keep my mind open to extreme possibilities." - Lex Luthor

CLARK:"It's crazy."
CHLOE:"You passed crazy about four random clues ago."

LEX:"I'm starting to get a complex. It seems all the women I find even remotely appealing turn out to be psychopaths."

"Life's a journey, Clark; I don't wanna go through it following a roadmap." - Lex Luthor

Clark: "I didn't know you were such a history buff."
Lex: "I'm not; I'm just interested in people who ruled the world before they were thirty."

"Trust me, Clark. Our friendship is going to be the stuff of legend." - Lex Luthor

"Being friends with Lex Luthor can be complicated but it has it's advantages." - Clark Kent

"Sometimes the right person can be right in front of your eyes and you never even know it." - Lana Lang

"Some people are meant to be alone." - Lex Luthor

"You can waste your time playing it safe, or you can go for it. But at some point, Clark, you just know when something’s right." - Lex Luthor

"Lex learned to act on his passion, never hold anything back. I wonder if we’ll ever be able to do the same." - Lana Lang

"You think you know people, and you realize it's all just a facade." - Lex Luthor

"I was right about you all along, Clark. You're not even human." - Lex Luthor

"You're either with me or against me Clark. Choose right now." - Lex Luthor

Chloe: "Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why can't you just walk away?"
Lex: "Because he won't give me the only thing I've ever wanted from him."
Chloe: "And that would be?"
Lex: "I want him to love me."

"In the future, let's restrict our conversations to "hello" and "goodbye." - Clark Kent

"I know what you're doing. But you can't buy back my friendship." - Clark Kent

Lex: "There's a darkness in me that I can't always control. I'm starting to think that's my curse, why every relationship I have ends badly."
Clark: "We all have a dark side, Lex."
Lex: "Yeah. But I can feel mine creeping over the corners. Your friendship helps keep it at bay. It reminds me that there are truly good people in the world. I'm not willing to give up on that."

"Look, I'm willing to give this friendship another shot if you are." - Lex Luthor

Clark: "I felt like we were enemies."
Lex: "Don't give up on me yet."

"I thought you said that telescopes were for geeks and stalkers." - Clark Kent

"Is that what you think of me, Clark? I’m hurt. I thought we were friends." - Lex Luthor

"You lied to me for years, Clark. But now I know your secret." - Lex Luthor

"Whatever you are, whatever you are planning, I’m going to stop you" – Clark Kent

"Think about it, Clark. My intellect, your powers. Together we could rule this world. We’ll walk as gods among men." - Lex Luthor

"Every man has a weakness, Clark, no matter how superhuman he may be. I’ve embrace my destiny. Now embrace yours. We could forge a new future together." - Lex Luthor

"I’ll never join you." - Clark Kent

"I offer you a chance at greatness, and this is what you do with it." - Lex Luthor

"I want you to remember this day, Clark. I want you to remember that despite all your amazing powers, there was one man that beat you." - Lex Luthor

"Maybe this was always our destiny. How sad." - Lex Luthor

Clark: Well, normally, I'd just rip open the door, super speed past the cameras, and somehow open the vault with my heat vision.
Chloe: So what you're saying is: now that you are human, you have no useful skills.
Clark: Not so much.

"You're still obsessing over him after all these years? Clark Kent is a simple farm boy. Let it go, Lex...let it go." - Lionel Luthor
