"I LOVE this!  I've had SO much fun, met GREAT people...I'm so tired of hearing 'Get A Life'. This IS a life, it's just not YOUR life, and if you don't get it, too bad!"
- anonymous Star Wars fan

"Hayden is one of the nicest - it's sickening - he is extremely talented, he's extremely good looking, he's clever, he's intelligent and he's nice. He's 21 years old and I just would like him to stay the way he is, he's just terrific. He was a marvel to be on the set with ... He's a very, very serious actor, knows his craft brilliantly, very, very disciplined, studies hard, takes it very seriously. He's an all- round good guy."
Anthony Daniels

"I love Hayden, I think he's brilliant. He's fantastic bloke. He played with my daughter (Clara, 5) for hours on end and she was very fond of him. And that is a great sign for somebody."
-Ewan McGregor

"We both have a certain affection for our lighsabres, and we like to go off and twirl them together."
-Hayden Christiansen (on Ewan McGregor)

 "Hey! Who doesn't like to play with their lightsabres?"
-Hayden (same subject)

"Anakin, you're breaking my heart!"
-Padme, Revenge of the Sith

"I love you!"
-Obi Wan Kenobi, Revenge of the Sith

When they find us, they will crush us, grind us into little pieces, then blast us into oblivion!
~Obi Wan, Phantom Menace

You came in that? You're braver than I thought.
~Leia, New Hope

That little droid's gonna cause me a lot of trouble.~Luke
Oh, he excels at that, sir.~C-3PO

"'He's quite extraordinary with his moves and spins. I think he was a baton girl in a past life'"
-- Ewan McGregor in GQ, assessing the saber skills of "Revenge of the Sith" co-star Hayden Christensen.

"Great Kid! Don't get cocky."
~ Han to Luke

"The Force is strong with this one!"
~ Darth Vader concerning Luke

"Your overconfidence is your weakness." ~ Luke
"Your fath in your friends is yours." ~ Emperor

"Wonderful girl!  Either I'm gonna kill her or I'm beginning to like her."
~ Han concerning Leia

"Why, you stuck up... half-witted... scruffy-looking nerf-herder!" ~ Leia
"Who you callin' scruffy-looking?" ~ Han

"Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one." ~ C-3PO
"Never tell me the odds!" ~ Han

"It's not wise to upset a wookie." ~ Han
"But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid." ~ C-3PO
"That's 'cause a droid don't pull people's arms outta their sockets when they lose." ~ Han

HAN: Well, that was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten about that.

"Sorry about the mess."

"Don't everbody thank me at once."

"Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."

"I take orders from just one person:  Me!" --Han to Leia
"It's a wonder you're still alive." --Leia to Han

"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself."

"I'm rather embarrassed General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor."
--C-3PO to Han

"I love you!" --Leia to Han
"I know." --Han to Leia

"You'll find I'm full of surprises."
--Luke to Vader
