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The Story Of My Life
Title:  The Story Of My Life: Part 6 - Lay All Your
Love On Me
Author: Chad Skywalker
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/K
Spoilers: Nothing too earthshattering
Rating: PG13
Beta: special thanks to Bertina
Disclaimer: Wish I owned them, but sadly  don't. ABBA
lyrics written by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus.
No infringement intended.
Feedback: Always welcome Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net
Archive:  Yes, please
Summary: Each chapter of this WIP story is based on the
beautiful music of ABBA. I've woven a story around my favorite songs, and I really hope that everyone likes it. 

Dedication: For Michele.


Alex stood outside Mulder's apartment building. A
million butterflies flew and danced like trapeze
artists in his stomach. The building which once seemed
so inviting and warm, now appeared imposing and cold.

A friendly but insistent arm nudged him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Miranda asked. She'd
gotten him this far and she wasn't about to let him
chicken out now. She pointed at the entrance. "Go in
there and get your man!"

Alex swallowed hard and tried to still his heart. He
clenched and unclenched his hands nervously. The cool,
autumn weather made no difference. His palms were
slick with sweat. He wanted Mulder back in his life
more than anything... The problem was, could he
convince him?

"Alex Krycek, do not make me kick your ass up those
stairs," Miranda playfully threatened.

This broke the tension and Alex laughed aloud. "Okay,
okay, I'm going." He certainly didn't need Miranda's
high heel up his ass.

Once inside the lobby, Alex cast his eyes at two
options. Then he decided to take the stairs. It was
longer and would buy him a little time.

Alex began his ascent.

He remembered so well that first moment when he
realized he was falling in love with the sly fox.
After a little small talk that first day, Cupid shot
him faster than a sitting duck. He'd never really been
a jealous person, but after they met he saw every
single man or woman as a potential threat. Scully, AD
Skinner, everyone in the world seemed to have a glint
of lust in their eyes for Mulder.

Well, nice or not, he became possessive and found
little ways of spending more and more time with the
enigmatic psychologist. Mulder had some kind of power
over him, just a flash of that smile and Alex was
stuck. He'd never felt that way before, and certainly
never fallen so easily.

He shivered every time he thought of Spender pressing
him to ruin Mulder's work. The incomprehensible truth
that Mulder would never give up on. Out of all the
things Alex Krycek was guilty of, he could freely
admit that the Smoking Man was his one and only vice.

Now it wasn't true. He was relieved to have broken all
ties with his past life. As far as he was concerned,
everything was brand new. He sighed heavily as he
reached the next floor. Miranda was right, he could do
this, he could win back Fox's heart.

All too soon the door bearing number 42 appeared.

Trying hard to stop his knees from quaking, Alex
skipped his pride, reached forward and lightly
knocked. *Please don't let Mulder be seeing someone
else* Then with more determination, he rapped louder.

No answer.

Maybe he wasn't home...

Alex turned, then froze as the door slowly opened.

Alex thought he would melt right on the spot. Mulder
stood in the doorway wearing a white T-shirt and
pajama bottoms. Desire boiled until it nearly
overflowed. All he wanted to do was take Fox into his

"Alex?" Mulder called in that husky voice of his.

Alex noted the surprise in his eyes, and was thankful
that Fox hadn't slammed the door. That was a plus
sign. He desperately tried to think of something.
Saying 'I was just passing by and thought I'd drop in'
was just too lame for words. Shit, Alex, think!

God, why did Mulder have too look so damn sexy?!
Alex's heart screamed, 'Come here and lay all your
love on me!'

"Can we talk?" he managed at last.

Mulder hesitated for a moment. He couldn't believe
Alex was here, actually standing in his hallway. He
felt a tug on his heart. The green-eyed Russian looked
criminally handsome. Curiosity overcame him and Mulder
opened the door fully.

Alex quickly stepped inside before he lost his nerve
altogether. As soon as Mulder shut the door, he could
no longer contain himself. He grabbed Fox in a
passionate embrace and kissed him gently on his full,
pouty lips.

The touch of his skin, the scent of his hair, the
softness of his lips sent a spontaneous erection in
the tight crotch of Alex's jeans.

Breaking away, Mulder started to protest but Alex
interrupted. "Before you say anything, please hear me
out. My life has been a living hell without you, Fox.
Every night that I'm alone, I feel a kind of fear. I'm
begging you to please trust me again."

Mulder's lips remained parted, from a combination of
shock and surprise.

Alex stood back. "Blame me, curse me, do whatever you
want because I know that it's all my fault. But please
don't go wasting your emotions hating me. I've only
had a few little love affairs, but I know you're the
real thing. I've turned my life around and all that I
ask is for a second chance with you. Everything in my
life is about you, Fox."

You could have knocked Mulder over with a feather.
Alex searched his handsome face for an answer...

===The Lyrics===
"Lay All Your Love On Me"
(B. Andersson, B. Ulvaeus)
taken from "ABBA - Super Trouper"

I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every woman I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me say that smoking was my only vice
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned
Has overturned
I beg of you

Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me

It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile
And baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near
I skip my pride
I beg you dear

Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

I've had a few little love affairs
They didn't last very long
And they've been pretty scarce
I used to think that was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
'Cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all I've learned
Has overturned
What can I do?

Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me

© 1980 Polar Music International AB



Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.