Beta, Pink Princess, KatKisser and more....


 I don't talk or spell like that.  I don't put in all those extra u's in words.

'"By the power of Earl Grey Skull....go get a cuppa!"
(to Mick when he told her he was going for tea)

 "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you."

"The only princesses allowed here are Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora, honey!"
to pushy broad heading onto the monorail.

"Stickers would have helped"
 (on making things better)

"Their disability is that they don't speak English and they don't know what's going on!"

"How cheap do you have to be when the best toy you can come up with for your kid is a stay free mini pad?"

"My story's better!"

"I've got to learn to dial it down."

"Maybe the horse's name was Wegeforth and the guy loved his horse so much he named the place after him. That's my story."

"No pickles!"

"People will be jealous of my pickle!"

"Just had a meal, must suck!"
(advertising for the Nicorette inhaler)

"Little brats of today are the thugs of tomorrow!"
