WhitneyPetch andJasonFedorchuk
October1, 2005


I'vebeenupandfunctioningforatleasttwominutes...well,theup part,anyway



Purple pen it!
-Jason,saying something about Jocelyn's hot sauce

Ooh, he got the fruit! Curt, wanna join our cabal?
-Jocelyn, inviting Curt to share desserts

MICHELE: This is the last coke you'l ldrink as a single man....that was the last meal you'll eat as asingle man...
JASON:That was the last lap dance I'll pay for as asingle man...

Edited for time,content and parents.
-Michele,repeating that last conversation for Marianne

Double-Double,this here's the Timbit callin'....
-Jocelyn, forming aconvoy to Tim Horton's

Damn my eyes and my long elegant fingers!
-Andrea,tying up the party favors

Wow! Ithought you snapped the ribbon and Iwas all 'damn your long elegant fingers and curse your strong manly arms!'
-Jason, helping Andrea

JASON:Grandma's got spunk.
WHITNEY:Stop saying that!

They've been coaching me.There are other names for it. Idon't have to call them meat-flaps.
-Curt going out for peelers and beer

Don't ever sneak up behind me and say that again!
-Andrea, now aware Rob has ordered the Thunder-Humper Burger

-evolution, according to Andrea

WHITNEY:This is why she's fat!(talking about the cat)
ANDREA:Shut up!(weight issues)

Can Ihave my penis back?
-Gemma playing stagette games

Aw, Istill had drinks, and it turned disgusting!
-Jocelyn and the curdled mudslide

JASON:Ican't decide what to engrave on it
ROB:How about IOweYou ABetter Ring?
-admiringWhit's ring

RACHEL:Ican pee!
MICHELE:It's amiracle!
(six bridesmaids, two bathrooms)

Where I'mpointing; by the back door; where I'm kicking you out...
-Whitney gives Rachel directions to find the tea

Thedias wants drinks!

STORECLERK:Wow,you're alldressed up.
MICHELE (in bridesmaid dress on the way to picture-taking)What are you talking about?
CUSTOMER:ooh,is that patchouli oil?
MICHELE:Yes it is.
CUSTOMER:I'm just going to stand here and sniff.
(buying smokes and water in Guelph)

I'm not full, but my dress is.

ROB:Asimple toast to the happy couple.
MICHELE:Was that ahappy toast to the simple couple?

ROB: I'm Jason's brother Rob.

I told you Idon't want you to help me pee!
-Andrea, loudly, to Curt
