"A possum, maybe."
-Reyes, Scary Monsters

"Skinner called you, too?"
-Reyes, 4D

"Smart touch--posting a guard to make sure I don't finish the job."
-Reyes, 4D

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
-Reyes, 4D

"Anyway, that's what you get for hiring cheap help."
-Reyes, 4D

"Bad joke."
-Reyes, 4D

"I'm good."
-Reyes, 4D

"You make it sound like I go home from work with post-its on my ass."
-Reyes, Nothing Important Happened Today

"I'm distancing myself, Brad...from you."
-Reyes, Nothing Important Happened Today II

"Now all we need is some mood music."
-Monica Reyes, Existence

"As in 'stealing-into-the-bathroom-to-cry-my-eyes-out' kind of hard."
-Agent Reyes, Empedocles

"You're taller than I thought."
-Agent Reyes, Empedocles

"Don't forget to piss on all the corners before you leave."
-Reyes to Follmer, N.I.H.T.

"If Agent Mulder were here, he'd keep going."
-Leila, Scary Monsters

"Thank you in advance for not yelling at me."
-Leila, Scary Monsters

"Mulder's so smart, Mulder's so dreamy!"
-Gabe, Scary Monsters

"Your lack of imagination saved our lives"
-Leila Harrison (to Doggett), Scary Monsters

So this is Johnny Fabulous, huh?"
-Gabe (about Mulder), Scary Monsters

"Mulder and Scully, Scully and Mulder, blah, blah, blah..."
-Gabe, Scary Monsters