"No. That's just Patterson. Late at night, with a few beers in him, he starts telling me Mulder stories. He's some kind of crack genius."
-Nemhauser, Grotesque

"He's staying at the crime scene."
-Follmer, 4D

FOLLMER: It's Follmer. Do you recall our discussion yesterday where I asked you to keep me up to date?"
FOLLMER: Really? I mean, it's like we never even had it.

"Well, the gang's all here."
-Follmer, 4D

"He didn't mention you two."
-Follmer, 4D

"You wouldn't mind indulging us, would you?"
-Follmer, 4D

"Doggett's put his tit in the wringer."
-A.D. Follmer, N.I.H.T.

"Assistant Director-looks like you and I are chasing the same man."
-A.D. Follmer, N.I.H.T.

"You're starting to sound just like Fox Mulder, Mr. Doggett."
-A.D. Follmer, N.I.H.T. II

"I'm a friend to the X-Files."
-A.D. Follmer, N.I.H.T. II

"Remember the day you walked into my office wet from Quantico? You pissed me off just looking at you but then I saw how your mind worked. How you were always three jumps ahead. It was scary, Mulder. Everybody said so."
-Reggie Purdue, Lazarus

"It's more than that. He lives under this misguided notion that silence is strength. He's built a wall to keep everyone out."
-Sharon Skinner, Avatar

"I'd say he's dead, how 'bout you?"
-coroner, Existence

"Worked together? What are you talking worked together.  We were partners."
-Jerry Lamana, Ghost In The Machine

"Well, one of the things Walter has always been good at is keeping secrets"
-Sharon Skinner, Avatar

"Would you say that, like yourself, your direct superior has been affected by, or enchanted by, Agent Mulder's notions ... "
Senior Agent, Avatar

"The club scene used to be so simple."
-Michael (Nick Lea), Genderbender

"I sense you are different, FBI. You're more open to Native American belief than some Native Americans. You even have an Indian name - Fox. You should be "Running Fox", or "Sneaky Fox"."
-Ish, Shapes