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These times are all eastern and are the approximate times of the events.

8:45 AM
A hijacked airplane hits the north tower of the World Trade Center. The building is left in flames.
9:03 AM
A second hijacked airplane hits the southern tower. This tower is also left in flames.
9:18 AM
The FAA halts all commercial flights for the first time in U.S. history.
9:20 AM
President Bush talks about this "Apparent terrorist attack" in a press conference.
9:21 AM
New York City tunnels, bridges, and railways are shut down.
9:40 AM
The FAA halts all domestic flights.
9:45 AM
Another hijacked plane crashes into the Pentagon. It hits the military part of the Pentagon.
10:00 AM
The southern tower of the WTC collapses from fires.
10:05 AM
The White House is evacuated due to threat of terrorist attack.
10:10 AM
  1. A portion of the Pentagon collapses due to fire.
  2. A fourth hijacked plane crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
10:29 AM
The northern WTC tower collapses. Both towers were about 110 stories tall.
11:04 AM
The United Nations Headquarters in New York is evacuated.
11:18 AM
American Airlines confirms that two jets are lost. There are 150 on board.
11:59 AM
United Airlines confirms that they also have lost two jets. There are 110 on board.
1:04 PM
President Bush vows to "Hunt down and punish those responsible".
1:27 PM
A state of emergency is declared in Washington.
4:25 PM
CNN reports that building number seven of the WTC is on fire and could collapse.
5:30 PM
Building number seven of the WTC collapses.

President Bush's Statement to America | September 11th Newspaper Article | Some of My Thoughts | My Timeline of Attacks as of 9/11/01