Alcohol is not a magic potion. It
doesn't make you look good, appear
cool, or feel courageous. It simply
robs you of your mind. You can't leap
buildings in a single bound. You
probably can't even hurdle the sofa.
Alcohol isn't really all it's cracked
up to be.
Did you know: Over 40% of all
the 16-to-20 year olds who died were
killed in car crashes. And about half
of those were alcohol-related. That's
around 2,222 of your classmates,
soccer rivals, prom queens, and
friends who died because somebody
chose to drink and drive.
Drinking, Driving and Other Drugs
In 1997, 21 percent of the young
drivers involved in fatal crashes had
been drinking. (NHTSA,
These young drivers make up 6.7
percent of the total driving
population, but constitute 13 percent
of the alcohol-involved drivers in
fatal crashes. (NHTSA,
Alcohol-related traffic deaths among
youth between the ages of 15 and 20
decreased from 2,218 in 1997 to 2,210
in 1998. (NHTSA,
More than 35% of all 16-to-20 year-old
deaths result from motor vehicle
crashes. (NCHS, 1997) 37% were in
alcohol-related crashes. Estimates
are that 2,104 persons aged 16-20 died
in alcohol-related crashes in 1998. (NHTSA,
Between 1988 and 1998, the proportion
of drivers 16-to-20 years of age who
were involved in fatal crashes, and
were intoxicated, dropped 33 percent.
21% in 1988 to 14% in 1990-the largest
decrease of any age group during this
time period. (NHTSA,
Of all persons arrested for DUI/DWI
nationally, persons in the under 25
age group accounted for 23.4% of those
in the cities, 23.7% of those in the
suburban counties and 22.1% of those
in the rural counties.
Approximately 240,000 to 360,000 of
the nation's 12 million current
undergraduates will ultimately die
from alcohol-related causes---more
than the number that will get MA's and
PhD's combined.
During a typical weekend, an average
of one teenager dies each hour in a
car crash. Nearly fifty percent of
those crashes involved alcohol. (NHTSA,
Ohio's alcohol-related fatalities
totaled 594 (36% of total fatalities).
It was at that time the multiple DUI
offender program was initiated.
Designed to specifically target the
group, which consisted of less than
one-third of all offenders but for
more than half of all DUI offenses,
the multiple/habitual DUI offender
program has proven very successful.
Ohio's alcohol-related fatalities
fell to 325 (down to 24% of total
fatalities), 872 of the just over 900
Ohio law enforcement agencies
displayed 1-800-GRAB DUI license
plates (a Patrol telephone number),
DUI arrests were up, over 300 local
law enforcement agencies now actively
participate in the traffic safety
program. The Multiple Offenders
Program was introduced in Ohio to five
pilot counties
Habitual offenders have been
specifically targeted by post
commanders to ensure compliance with
Ohio's laws. Letters are
mailed directly to drivers throughout
Ohio who have five or more convictions
on their driving record and whose
licenses are currently under
suspension. The letters first
encourage the drivers compliance with
the laws of Ohio and secondly inform
them of our firm commitment to enforce
any applicable laws to keep habitually
drunk drivers off the highways.
First, notices are being mailed to
each court in which a multiple
offender has been sentenced. A
multiple offender is defined as an
individual with one or more prior
convictions on a driving record. This
court notice gives the judge an
opportunity to summon the multiple
offender to account for his/her
continued disregard for the laws of
the state or the provisions of the
court's sentence. Letters are mailed
to courts, which have previously
convicted the offender along with an
affidavit affirming the current
charge. This information is often used
to reinstate formerly suspended
portions of a D.U.I. sentence or to
revoke probation.
Second, courts have supported the
division's work with the Targeted
Offenders Plan -- instances in which
habitual offenders suspected of
driving on the highways while in
violation of license suspensions are
actively sought out. Third, the Patrol
has helped to encourage the
immobilization of vehicles used by
convicted and unlicensed drivers
through the loan of immobilization
tools... report alcohol impaired
drivers, as well as roadside
emergencies. Through the combination
of both numbers, citizens are
encouraged to call to report drunk
drivers, as well as drivers who
continue to operate a motor vehicle in
spite of convictions and license
suspensions for impaired driving.
The whole concept of targeting repeat
offenders has been shared with police
agencies all over the state including
city, township, county, state, and
metro park law enforcement officers.
The H.O.T. sheets, which contain lists
of local habitual offenders, are
updated quarterly, and distributed
throughout every county in Ohio. In
addition, lists of offenders
(separated by zip codes) are now
accessible upon request to the
Patrol's L.E.A.D.S. Programming
Section. Their work is being
encouraged by the
Department of Public Safety
and reported in its monthly
newsletter, Hot Sheet News.
Since July 1990, courts have been
mandated by Ohio law to collect fines
from convicted drunk drivers which are
to go directly to the law enforcement
agency which made the arrest, to be
used to finance the costs of patrols
dedicated to apprehending drivers from
the H.O.T. sheet. In addition, the
Patrol applies for federal funds to
supplement expenditures from the D.U.I.
fine fund. This gives us the ability
to add D.U.I. and D.U.S. enforcement
activities to regular patrols rather
than take personnel away from other
assignments. Other Ohio law
enforcement agencies have the ability
to use the fine funds in a similar
A key to the continuing success of the
Multiple Offenders Project is the wide
range of involvement and cooperation
from the public, the media, the
legislature, the courts, law
enforcement and certainly from
habitual offenders themselves. Because
this multiple offenders program is
targeting repeat offenders, it is
believed that the group most
responsible for this highway hazard is
being reached.
The Multiple Offender Program has
yielded positive results. The rate of
increase for the number of multiple
offenders is slowing. In 1993, the
rate of increase in the number of
multiple offenders was six percent; in
a comparable time period in 1995, that
rate has been cut to three percent. In
other words, fewer first-time
offenders are receiving a second
conviction, fewer second-time
offenders are receiving a third
conviction, and so on. With the
assistance of police agencies
throughout Ohio, the following
activity was generated from August 1,
1991 through June 1, 1999:
About one third of all drivers
arrested or convicted of DUI each year
are repeat offenders.
Annually, one percent of all licensed
drivers are arrested for DUI -- more
people than for any other crime.
Drivers involved in alcohol-related
fatal crashes are eight times more
likely to have had a drunk driving
conviction in the previous five years
than drivers randomly selected from
the general population.
As many as one-third of drivers
involved in alcohol-related fatal
crashes have a prior drunk driving
It is estimated that as many as 75
percent of the drivers who have their
license suspended for driving under
the influence continue to break the
law and drive on a suspended license
6,235 habitual DUI offenders (those
with five or more DUI convictions)
have been arrested