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Alright, This Is Where I Get To Take A Moment Of Your Time And Warn You That If You Proceed Into My Web Page, You May Be Offended By: My Opinion, My Choice Of Decor, The Way I Word Things, Etc. ...

If You Are Easily Offended, Please Do Not Go Any Further Because I Do Not Wish For You To Feel The Need To Judge Me Or Anything I Have Included In My Page, And Then Feel It Necessary To Complain Or Take What I Say As An Attack On You Or Your Personal Beliefs ...

I Did Not Make This Page To Offend Or Harm Anyone, I Made It To Please Myself, And As A Way Of Sharing The Things I Like With Those Who Enjoy The Same Things As Me ...

If You Are Offended By Anything "Dark" Or "Evil" In Nature, Or If You Dislike Heavy Metal/Alternative Music, Or If You Do Not Abide Swearing/Profanity, Please Click On The "Flee" Skull Below ....
(Or Click The Little "X" In The Top Right-Hand Corner Of This Page.)

If You Are Not Offended By Anything I Have Listed Above, Then Click On The "Enter" Skull Below, And Proceed Into My Creation ...

If I Forgot To Include Anything In This "Disclaimer" ... I Am Sorry, It Just Annoys The Heck Out Of Me That The World Has Come To The Point Where We Have To Cover Our Butts And Worry About People Becoming Offended And Taking Our Freedoms Away From Us, Even Online ...