Angel Caitlyn

by Katy

Caitlyn Ames had led an exemplary life on earth. She had a few lapses but had always made up for them. Her friends were generally far naughtier than she ever was.

Everyone was shocked when she was the victim of a shooting in a bank robbery. The funeral was well attended and everyone she knew duly mourned her. She watched the entire proceedings from her new place in heaven.

St. Peter was pleased with his newest angel. She was the kindest and holiest of angels. Everything she did was for the good of someone else. The years passed quickly and slowly, as things are wont to happen in heaven.

Caitlyn’s old friends weren’t doing as well on earth, without her good influence. St. Peter and God were puzzled. If something didn’t change they would not be saved.
Caitlyn had been watching her friend’s behavior also. It was clear that they were falling into very bad ways. She wished she could do something to help them. Caitlyn tried praying and sending feathers down to warn them, to no avail.

Finally she went to St. Peter. “Is there anything at all I can do to help my old friends? I hate seeing them falling so badly. Lucifer is surely influencing them, and will have them if they don’t change soon.”

“Thank you Angel Caitlyn, I know you were a good influence on them, but I don’t know what more you could do, then you already have. I shall speak to the Father about it though.”

St. Peter watched the beautiful red headed angel float away humming to help one of the new angels with harp lessons. He shook his head, even when she was sad; she was still so good and helpful.

Later that evening after dinner, St. Peter and the Father were discussing the day. St. Peter mentioned Angel Caitlyn’s question.

“I know, I heard of course when you were talking and I have given it some thought. I have summoned Lucifer to a meeting. He should be in our private room in just a second. Ah, there he is now.” Loud bells were clanging and smoke pouring through the cloud that contained God’s private room.

St. Peter opened the cloud door for God and they proceeded into the chamber to meet with Lucifer.

“Well, Petey and God, what is it you want this time? I’m a busy man and have a lot of souls to corrupt yet tonight. It is Saturday night you know.” Lucifer was all duded out in his nightclub clothes.

God and St. Peter sat down. God looked at Lucifer and began talking. “There are some souls on earth that are very special to one of my holiest and best angels. I have a proposition for you. If you are tempted by this angel to love her, you must release and abandon all efforts for the three friends she tells you.”

Lucifer stroked his chin. “Who is this angel?”

“No, you won’t know her name or identity. That way it is a fair playing field. You are a gambling devil, what do you say?” God knew it was a challenge he couldn’t resist.

“Fine, but she will lose, and her friends will then be mine, correct?” Lucifer had a leering ugly smile.

“Yes, that is the deal.” God nodded at Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled again. “I have one condition to place on this, she must succeed in one weeks time, or she loses.”

“Fine, good will win you shall see.” God and St. Peter left the room. With a roar and clattering of hooves, Lucifer left also.

St. Peter summoned Angel Caitlyn the next day and explained the deal. “If you can get Lucifer to fall in love with you, then you may save your friends. He will not know who you are, but you will know him. I warn you this will not be easy, as the man has never loved anyone but himself. We are counting on your innate goodness to win. If you don’t wish to do this, of course, we won’t insist.”

Caitlyn thought for two seconds and agreed. “I can do this in anyway I want? As long as he loves me I will win?”

“Yes, that is the deal.” St. Peter waived his hand and Caitlyn was back on earth. She had a totally different appearance than when she had been there before, so her friends of course would not recognize her.

Caitlyn had no time to lose. She knew that Lucifer was Luke Montrose and he owned the Hades Strip Club, which was also the club her friends had started frequenting. She waved her hand and she was dressed in a modest cocktail dress.

Luke saw her the minute she entered. He always had favored red heads. They looked so good with the hell flames. Red was definitely his color. This one however, was not a loose lady like the others, at all.

“Welcome to Hades, are you new here?” Luke approached her as she sat at a table.

“Yes, I never have been here before, but heard it was the place to be.” Caitlyn smiled at him and her eyes sparkled and intrigued him.

Luke pulled out a chair and sat down. “I’m Luke and I’m the owner, let me buy you a drink.”

Several drinks later Luke had learned all he could about this Caitlyn. He had been a bit suspicious that she might be the angel, but she had revealed a string of affairs that could hardly be considered angelic by any means. By nights end he asked her to return as his guest the next night.

For the next three nights Caitlyn returned to the club as Luke’s guest. She knew he was interested in her, but the time was growing short. Drastic measures were called for here.
St. Peter said she could do anything she wanted to win. What if winning involved doing something she never would have thought of doing? After another night of no progress she changed her tactics.

As she dressed that night, she said a quick prayer to God. “Please excuse this, but I think it is the only way I can get him.”

Caitlyn appeared at the club that night in a slinky sexy red dress that barely his any of her charms. Luke was immediately at her side. “Caitlyn, this is a side of you I haven’t seen before.”

“I’m meeting someone here, that I hope to make quite an impression on. If you don’t, mind, I’d like to sit at that table there, so he can see me when he comes in.” Caitlyn pointed to a table near the door.

Luke felt a surge of jealousy, but nodded and sent a waiter with a drink. He watched closely and soon a tall dark handsome man entered the club. He immediately sat with Caitlyn and soon was hanging all over her. When he took her arm and they started to leave, Luke intervened.

“I’m sorry, Caitlyn can’t go with you; she is mine.” Luke glared so menacingly at the poor man that he left.

“How dare you send him away! I don’t belong to you; you’ve never even kissed me. I would assume you aren’t interested at all.” Caitlyn grabbed her purse and prepared to leave.

That was enough to force Luke into action. He grabbed her arm and propelled her to the back room and up the stairs to his apartment. When they arrived he pulled her into a passionate embrace and kiss. “Why would you think I wasn’t interested in you? I find my self falling for you totally.”

“Prove you love me then”, Caitlyn challenged him.

Caitlyn seductively undressed until she was totally naked. She lay on the bed and posed seductively for him.
Luke was totally undone. He had never seen such a lovely body before. It was perfect. He quickly undressed and laid on the bed pulling her into his arms. “Oh Caitlyn, my angel, I do love you. You are the first person I have ever felt love for like this. You will be mine.”

At that moment, Caitlyn changed back into an angel, albeit a dark angel. “This is the type of angel you would need.” Caitlyn laughed a cruel laugh, and changed back to her holy angel self. “This is the angel I am, I believe St. Peter and God have won.”

Luke quickly changed into Lucifer and tried to strike her with his tail, but she was impervious to his harm.

“You didn’t play fair! You seduced me!” Lucifer was furious.

“You never play fair, so I didn’t either. Sorry it was the only way to beat you.” Claire had now resumed her angel look totally complete with wings and halo. As she floated up toward heaven, she let a piece of paper with three names on it float to the floor.

“These are the names of my friends you will release.” Lucifer picked up the paper and shrieked. He was sure he had these souls secured, but a deal was a deal. He immediately banned them from his club. They would be his no more.

Caitlyn was pleased she had succeeded when she reported to St. Peter. “I did it, I bested him and have saved my friends.”

St. Peter was not quite so happy with her though. “Yes, Caitlyn you have won, but I don’t approve of your methods entirely.” Without another word he had her wings off and she was over his knee bared.

St. Peter had a hard hand and it rose and fell many times on poor Caitlyn’s bottom. When she was finally sobbing and her bottom was as red as the flames of hell. St. Peter set her on her feet and hugged her.

“You are forgiven for your unorthodox methods, and your friends Katy, Jenna and Loretta shall be saved. Now go back to your angelic ways.”

St. Peter laughed as Caitlyn left rubbing her bottom that still glowed through her robe.

on to the sequel Angel Christmas