Hurts Me Too   part 1


Why can't I go?"

”Look here Nicole Rene you better watch that sass. If you want to
discuss this reasonably we can and will. But if you want to keep up
that attitude we can and will discuss it over my knee. Is that

"Yes," with an impertinent edge to her voice.

Seeing the cocked eyebrow Nikki changes her tune.

"Yes sir. I understand."

"Good, now would you care to tell me why I should give you permission
to go to a Grateful Dead concert a state away without me? In the
middle of the night? Alone? Please speak up at any time I'm waiting."

Mike sits back with his all knowing smirk. I hate that smirk and I
am of course speechless. It is just one little concert. My dad loved
their music so I have been listening to them for years and I just
wanted to see them live. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs (mike sees
to that) so I will be clear headed. Taking a deep breath I get ready
to tell him what I feel about him trying to have this much control
over me.

Watching Nikki struggle with her thoughts, Mike sits back and waits
with a knowing smile. He's almost sure of what to expect from his
Precious One and equally sure of what his reaction should be. Nicole
Rene will be telling him what he wants to know-how she chooses to
tell him is really the only choice she'll make. Unconsciously he rubs
his right hand along the top of his thigh while he waits for her
answer, wondering to himself if this will be the time she pushes the
same button once to often.

Nikki was mesmerized by Mike's hand; she knew what that motion meant,
even if he didn't. He was on edge and more then ready for a fight about
this. She thought briefly about the joking threat he often made when
she was asserting herself. She was sure he'd never really do it, but
he had often used the same expression when she did or tried to do
something he felt the need to protect her from. `Well darn it she
thought,' frowning to herself, "I'm not some precious porcelain doll,
that needs to be swaddled in cotton and protected from every…"

"Well actually Nicole Rene, you are a precious porcelain doll,"
smiling gently, "to me at least, and I'm still waiting to hear why you
need to go to the Dead concert alone," he finished with the no
nonsense tone returning to his voice.

Nikki is startled back to reality, she didn't realize she had said
that last part aloud, `well in for a penny,' go for it she thought.

"Honey, I just don't see the big deal. We've been married a year and
you make me take self defense every 3 months. I just had my last
class Wednesday. So that is the fourth time I have taken it! My
skills are up to date. I don't do drugs so my head will be on
straight. I have pepper spray and mace in my purse plus the alarm AND
pepper spray on my key ring. I am protected and you have made certain
I can take care of myself. (Deep breath) Plus all of my school work
is up to date and I have enough extra money to buy my ticket without
going over budget. I would love for you to go with me; you just won't
be around to do so. I really want to go Michael, it would mean a lot
to me."

With that last statement Nikki starts undoing her hair and combing it
out with her fingers. Do we need to mention that her hair goes down
to her waist and this drives Mike crazy? Plus the use of "Michael"
got him knowing she really wanted to do this and was doing anything
possible to make him forget the matter at hand. And the misty eyes
weren't helping!

"Sweetie, come here." Mike pulls her to his lap and against his
chest. "I know you want to go, but I can't feel comfortable about
being head of the house hold and letting you put yourself in this
type of danger. You have never encountered people on narcotics mainly
acid. You don't know how it makes people. There are tons of drugs at
concerts like this and police usually turn their heads to it. It is
just too dangerous. I'm sorry babe but the answer is no."

"Ok, I understand. I won't go on Friday night." But Saturday is a
whole other matter. I will just keep that to myself!

"That's my good girl."

"Now what's for dinner?'

"Whatever you want to get in there and cook."

Not a wise statement especially since she was already on his lap.

Mike laughed and lifted Nikki off his lap, rising he gives a playful
smack on her bottom, "Hey" she giggles, "there'll be none of that

Still laughing, "Maybe sooner then you think precious," then more
seriously, "So does that mean you'd like me to cook tonight?" with
that darned raised eyebrow.

Not sure exactly what he might want to cook, Nicole just shakes her
head no and heads into the kitchen quickly, "I'll have dinner ready
in two shakes of a lambs tail babe."

Watching his Nikki walk away, Mike can't help but think that he much
preferred the shake of her tail to any other, any day. Following her
into the kitchen Mike asks, "So we clear right? You aren't going to
that concert, you'll be home we I get in from my late tour on Friday

"Yes," with a hidden roll of her eyes, "I am not going, I'll be right
where I always am on Friday, waiting for you to get home…"

"Babe," with a pain expression, "you know I hate being on nights as
much as you do…"

"I know, I know," turning into his arms, "it's just that…" burying
her face in is chest, "sometimes at night I miss you so much."

"Me to Nikki," gently stroking her hair, "I miss you as soon as you
leave the room."

"How much longer until you are done with it?"

"We've been through this Hon, 2 more weeks. I will be finished with nights and have a nice bonus check plus a raise."

"Oh yes! The bonus check!!!" She gets that mischievous twinkle in her eye that he knows all to well!

"And young lady we have plans for that bonus check. Savings for school.

"Yes I remember!"<Pout pout>

Mike is taken aback by her quick response and he was not at all happy about it.

"Nicole Rene, I am getting tired of this attitude from you. I know you are upset but that is no excuse to be snappy and rude. SO if you want to act like a spoiled child I will treat you like one. Why don't you head to your corner and come out when you can talk and joke with me like an adult. Then and only then will we discuss this further."


"Go Nikki."

"Yes sir." STOMP STOMP


Mike isn't sure who's more shocked. Nikki's eyes are wide as she scurries, propelled by those to sharp cracks to her bottom, into her corner. She stands there, her nose deep into the corner, looking back at him once, she turns quickly, as if she were reading very fine print off the wall.

Mike wonders what came over him, those two smacks were almost reflexive, till now he had threatened often, but never delivered. Studying Nicole, he wonders what she thinking, seeing she has her hands covering her bottom, he decides to push a bit and see if he can gauge her mood.

“Hands off that bottom Young Lady,” adding sternly “that bottom belongs to me and you are not to hide it or protect it from me at anytime. Is that clear?”

Mike watches as Nikki struggles with her own thoughts, Her hands twitch while she decides just how far she can push him, he walks up behind her quietly and whispers in her ear,

“Put your hands where they belong now Nikki, I’m not going to ask again.”

‘I can't believe what just happened! He just spanked me and hard too!’

Slowly Nikki moved her hands away from her bottom. So much is going through her mind.  Mike had always demanded respect from her, that was a given. And when she didn't, like earlier he would send her to the corner. That’s where it usually stopped. She would cool down and so would he, then she would behave herself. Nikki had always sort of hoped he would take it to the next step and now that he had she was kind of excited.  She was also very upset, she knew she let him down; she shouldn't have behaved the way she did especially since they were just joking mere seconds before.

Mike was thinking the same sort of thing. He was very surprise at how Nikki listened to him so very quickly.  He always know he had a strong authority over her but she had never pushed him this far. Now there was no turning back.

"Nicole please come here."

She slowly walks over and her hands start to slide back behind her. Then she sees that darn raised eyebrow and him rubbing his thigh. Hum not a wise idea.

As she is walking over with that guilty and ANTICIPATING???? look on her face, Mike almost smiles. He can't believe his good luck. This beautiful woman is his, and she knows it. He can also see that she knows things have changed. They made that next step and HE was not turning back.

"Stand in front of me please."

Slowly she moves in between his knees and looks him directly in the face.

"As you must already have figured out I am not sorry about what I just did. You had it coming to you. From now on if you ever push me as far as you just did you will be turned over my knee.  I bought a paddle and a strap a long time ago but we have never had need to use it I always wanted to but just didn't know how to go about it. All that has changed and let me make this clear, If you ever deliberately disobey I will use them. If you lie to me, disrespect me, do anything you know I disapprove of I will spank your BARE bottom is that understood?"

"Yes sir, I understand."


Mike grabs Nikki and pulls her into his arms. His Precious One, that’s exactly what she is and has always been. He starts to kiss her and he is surprised how eager she is to kiss him back. He loves this new road that they have just went down. Not wanting to he pulls away.

"Sweetie I have to go get ready for work. Hey hey stop that pouting. Will you please go get some dinner ready and pack me a lunch for tonight?"

"Yes Mike. I love you."

With one last kiss she scurries into the kitchen. 

Mike flashed the headlights as he pulled away from the house and saw the answering blink of the light over the door; he knew that Nikki would watch the taillights disappear through the window next to the door. It was always hard to leave her and tonight was no exception, those two little swats and her reaction to them had been and exciting revelation. He grinned as he thought of the surprised look in her eyes, a look that turned quickly to molten desire. Her desire was evident in their last kiss, Nicole Rene could kiss, but tonight was special, she wanted him to stay home and her kiss said that…and much more. He had been sorely tempted to do just that, but, duty called. Well duty and the special surprise he had for her, he hadn’t told her yet that he wouldn’t be expected back to work till after Monday, so they would have the whole weekend for a change, a whole weekend to explore new ground. ‘I wonder if she’ll still feel the same after she’s thought about this,’ thinking out loud, “well I know I’m not turning back.”


As he pulled into the parking lot a plan began to take shape in Mike’s, at first just a vague idea…he and Nikki hadn’t had much free time together, between his crushing work load and her school and work, there wasn’t a lot of time left for play. The first thing he did was to check his bank account, not the joint account they shared, but the one they each had to squirrel a bit away for things they wanted…Nikki had one too, in fact it had almost gotten her a spanking once, when she bought him a leather coat. The coat was beautiful and she was right, it looked great on him…but she was supposed to spend that money on herself, it was hard to be mad at her, her lip trembling as she explained how she bought it. She had looked so…so…spankable, laughing to himself and thinking, ‘well two can play that game Nicole Rene.


Going on line from his desk, it was easy to find what he was looking for. A couple of clicks, a few blanks filled in and the generous application of a charge card and he was sure that he had a surprise his little one would love. He looked at the printed receipts for two tickets to the Dead in his hand and smiled, now for part two. Picking up the phone he punched in the number on his ‘puter screen.


“Lake Vale Bed and Breakfast, how can I help you tonight,” asked a pleasant voice on the phone.


“Hi I see from your website that you have separate bungalows available…”


“Yes we do, there’s one left for this weekend…very secluded, it’s the furthest from the Main House…”


“Are you that busy?”


“Well, some sort of concert in town…not sure what, but a lot of people seem to be goin’ to it…”


“A…yeah…well can I get a reservation for a bungalow for Saturday, Sunday and Monday?”


“Sure can…can I get a card number to hold that with,” copying down the number Mike read to him, “now breakfast at the main house is of course included, but for a five dollar a day fee we’ll deliver a piping hot breakfast right to your bungalow any time between 7 AM and 11:30…yeah I thought ya’d like that, it’s a real winner. Ok sir, see you Saturday.”


Mike sat back and thought, ‘that really drained my stash, but she really wants to go to the Dead, and we do really need some “romance time”, so yeah, this is really worth it…just to see her face when she finds out about this. Secluded, that word really started Mike thinking…secluded might be real good this weekend.


proceed to part 2



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