by Jules

Juanita met Carlos at a family party.  Carlos came from Mexico 10
years ago, while Juanita was born in this country.  Carlos spoke his
native tongue, but Juanita was clueless.  Her parents came to America
when it wasn't fashionable nor wise to even have an accent.  Her
father was beaten up by some cops in the back of their squad car for
being different.  Since that time, her father worked at losing his
accent and decided not to pass on his language to his children.  Of
course this never bothered Juanita or Carlos.  They were in love.
            After they got married, they moved in with Carlos' parents,
Carlos Sr. and Maria.  Juanita never had the chance before to see her
own culture up close till now.  "Nita."  Carlos said.  "My parents
are very old fashioned.  They still carry the traditions from our
country, so you'll have to try to follow them too."  Carlos knew
Juanita and her independent ways. 
            "You're going to have to change your ways." he said.
            "Why do I have to change?  Why can't they just accept me for
me?" she complained.  She stood with her hands on her hips
challenging him.  He loved how she looked when she was indignant. 
Her long dark hair spilling down her back and a perfectly, pert
behind.  The cheeks were firm but very abundant.  He ached to have
her, but his hand would start to itch, too.  She was so stubborn and
could be so sarcastic.  She never backed down and had a smart ass
answer for everything.  A lot of times her mouthiness was funny, but
every once in a while, Juanita was extremely mean. 
            "Nita, come on.  Give them a break,  They've only been here 2
years.  They're not used to American ways or American clothes."  He
eyed Juanita's blue jeans and crop top.  Juanita was very fond of
crop tops even though they were somewhat out of style.  It gave her
freedom of movement and would show her bell button when she wanted
            "WHY are you looking at what I'm wearing?"  she
demanded.  "There is nothing wrong with the way I dress.  If your
parents can't accept that TOUGH S**T!"
            "Nita!  That mouth of yours is going to have to stop! 
Besides how do you expect them to feel.  The first time you met them
you were wearing a mini-skirt.  To them you were naked!  I know your
parents don't care about that.  They're Americanized.  But MY parents
aren't.  If you love me, you WILL TRY to get along with them!"
            Juanita folded her arms across her chest.  She knew she
looked like a pouting brat, but she couldn't stop.  "It's THEM that
need to get along with ME!  Besides I don't know why we can't get our
own place."
            There was no talking to her when she got in this
mood.  "We've been over this before do we need to go over it again." 
Carlos said wearily.  He wanted his own place too, but his parents
were too new to this country.  Besides they would save money and
maybe someday buy a house.  He told her all this before.  At least a
dozen times.  And today like any other day he was greeted with her
silence.  Which could be worse than her smart mouth.
            Juanita sulked for a couple of days and finally came around. 
They moved in, but it wasn't heaven.  It wasn't that big of an
apartment so the rooms were close together.  Juanita had trouble
being comfortable making love with his parents close by.  The worst
thing though, was they spoke no English.  Carlos and his parents
would start speaking Spanish and she was totally lost.  This did
nothing to make her more pleasant to be around.
            As time went by, Juanita discovered something else.  Carlos
Sr. SPANKED his wife.  One day they had been fighting.  Her father-in-
law shouts, "Silencio."  Maria clamed up immediately.  Juanita
thought she was stupid to give in that easily.  But later that night,
she heard the clapping sound of flesh meeting flesh and a tearful
voice crying out in pain.  Then to her disgust, she heard sounds of
passion.   The next morning Maria walked with her head down and did
not sit for 2 days that Juanita could see.  Carlos had slept through
the noise, but it disturbed Juanita.  She had heard of couples who
did that sort of thing, but she'd never been that close to it.
            Things went from bad to worse.  She and Carlos fought
constantly.  She'd swear at him just to get him upset.  "Oh dear! 
Did I swear in front of your precious parents?"  Then Carlos' father
would start speaking to him in Spanish.  She knew what he was
saying, "Don't you know how to control your woman?"
Well, she wasn't controllable.  She liked his parents and they found
ways to communicate, but she was not the sweet wifey type.
            Carlos withstood all this and tried to keep his temper.  He
felt pulled two ways by people he loved.  His father was right he
knew.  Juanita needed control.  She didn't have it within herself, so
she needed it to come from somewhere else.  He knew his father
spanked his mother, and he just KNEW Juanita would call the police if
he laid a hand on her.
            It all resolved itself one sun filled spring day.  Juanita met
her friend Susan for lunch.  They chatted and probably drank too much
wine.  Susan had given her a blunt for the ride home and Juanita
decided to smoke it.  Carlos didn't approve of drugs so she hadn't
done it in a while.  But she was spoiling for a fight.  They'd had a
huge one that morning, with his father butting in.  She'd told both
Carlos and his father to go f**k themselves.  "He's not going to
dictate my life."  So she lit it up
            As she's driving along smoking and feeling mellow, she hears
a siren.  Hoping it's just an ambulance, she pulls into the right
lane and glances in her rear view mirror.  "Oh shit!  The cops!" 
They wanted her to pull over.  The car reeked with the smell of
pot.  "Oh shit!  I'm fucked!"  she wailed.  The cop was now at her
window and she looked at him.  "Juanita!"  It was Carlos' cousin
            "Eddie!  I'm so glad it's you."  She almost sobbed in
relief.  A night in prison was not her idea of a good time.  Eddie
put his nose in the air and started sniffing.  "My God!  What are you
doing?  Are you smoking Pot?  I don't believe you did this."  Eddie
yells back to his partner, "It's cool!  It's my cousin."
            "You realize I should arrest you."
            "But you won't.  Will you Eddie?"  She gave him her sexiest
smile, tossed her long black hair, and let her black mini-skirt inch
up her thigh.
            Eddie sighs.  "I should tell Carlos.  He'd make sure you
never did anything like this again.  What were you thinking?" 
Juanita just shrugged.  "But you won't tell Carlos will you?" 
Turning it all on again.  Eddie shakes his head.  "All right, I won't
tell Carlos.  But promise me you'll never smoke pot again!"
            "Oh I promise Eddie.  I'll never smoke pot in my car again." 
Eddie watched her drive away and pulled out his cell phone.  She
really tempted him trying to get out of trouble.  For that, she would
pay.  He dials Carlos' number.
            Juanita was feeling extremely smug.  She had promised to
never smoke pot in her car again, but what about her room.  She threw
her head back and laughed.  Men were so manageable.  By the time she
got home, she was really cocky.  She entered the apartment and went
to hers and Carlos' room without acknowledging his parents.  She
opened a window and cranked up Santana.  She wanted to hear "Smooth"
while she finished her blunt.  "This life ain't good enough......"
            Carlos came home from his construction job early that day. 
Eddie had filled him in and he was raging.  The first things that hit
him was the blaring music and the distinct odor of reefer.  He stood
for a moment nonplused.  He couldn't move, because if he did he would
kill her.
            He glanced over at his parents, who were trying to look as if
nothing was going on.  That is until his father rose from the table
and handed him a wooden bath brush.  The two men looked at it
together and Carlos Jr. headed to the room rolling up his sleeves. 
He didn't care if he spent the night in jail.  She had gone too far
this time and either she submitted, or it was over.  It hurt him to
think it might be over, but they couldn't go on this way anymore
            He couldn't believe his eyes when he entered the room and
locked the door.  Juanita, higher than a kite, was dancing in the
middle of the room.  The floor and bed were covered with all the
clothes from the closet.  It looked like sale day at Macy's.  She was
oblivious to him.
            Carlos walked over to the stereo and turned it off.  She
still danced as if it played on in her head.  "JUANITA!" he yelled. 
She stopped dancing and saw Carlos.  Something was wrong.  His face
was like a slab of cool steel and she noted the bath brush in his
hand.  There was something else.  She couldn't quite put her finger
on it, but something was very very wrong.
            "Juanita.  You and I are going  to have a discussion."  What
was so wrong?  Carlos slapping the bath brush against his thigh did
not help her think.  Boy was she high.  Then she started to giggle.
            "JUANITA!" he yelled again.  THAT WAS IT!  "Carlos I got it! 
You never call me Juanita!"  That wasn't good she suddenly realized.
            "Yes I called you Juanita, because from now on when you need
to be punished, you'll know what's coming by what I call you."
            Bath brush, steely look, discussion, punished-she put it all
together and a chill ran down her spine.  "CARLOS DON'T YOU DARE EVEN
TRY IT!"  She started to back up as he started toward her.  "I'll
call the police and have you arrested for domestic violence!"
            "Eddie is on duty tonight in this district.  We've already
discussed it..  No police car will answer a call for domestic
violence at this house tonight."  He said it quietly letting it sink
in.  He saw her glance at the door.  "It's locked."
            By now he was standing in front of her.  He grabbed her wrist
and she kicked his shin.  This only made her jump up and down,
because she hurt her toe.  Juanita remembered how strong Carlos' body
was and she was so scared.  "Wait Carlos.  Let's talk about this
            With an eerie smile Carlos said, "I intend to talk about a
lot of things and we'll start NOW!"  With that he pulled her over his
knees as he sat down on the bed.  Juanita was livid.  "Let me up
NOW!  You can't do this!  I'm not your fucking mother!"
            "No you not my mother!  You are my wife!  A wife who is
acting like a spoiled child!"  With that he sat down on the bed and
pulled Juanita over his lap.  She was livid.  "Carlos you dickhead! 
Let me up!"  She didn't believe he was doing this!  She didn't
believe it till she felt the first smack across her bottom.  SWAT! 
She tried to push herself up off his lap, but he held firmly in
place.  She tried to push off with her toes, so he positioned his
legs so that her feet were off the floor and her bottom was in
perfect spanking position.  Juanita suddenly realized the
significance of her position and fear crept in.  But there was a hint
of excitement she couldn't quite understand.
            Carlos,  on the other hand, realized he was excited as well
as angry.  He realized where the excitement came from.  Here he was 
with his beautiful wife over his knees.  She wasn't submissive, but
the thought that she would be gave him such a thrill.  He let his
hand fall on her bottom again.  SWAT!  Juanita let loose a string of
expletives that would have curled your hair.  That was all he
needed.  Carlos flipped up her skirt, grabbed the waistband of her
panties, and pulled them down.
            "CARLOS!" she screamed as cool air hit her skin.  When the
first slap hit her bare bottom, she was too stunned to react.  By the
fourth slap, she realized this was really happening.  She started
kicking and  swearing.  It stung!  But Carlos kept smacking away as
if she wasn't making a sound.  Slap, Slap, Slap.  His hand made
contact with each cheek.  He was enjoying how each cheek would
flatten then bounce back up.
            "Carlos!  STOP!"  The burning on her bottom was getting
stronger.  She didn't think she could take much more.  But she was
not going to cry!  No way!  For a moment Carlos rested his hand on
her warm cheek enjoying the warmth.  Juanita squirmed as the heat
from his hand intensified the heat on her bottom
            He knew he wasn't finished even if Juanita thought he was. 
Carlos hooked his leg over her legs, pinning them down.  He picked up
the bath brush as Juanita turned to see what he was doing.  The
bath brush had the effect on her he'd hoped for.  "Carlos!  NO!  I
won't do it again!  I promise!"
            "You're right Juanita.  You won't do it again.  If you do you
know what to expect.  But first I need to make sure you really
understand what I'm saying."  With that he lifted the bath brush and
let it fall.  Juanita's body jerked with that hit.  As the smacks
descended she realized there was no escape.  He had her totally
pinned down.  Tears were close to coming, but she wouldn't allow it.
            He stopped for a moment giving her time to catch her breath. 
Her bottom was definitely red now and she felt like it could glow in
the dark.  Then she heard him say, "Let's go over this point per
            SMACK! SMACK!  Right across her sit spot.  "You will not
swear!"  WHACK!  WHACK!  "You will show my parents respect!" SMACK! 
            "You will not smoke pot again!"  SWAT!  SMACK!  WHACK! 
            "You will show me respect!"  WHACK!  WHACK!  WHACK!  WHACK! 
            He continued smacking her red bottom with the bath brush
waiting for the moment she broke.  She would not yell out or cry.  He
knew she'd have to cry for this to work.  He increased the force of
his blows.
            Juanita could take no more.  The tears started flowing as she
looked back at how she'd been acting.  The blows on her bottom set it
on fire.  "I'm sorrrrrrrryyy Carlos!" she sobbed.    She lay limply
across his lap sobbing quietly.
            "Do you know what could  have happened if Eddie hadn't been
the one to stop you?" he asked quietly.  Juanita nodded.
            Carlos rained about twenty more whacks across her burning
bottom.  Juanita could only lay there allowing this assault to her
            Carlos helped her up and held her in his arms while she
sobbed against his chest.  He smoothed back her hair as she calmed
down.  "Nita?"  She looked up at him.  There was his name for her
again.  It made her smile and for the first time she felt totally
safe and secure in his arms.

on to part 2                                                  back to Jules' Jungle