by Jules

                Juanita waited for Carlos to go to sleep.  She crept quietly out of bed and stuck her head out of their bedroom door.  All was quiet.  She walked directly to the phone and actually picked it up, when she stopped herself.  Yes.  Eddie would be off duty by now so someone would answer the call.  But what would she say.  “Hello?  911?  I am Juanita Ramirez and my husband Carlos Ramirez just spanked me.  And his father, Carlos Ramirez Sr., gave him the bath brush to spank me with.  He is an accessory to the crime.  What do you mean what crime?!!!”  That would go over real big.  She’d be the comic relief the 911 squad used to release some of the stress of the job.

                She hung the phone up.  No.  She wouldn’t call tonight, but if he tried to do that again..........   Besides she needed to think first.  Her whole reaction to the spanking alarmed her.  All her old friends would be shocked if they knew.  She laid in his arms crying like a  baby and never felt better in her life.  No.  It wasn’t possible.   Not her.  Juanita submitted to no man!  Nobody was going to tell her what to do.  Especially not some mama’s boy like Carlos.

                As if on cue Carlos walks out of the bedroom.  “Did you make your call?”  he asked.

                “No.  But I will if you ever try that again!” she hissed.

                “Then we need to talk Nita.  Because it will happen again!  Don’t look shocked.  You brought it on yourself.  I was willing to not use discipline as long as you could show  just a little respect for my parents or yourself.  You did neither.”  He studied her face.  The stubborn anger was still there.  He sighed.

                Juanita turned away from him.  She hated him at that moment.  She hated that he knew what she was thinking.  No one got inside her head like Carlos did .  And knowing that he was doing it, made her angry.  “Fuck you!”  Oh that was a good comeback.  Yep.  Really intelligent too.  She cringed at the expression on Carlos’ face.

                “Nita!  I’m willing to give you some space to think about this.  But if you continue with your attitude, you will be spanked again.”  He walked into the bedroom and returned with his belt in his hand.  “It’s your choice.”

                The significance of the belt did not escape Juanita, but the steel in his tone did.  She pushed past him indignantly  when she felt the belt bite into her right hip.  She tried to continue when she realized he had a hold of her wrist.  “Let go of me Carlos.  I’m warning you.”  She stared into his black eyes.  He was dead serious and she knew it.

                “Juanita we will discuss this.  We can go in our room and talk like human beings.  Or if you’d like I’ll give you the strapping of your life right here and now.  Then we’ll go into our room and discuss it.  Your choice.”

                “My choice?  You keep saying that.  But none of this is my choice.”  She tries to pull her arm away, but he wouldn’t let go.  “Ow!  Shit!  Carlos that hurts!”  She yelled as the belt bite into her left hip.  The nightgown she wore provided very little protection.  Before she had time to think, she was bent over the couch with her nightgown up and panties down.

                “Carlos!  Not Here!”

                “Juanita you made your choice.”   With that he raised his arm and let the belt fly.  He held her down with one hand while she kicked in desperation.

                “Carlos!  Let me up NOW!”  The belt continued to lash across her bottom.  It felt like a hot iron flashing it’s heat across her already sore behind. The belt covered both cheeks at one time landing with a sting.  This was way worse than the bathbrush.  She swore he was cutting into her skin. The end of the belt landed last making her right side hurt twice as bad as her left.  “Carlos!  Please!”

                “A little late for your manners to finally show up.”  Carlos could see that it was time to switch sides.  He now attacked her bottom again.  He winced as he saw a welt encircled by a bruise beginning to form.  But he knew what he had to do. 

                It didn’t take long for Juanita to be laying across the couch sobbing.  Carlos stopped and held her.  Just then, Carlos Sr. put his head out of the door and gave his son a wink.  Carlos winked backed,  then picked up Juanita and carried her into the bedroom.


                The next morning Juanita was greeted by a new alarm clock.  Two hard, solid swats to each cheek.  She lay there momentarily feeling the burn on her bottom.  They had talked last night.  In reality Carlos talked and she listened.  She really resented him this morning.  Who was he to tell her what she could and could not do.  Thoughts of divorce danced in her head.  She imagined herself the wronged wife who reduced her macho husband to tears in court.  She was quite eloquent in her daydream.  But something was nagging at the back of her mind.  There was That feeling she got.  A feeling she’d never gotten anywhere in her life. There was the feeling of being safe and cared for.  She must be going nuts!  No one would ever allow another human being to do to them what Carlos did to her.

                “Nita.  Get up!”  Carlos landed another smack across her bottom.

                “Carlos!  Stop that!”  She wanted to shout at him but stopped herself.  He looked tired.  He’d been working long hours doing physical labor and he hadn’t slept much last night.  She knew she was the reason he’d be dragging all day.  Another unfamiliar feeling crept in.  Guilt.  “Why are you waking me up.  You never wake me up till you’re ready to leave.”  She knew she was whining, but figured tough shit!

                “Nita we discussed this last night.  You’re going to start helping my mother with the house.  One of those  things is helping fix breakfast.”  Carlos knew this was going to take time.  Especially since her face betrayed her emotions so much.  Right now she was shooting daggers at him with her eyes.

                “Carlos.  I told you I want to get a job.”

                “No wife of mine is going to work.”

                “This is America.  There is no way a couple can make ends meet with only one income.  Not unless they were born independently wealthy.”  He was so old fashioned in his thinking sometimes.  She definitely would not give in on this one.

                “Juanita!  There will be no more discussion on this!”  Juanita was a smart woman and dropped it for the time being.

                In fact, Juanita never brought it up even a week later.  Carlos was getting worried.  She was being too good.  His mother and Juanita were getting closer.  Juanita was teaching her English.  His mother was teaching her how to cook all his favorites.  Juanita actually made menudo.  It is a hangover soup made with tripe.  Juanita always shied away from things like that.  Tripe is the inside lining of a cow’s stomach.  He knew it took a lot for her to make that.

                Juanita in the meantime had just been hired at a  small restaurant as a waitress.  She’d work the morning shift while Carlos was at work.  She could pull it off.  Once she made some money, she’d tell him and surprise him.  He’d be so happy.  She just knew he’d be happy.  He just HAD to be happy.  This way they could get their own home sooner.  Not that she didn’t like his parents.  She just wanted a place that was all hers.

                So Juanita started her new job.  It was hard not telling Carlos.  Especially when he asked what she did that day.  “Oh cleaning.  This house gets so dirty.”  When she wouldn’t look him in the eye, he knew something was up.  He decided to bide his time.  The truth would come out soon.

                It was really hard being a waitress.  She was on her feet all morning.   All the customers were regulars who came every day and were very particular.  At least none of them knew both her or Carlos.  Then she’d rush home shower and change before Carlos got home.  His mother knew what she was doing but never let on to Carlos. 

                One afternoon as Juanita left the restaurant, she was suddenly attacked.  The man had of hold of her wrist with one hand and the other gripped her hip.  He made the mistake of letting go of her hip allowing Juanita to smash her hand into the bridge of his nose.  She knew she broke it even before the man put a hand to his face.  But he stubbornly held her wrist.  As she prepared to administer a second blow, she looked in the man’s eyes. 

                “Carlos!”  Her heart was pounding in her chest to a hypnotic beat.  “Are you all right?  I didn’t know it was you.”  Suddenly fear turned to anger.  “Asshole!  You scared me!  Don’t ever do that again!”  Juanita was furious.  But Carlos was unusually still.  He was staring at her clothes.  She looked down and realized she was wearing her uniform.  The knot of fear started the pain in her stomach, while her bottom tingled in anticipation.  What was wrong with her?  She wasn’t going to show any fear!

                It was too late.  Carlos had seen the fear flash across her face.  “Hello Juanita.” he said quietly.  Her reaction was all that he had hoped it would be.  With that brief look, she stated her acceptance.  She knew what the consequences were and would expect them. 

                “Carlos!  Your nose is bleeding!” she shouted as if having seen it only now.  “We need to get you to the emergency room!”

                “You’re stalling Juanita.”  Again that quiet voice.  Again he called her Juanita. 

                “Carlos would you let go of me and look at yourself!” she shouted.  He finally let her go and Juanita searched through her purse till she found a mirror.  Trying to convince even herself that she wasn’t stalling, she held the mirror in front of his face. 

                He examined his nose in the mirror with a touch of awe.  His sweet wife could really pack a wallop.  He almost laughed out loud, but suppressed it.  That would take away the fear she felt.  Yes the nose was bleeding.  Yes it was swollen.  Yes his one eye was turning black and blue.  And his wife did that!  He was rather proud of how she handled herself.  That self-defense class really paid off.

                “You’re right Juanita.  It is probably broken.  I will go to the emergency room and you will go home.”  Juanita started to say something, but the face of stone froze her tongue.  “You will go home now.  My father is home and he will tell me what time you got there.  So I don’t suggest you make any stops on the way.”

                Juanita opened her mouth as if to say something again.  But stopped herself.  All she could see was Carlos’ bloody nose.  She turned and started for home.  As she walked her anger came back.  Dismissed and told to go home!  All she wanted was to be by his side and make sure he was all right.  And if she hadn’t disobeyed him and gotten a job, this never would have happened.  She did not like this feeling of guilt.  So she got more stubborn.

                When she was about a block away from home, Susan pulled up next to the curb, and honked.  Juanita’s guilt got packed away,  replaced with the delight of seeing her friend.   Besides Carlos acted like he didn’t need her, so she’d enjoy herself.  That sounded rational to her, so Juanita hopped into the car.

                Carlos got home from the emergency room 12 hours later.  He called into work and just wanted to sleep.  His face hurt but the swelling kept it down to bearable.  He beamed with admiration at Juanita’s handiwork, then headed into the bedroom.  He heard familiar sounds coming out of his parents room.  Maria was paying for her part in Juanita’s job scheme.  He opened the bedroom door and Juanita was asleep in the bed.  Carlos eased himself quietly down onto the bed so not to wake her.  Juanita’s punishment would be postponed for now.  It would come but not just now.  He smiled at her sleeping knowing just what he planned on putting her through. 

                Juanita woke up to find Carlos fast asleep next to her.  His nose had been taped and some of the swelling had come down.  She wondered if he’d talked to his father yet.  She bit her lip.  Would his father really tell what time she came in?   Would he tell Carlos she reeked of pot when she came in?  Would Carlos find out she got home only an hour before he did?  She began to worry.  Maybe if she told him first it would be better.  No way!  She definitely wasn’t going to admit to anything.  Well she would make him breakfast.  A really big breakfast.  No way was she doing this out of guilt.  She just wanted to do it, she stubbornly told herself.

                She was just going to get up, when she felt a strong hand grab her wrist.  She turned and looked into Carlos’ eyes.   “Good morning Juanita.  How did you sleep last night?”  His arched eyebrow made Juanita nervous.

                “Fine  What time did you get in?  I didn’t hear you.” she lied. 

                “ About 4 am.  What time did you get home?”  The question tightened the knot already in her stomach.  He was being so cold and distant.  She didn’t know what was wrong with him.  Well maybe she knew what, but not why he was so angry. 

                “I got home around 5.  The buses were running late.  It was rush hour.”  This was getting easy.  She slipped into the lie like a hangman slips a noose around the neck. 

                “Okay.”  Still that lifeless voice.  He was beginning to irritate her.  Well she wasn’t going to make him anything if he was going to have an attitude.  And he said she had one!  Ha!  His was a real doozy right now.  She almost told him what she thought, but decided against it.

                The day with Carlos was a torture.  She knew he had talked to his father and knew enough Spanish to know she was in trouble for lying.  Carlos made her call in her resignation.  “But Carlos, I have to give 2 weeks notice.  If I don’t, I’ll have trouble getting another job.”  He only stared at her.  So she called. 

                A week later Carlos came home from work knowing Juanita was ready to break.  He kept up his stony facade.  He’d tell her to do something in his dead voice and she jumped to do it.  She couldn’t sit still for long and kept jumping out of her chair to do things.  One thing he noticed was she would not look him in the eye.  She hadn’t since she lied about what time she got home.  His father had told him.  And Carlos wanted to blister her bottom but good right then and there.  But Juanita had to be taught a lesson.  At the time she only felt anger but now she was full of remorse.  That’s exactly where he wanted her. 

                This week had been sheer torture for Juanita.  Carlos rarely spoke except to tell her to do something.  And then he used that flat, bloodless tone.  His eyes and his tone made her shiver.  She had lied to him twice and he wouldn’t even discuss it.  “Juanita my father told me what time you came in.  You lied.”  That’s all that was said.  She had tried talking to him, but he’d give one word responses. 

                Carlos walked into their bedroom and Juanita was sitting on the bed stewing.  “Carlos you have to talk to me.”

                “Juanita I tried.  All I got was lies for my efforts.” 

                “Carlos I can’t live this way.”  She looked at him hoping he’d see that she was pleading with him to stop this.  The guilt she carried had reached monster size and her self loathing was endless. 

                “What would you have me do Juanita?  I ask for an honest answer and I get a lie.  I tell you I don’t want you to do something and you go ahead and do it.  What would you like me to say?  You’re forgiven?”

                “Yes Carlos.  Say I’m forgiven.”

                “I forgave you long ago Juanita.  It’s you who needs to forgive yourself.”

                “What are you talking about?”  Then she stopped with her mouth open.  It was true she hadn’t forgiven herself.  “How was I supposed to know you’d forgiven me.  You certainly didn’t act like it.”

                “Did you ask Juanita?”

                He was so under control, it irritated her.  “No..........” 

                “Juanita we need to settle this.”  She shuddered when he said that.  She knew what he meant and hated that she knew he was right.

                “Whatever Carlos.” she said with a flip of her hand.  He almost laughed at her act of defiance, but stopped himself.

                “When you’re ready to settle this Juanita, come and tell me.”  And he left the room.

                What?  He must be nuts.  The blow to his nose did something to his brain.  What was he expecting her to do?  Then it dawned on her.  The bastard wanted her to ask him for a spanking.  That was a laugh!  But she wasn’t laughing.  She sat with her legs crossed rocking on the bed.  How long could she live with the guilt?  She honestly answered herself, not much longer.  She rocked and rocked.

                Carlos sat tensely on the living room couch.  He didn’t know why, but he felt she had to ask for it  It definitely would be an indication that she finally took his authority seriously.  But she also needed to forgive herself and she had to realize that the spanking is what would accomplish this.  So he waited.  An hour passed and he waited.  He ate dinner with his parents, went back to the couch and waited.

                He suddenly heard a small rustle behind him.  He hid the smile that threatened to come out as he turned to her.  “Carlos.  I am sorry I lied.  I.........”  She started crying.  It was the cry Demi Moore did in “Ghost.”  Soundless, but moving in its silence.  Then she handed Carlos the bathbrush.

                Carlos took her by the hand into their bedroom and closed the door.  He wordlessly sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at Juanita standing beside him.  She looked at him, then lay across his knees.  She seemed to relax the minute she was across his knee.  As if this was where she always belonged.  Carlos gently lifted her dress and lowered her panties.  He rested his hand on her bottom as if laying claim to his territory.  Her bottom showed no sign of her previous spanking so he had a clean slate to work with.

                “Juanita do you admit you were wrong to get a job after I’d told you not to?”  Silence greeted his question.  He gave her a hard slap across her left cheek and admired his hand print.  “Juanita?”  Still no answer.  So Carlos proceeded to slap her bottom till it was warm and pink. 

                “Now.  Let’s try this again.  Are you sorry?”  He waited for her answer with his palm once again resting on her now warm cheeks.

                “Carlos this is ridiculous.  You know I’m sorry.  So just cut the crap.”  She snapped back.  So Carlos spanked her again slapping the pink a notch higher. 

                Juanita was pissed.  “What’s with the inquisition?  You haven’t talked to me all week and now you’re getting chatty.”

                “Juanita.  I will continue to spank you each time you refuse to answer.  Then you’ll get the spanking you deserve.”  He smiled as he saw her eyes widen at this.  So she thought this was the spanking.  When it actually was the prelude.  “Would you care to answer now.”

                She hated when he rested his hand on her bottom like that.  He did it in public too.  But if she didn’t answer this could go on forever.  Yep.  She could last as long as Carlos.  His arm would give out and he’d never be able to finish.  But Carlos was very strong.  “I’m sorry I got a job when you told me not to.”  He gave her two very hard slaps across her cheeks.

                “Are you sorry that you lied to me about what time you got home?” he asked.

                “Yes Carlos I am sorry.”  She said through gritted teeth.  She hated this lecturing crap.  Then another four swats crossed her bottom.  Well he got his apologies and he got to smack her.  What more could he want?

                “Now Juanita.  I think we’ll start with the bathbrush.”  He started laughing when she started to push herself off his lap.  “No sweetheart.  This is just the beginning.”  He pushed her forward over his knees so he had a prime shot at her sit spot. 

                She was just about to say something, when she remembered it’s not wise to be a smart ass when you’re face down across someone’s knee.  The first smack caught her by surprise.  It came while she was trying to get herself under control.  The rest followed rapidly without pause.  She felt the brush land on her left cheek and leave it’s burning embers.  Then it hit the right.  Then the center.  It caught the inside of her thighs.  The brush landed and landed and landed.  Juanita yelled, swore, begged, threatened and pleaded.  The smacks fell unaltered. 

                Carlos loved the sound of the bathbrush making contact with her bare skin.  Smack,  Smack, Smack.  He kept up a quick pace, turning her bottom from pink to red.  Smack.  Smack.  She lay across his lap breathing rapidly when he finally stopped.  She noticed how the burn set in across her bottom when he stopped.  She had herself under control still.  She could handle this.  But her butt was so hot and Carlos wasn’t letting her up.

                Carlos placed a hand on her bottom enjoying the warmth that spread to his fingers.  With his other hand he fumbled around till he found what he’d been looking for.  He had cut the branch, peeled the bark and oiled it till it was smooth.  He moved his hand and let the switch fall.  Juanita jerked up and almost succeeded in getting off his lap.  So he just pulled her back into place and held her firmly around the waist.  “What the hell was that!’ she yelled.  Crack! The switch landed again leaving a red welt across her bottom.

                “It’s called a switch.”  Juanita could almost hear pride in his voice.  “I was taught how to make this when I was growing up.  It’s a family tradition.”  Crack!  The pain was like knives and she was sure she had to be bleeding.

                “How long have you been making this dickhead?”  Crack!  “Ow!  Carlos that really hurts!”

                “Good.  It’s supposed to hurt.”  Crack!  “Now let’s discuss you pot smoking again.”

                “What pot smoking?” she asked innocently.  Crack!  She winced with the pain.  “All right I smoked pot.”  Crack!  Crack!  “Oucheeeee!”

                “You’re still lying!”  Carlos was mad now.  Crack!  Crack!  He let the switch fall.  “So you want to lie.  There’s a high price for lying.”  Crack!  Crack!  Crack!  Crack!  By now Juanita’s bottom had red welt criss-crossing her bottom.  She refused to cry.  He had put her through hell so he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of making her cry.  Crack!  It was going to be hard though.

                “When you lie Juanita, I can’t trust you anymore.”  Crack!  Crack!  Her heart sank.  She heard the disappointment in his voice.  He aimed lower to get her thighs.  Crack!  Crack!  Crack!  Crack!  “I don’t trust you Juanita.” 

                Even before the next crack descended, Juanita was in tears.  Crack!  Crack!  She hated herself.  How could she have done that to him.  And all he ever asked from her was love.  The pain in her heart was greater than any switch could be.  Crack!  Crack!  She cried for herself.  She cried for Carlos.  She cried for what she had done to their love.  She cried and cried.  She had not even noticed that Carlos had stopped.

                “Nita?”  He lifted her slowly  and gently sat her in his lap.  He rocked and soothed her as she cried.  He smoothed her hair back and kissed the nape of her neck.  Slowly her sobs subsided.

                “Carlos I am sorry.”  She held back a new onslaught of tears.  She didn’t need them.  She felt cleansed and she knew Carlos forgave her.  Then with a shock she realized she forgave herself.    She looked at Carlos and his bruised nose.  “I am so sorry I did that to your nose.  You didn’t spank me for that.  Why?”  She could have bit her tongue out.  How could she ask such a dumb question?  But Carlos was smiling.

                “It was my own fault.  I never should have grabbed you like that on the street.  Actually I’m quite proud of the way you took care of yourself.“ 

                They both laughed.  A little awkwardly at first, they kissed for the first time in a week.  Getting reacquainted took not time at all.  It was as if they had never been apart.


 on to part 3                                                                  to Jules' Jungle