Ladies Night Out



  Part 1


 Barb wrote:


Thunk!.......... Scratch!......THUNK!   Anna jerked

upright in her bed.  She hadn’t actually been a sleep

yet, she had just begun drifting in the misty area of

unreality, where conscious and unconscious merge.  But

now, something was at her window.  A wave of fear

shivered down her spine as she envisioned Ted Bundi

getting ready to break in.  


But with a flash of rational thinking she realized

that the window was on the second floor and it was

VERY unlikely that someone would be trying to break

in.  Besides this was Spankville.  It would be

impossible to find a quieter, crime free city anywhere

in the USA.


THUNK!!......”Pstttttttt, Hey Anna, wake up.”  That

sounds like Barb she thought, and scuttled across the

room to look out.  She opened the window and leaned

out and nearly got binged in the head but a small



“Hey! Watch out!” She called, just a little but miffed

at being summoned this way.  “I have a front door you



“Shhhhh......We didn’t want to wake anyone up.”  Barb

whispered back.  “Look who’s in town!”  Anna glanced

and there stood Deb grinning up at her.


“Hi Anna,” Deb smiled, “Long time no see.”


“Where have you been, girl?” Anna asked, delighted to

see Spankville’s part-time resident.


“Well it has been a terribly, terribly busy summer.

But I am here now!  And I want to have a girl’s night

out.  Are you up for it?”


“Sure!”  Anna whispered back.  “Give me five minutes

to get dressed and I will meet you down stairs.”


Barb and Deb giggled in mischievous anticipation and

made their way to Anna’s front porch and sat down in

the swing. 


“Barb, are you sure you shouldn’t tell Ron that you

are going out tonight?  You don’t want him to worry.”

Deb looked a little concerned.  “You know what will

happen if he thinks you should have told him and you

don’t.  I just don’t want to see you get in trouble.”


“Nahhhhh, it will be okay.  Hey, we are adults, if we

want to go out for the night, he isn’t gonna care.

Besides he is already asleep, I am sure.  He will

never even know we are gone.”


Deb looked a little skeptical, but shrugged in the

face of Barb’s confidence.  “Well, it’s your


Just about that time Anna slipped out the door.  “So

what are we up to tonight.  Do you think we ought to

let Ron know, so he won’t worry?”


“Nahhh,” Barb said again, “He is already asleep.  We

don’t want to disturb him.”


Well.....” Deb drawled out the suspense.  “I have been

such a good girl for sooo long that I really want to

cut loose to night.”  She smiled impishly,  “Have you

ever been to a strip-bar?”  Anna gaped and glanced at

Barb.  Barb showed no surprise so she and Deb must

have already discussed this. 


“Uh..... well, yes I have, but it has been a long

time,”  Anna said.


“It is the Chippendale Dancers, Anna.  They are

performing tonight at a club in the city.    I have

never been to a strip-bar but I have always been

curious.....and the Chippendale Dancers....ooooo....I

can’t wait to see that.”


“It will be fun Anna, please come with us.”  Deb

wheedled, “You know the city much better than I do.  I

am not sure I can find it without your help.”


“So, where are they performing?” Anna asked starting

to look very interested.  “I don’t think I want to go

to some sleazy part of town this late at night.


“They are performing at Walt’s Night Club down on 53rd

street.  It is a classy place, right off the highway.

You know where it is don’t you Anna?  Please come, we

really want you to.  Besides you need a night out as

badly as the rest of us.” Barb quickly lined up her

best arguments. 


“Well, If I could just be sure Ron wouldn’t mind.....”


“For heaven’s sake, Anna.  You sound like Barb use to.

 What’s gotten into you?”  The smile on Deb’s face

took all the sting out of her words and Anna didn’t

take offense.


“It’s not so much as ‘what’s gotten into me’ as ‘what

I’ve gotten into.’  This IS ‘Spankville’ you know.

And with all the new people moving in, Ron’s spanking

arm is in tip-top shape.”


“It always was Anna It always was,” Barb said

ruefully shaking her head and rubbing her bottom as if

it were still a little sore from her last spanking.

“Besides, we aren’t going to do anything wrong.  We

are just going out for a little bit.  Ron won’t care.

He isn’t even gonna know, he is asleep, I tell you.

But if you are worried leave him a note on the door in

case he wonders where you are.”


“That is a good idea, Barb.”  Anna darted back into

her house and grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper.

“Hmmmm.......what should I say?  I don’t know that I

want to tell him I have gone to a


“Well.....”Barb started giggling.  “Tell him that Deb

came by and invited you to the movies to watch

cartoons.  If we do get caught you can play all

innocent, like you didn’t know what we were going to

do.  And you misunderstood Deb.”


Anna looked confused.


“Don’t you get it?  Walt, like in Walt Disney and the

Chippendales as in Chip and Dale.   You know!!! Those

two little squirrels on that cartoon.”  Barb and Deb

dissolved into gales of laughter. 


“Yeah, right.  Like Ron is gonna believe that one,”

Anna said laughingly.


She wrote quickly, “Decided to go out with Barb and

Deb, be back soon.”  “There that ought to do it and

help keep our butts out of the wringer if he finds out

we left with out taking the safety precaution of

letting someone know where we are going.  Don’t you

think that ought to be alright??


“Sure, it is just fine,” said Deb.  “Ron isn’t going

to know you are gone anyway.  Okay girls lets go watch



The three of them raced down the sidewalk and jumped

into Deb’s car.  With only a tiny squeal they headed

toward the bright lights of the big city.





Part 2


 Deb wrote:


The three had no problem finding the 53rd street exit from the highway.

After that, Walt's was just a hop, skip and a jump down the road.  Even Anna

could find no fault with the classy façade of the nightclub.


Giggling like schoolgirls, they paid the cover charge and tiptoed in to the

dark, musk scented interior.  As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, Barb

finally saw her first male stripper.  Her eyes widened at the glistening

expanse of skin undulating before her before blushing furiously and gluing

her eyes to the floor.  Anna saw Barb's reaction and started to laugh loudly

enough to cause the bouncer to eye the three carefully.  Deb clapped her

hand over Anna's mouth and dragged the two over to a table near the side of

the stage.


"Shhhhhhhhhhhh, Anna!  What are you trying to do, get us kicked out?" Deb

whispered uneasily.  She kept her eyes averted from the dancing on the stage

as she tried to keep a more nonchalant expression on her face than Barb.

The whole image was spoiled by the blush suffusing her face.


"A drink, Ladies?" a deep voice asked from behind us.


Deb turned to the voice, hoping to get a chance to calm herself and quit

blushing.  It didn't work.  She found herself gaping at a handsome young

stud dressed only in a g-string and white cuffs.  "I.. I.. I..." she



"Three margaritas."  Anna piped up, with a giggle.  She covered her face

with her hands as Barb and Deb turned to stare at the muscular buttocks

walking away from them across the room.  Her grin grew even more as the two

other women exchanged blushing glances with each other.


"Get a grip, you guys!  What is the matter with you?!  You'd think that you

never saw men before!"  Her amusement faltered slightly as she watched the

nearly nude dancer thrust his pelvis towards the three newcomers.  It was

fairly obvious what the women were supposed to do by looking at the many

dollar bills fluttering from the confines of his g-string.


"Come on, Deb" she said pushing at her elbow.  "This is your idea.  You go



With trembling fingers, Deb fumbled within her handbag and pulled out a

dollar bill.  The dancer moved closer to her and licked his lips

suggestively.  Deb scrunched her eyes tightly closed and thrust the bill in

the general direction of the dancer.  His smile softened slightly, and he

grasped the trembling hand and lifted it to his lips for a kiss.  He eased

the money from her fingers, and kissed her palm as she stared from - now

wide - eyes.


Anna whooped with delight as the dancer turned and sauntered back across the

stage.  Deb's hand was still outstretched where the dancer had left it, and

she seemed frozen in shock.  The margaritas appeared almost magically on the

table, only Barb noticing the waiter return and set them and the bill on the

table.  Barb nudged Deb and handed her the drink.


Deb's glazed eyes focussed on the glass in her hand, and took a huge gulp

from it.  Sweet and tart, like lemonade, it went down quickly.


Thankfully, the current act finished his dance with a flourish and left the

stage.  Barb, Anna and Deb exchanged looks.


"I didn't think it'd be like this!"  Deb whispered to her partners-in-crime.

"Wow!"  She swallowed another gulp of her drink.


Barb nodded, her eyes still wide in near shock at the rowdy crowd and almost

naked men.  Anna was a little quicker to adjust - especially when she could

tease Barb and Deb - and distract herself as well!


Until the spotlight lit up the stage and showed a police motorcycle officer

with fists on his hips.  Anna gasped and cringed down in the seat absolutely

sure that the officer was coming for something that she had done.  The man

strode firmly across the room towards the trio as Anna whimpered slightly.

He seemed to stare directly at her as he slowly reached to his belt buckle

and unbuckled it.  With serious lips beneath the dark mustache and

sunglasses, he whipped the belt from his belt loops with a tremendous

"crack!".  Anna cringed and scrunched lower in her chair as Barb and Deb's

eyes met across the table.


They burst out laughing at Anna's expression as the dancer turned and

continued his strip act towards the other end of the stage.  They had

figured out pretty quickly that he was a dancer - the "badge" was a tin

star - and enjoyed paying Anna back for her previous jokes.


As the three women giggled and joked with each other, the waiter came and

replaced the empty glasses with full ones.  They never noticed, but kept

drinking from the frosted glasses as though they DID contain lemonade.  By

the end of the "officer's" dance, all three women had gotten bold enough to

put bills in his waistband.  The three slightly tipsy women now waited

enthusiastically for the next act...





 Part 3


 Anna wrote:


The evening of fun continued as the three watched act after

act of manly dancing.

The men now were taking women from the audience and helping

them onstage to be their dance partners.

It  looked like fun, but, I hope they don't pick me, Anna

thought to herself.

She looked over at Deb and Barb to see their reaction to this

new twist.

Barb looks embarrassed also,  but Deb, hmmm, she looks very

eager to be the next to be swept up off her feet and onto the



Anna nudges Barb's elbow, and says, "We should have brought a

camera.  The gals aren't gonna believe this."

"NO!"   Barb looks at Anna like she's nuts.  "That's the

perfect way to get caught.  How can you even think such a

thing?  That's all we need is to have pictures of us with the

male dancers floating around Spankville."


"I suppose you're right, Barb.  Sorry."  Anna's eyes then get

big as saucers as she looks and sees Deb being happily

escorted on stage by a rather handsome, nearly naked man.


Barb and Anna watch as Deb cavorts around the stage with him.

Deb's having a blast! 


When the dance is over she returns to the table and says to

Anna and Barb breathlessly,  "We better go.  I can't believe

what I just did. Oh my gosh, don't tell anyone what I just

did."  We all look at each other then burst into laughter.

Anna calls for another round of drinks, but Barb says,  "Not

for me, I'm done...I've had enough."


While waiting for their drinks, the three sit back enjoying

the fun they've been having tonight and talking about the next

trip back here.


The dancers are getting ready for the next act, and many of

the women from other tables are whooping it up, waving their

hands and shouting,  "Pick me! Pick me!"   They all want the

chance to be on stage with the Chippendales.


A huge dancer comes down and picks the lucky lady.  Anna and

Barb breathe a sigh of relief it wasn't them.


The dancers are in the middle of their set, when we hear glass

breaking.   Giggling at each other,  Barb says, "Someone's in

for a good hard spanking.  It sounds like one of the waiters

must have dropped a whole tray full of drinks."  But then we

hear a ruckas coming from the back of the lounge.   Glancing

back, we see a big fight breaking out.  Lots of shouting and

cussing and fists flying.  Not able to figure out what's

happening, we decide this is a good time to leave.


We sneak out the side door and make out way to the parking lot

in the front of the building.


"OH NO!"  Deb, Barb and Anna shout in unison.    Deb's car

window has been shattered and broken.  So have a few other

cars in the lot.

Deb cries, "Now we know what that noise was!  Who could have

done this and why?"


Barb cries, "What are we going to do?  We can't drive home

like that...with no windshield.  That's against the law."


Anna cries, "ON NO!  I feel raindrops coming down...Deb, your

car is gonna be ruined!"


We rush back inside to make a phone call to one of the other

gals in Spankville to come and get us.  The three of us are

standing there, trying to decide who to call.   Anna yells

with a panicky voice to Deb, "Just call anyone, it doesn't

matter...just don't call Ron!"


Peeking around the corner we see the fight still in full fury.

With shaky hands Barb fumbles in her purse for some change for

the pay phone.  Before she can get it out, the front door

flies open and the police come rushing in.  


Trying to make our getaway, we run back to the side door, only

to be stopped by the policemen.  "Just where do you ladies

think you're going?"  

Anna whispers, "Home sir, we would like to go home now.  We

had nothing to do with the fight, we know nothing about it."


The policeman eyes each one of us and then says in a mean

voice,  "Little ladies, no one is going anywhere anytime soon,

so all three of you get right back in there." 


Really scared now, we slowly go back to the table, but far

away from the fight area, which is now being broken up.


"What are we going to do now?"  Anna asks her friends.   "I

don't know," a worried Barb says, "and if Ron finds out, we're

really in for it."


Deb says,  "Ackkkk, this really gets me ticked off.  We had

such a fun night for oursleves and now we're stuck here till

the cops sort things out, and then we have to deal with my

windshield.  Oh dear......."






Continue to part 4