Ladies Night Out   Part4

'Linda gets the welcome test.'


Linda wrote:



Linda was so relieved that the dreaded rent spanking was over that she

hardly even noticed all the neighbours crowding into her new home.

A lot of laughing and talking was going on as she tugged at her clothing and

rearranged her hair.

She marveled at the friendliness surrounding her. She continued rubbing her

bottom but it was almost absent minded now.

Inside she was thinking

"Hooray, I made it! I'm in like Flynn and it only hurt like the very

dickens!" she thought ruefully.

She made a mental note to send a beautiful thank you card to Ron along with

mmmmm maybe her best chocolate cake. She wanted Ron to know just how

grateful she was to him.

But Anna....well, she was another story! Imagine bringing popcorn over to

"watch" the show with! Linda thought that she might say something about that

to Anna.

So many people introduced themselves to her that she couldn't keep their

names straight, but she knew that she would be seeing them all over the

course of the next few months and that she would learn all about this new

home of hers.


She looked around for Ron but he was nowhere to be seen. He's like Zorro,

she thought. Leaves his mark and then slips out of sight....

well, she would ask him for the cream tomorrow. For now, she was just happy

to be here.





 Part 5


Anna wrote:


I'm sitting at the table with Deb and Barb as we wait to see what's

going to happen, and when we're gonna be able to leave this place.


I suddenly get an awful craving for popcorn.


Closing my eyes, I can almost smell the hot butter and popcorn I had

brought over to Linda's house when Ron was about to administer her

rent payment spanking.


I also recall the look on Ron's face when he saw me come in with it.


Linda didn't seem too thrilled either.


He seemed kinda upset that I barged in like that on Linda.  It was

her first spanking after all.


Oh no, I can't even imagine the look on his face if he finds out

about the mess the three of us are in tonight...







  Part 6


Katy wrote:



I had been restless and unable to sleep.  It was an exciting day with our two

new residents moving in. I was going to go visit, but I had seen Ron pay them

the obligatory "rent payment" and "spanko test" visit.  They would probably be

wanting to rest by now. 


It was so quiet and a lovely evening, I decided to sit on my front porch for a

while.  I didn't put on any lights just sat in the swing and watched out over

the street. 


I saw Ron come home and barely turn on his lights and then off again.  I guess

he must have been really tired from all of his day's activities. 


I dozed off a bit, but the sound of giggling woke me up.  I looked over at

Anna's and there was Deb and Barb at her window talking to her.  The next thing

I know, they are all in a car taking off somewhere.  Hmmmm!  That looks like

trouble to me. 


On the spur of the moment I decide to follow them.  I jumped in my car and went

after them.  When I saw where they were going I couldn't believe it.  A make

strip show!  The Chippendales.  Wow!  Would Ron ever blister them for this one.


I wasn't brave enough to go in, but sat there for a while.  I wondered how long

they would be staying.


Just as I was about to leave this gang came up and started breaking windows in

cars.  A huge fight broke out.  I drove out of the lot to the nearest phone and

called the police.  I drove back thinking I better get the girls and get them

home, before they got caught.


I saw the girls leave the place, but a burly police officer ushered them right

back in.  Oh brother!  Were they ever going to get in trouble.


I thought for a minute and came up with a great idea.  I  would tell the police

that they were my sisters, and we had an emergency in the family and must get

home right away.  That would get us out of there fast!


I boldly went up to the officer and announced that I was those ladies over

there sister.  They must come with me immediately as we had a family emergency.


Officer friendly he was NOT!.


"Well is that so young lady?  Seems to me, that I recognize all of you.  The

only one who is getting you out of here till we are done, would be Ron.  You

just go join your friends, and I'll think about whether I need to call him or



Dejectedly I went over to the girls table.  "Hi guys, I thought I could help,

but apparently I am stuck now too."


"How was the show?"



continue on to part 7