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Hey what's up people? You want to know about me do you? Well here you go... My first name is Chuck... I live in Ohio.... I'm 27 years old... I love to party... Shoot some pool.... Hang around online of course... I like going fishing, camping, boating, and reading books... My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers... My favorite College football team is Ohio State... My favorite basketball team is Chicago Bulls... My favorite baseball team is Cleveland Indians...I am a easy person to get along with... I will have more pictures soon... I'm going to have a picture page... That's all I have for now... Sign my Guest Book... On your way out please... Enough about me for now... If you care to email me... My email is at the bottom... I will be adding new things to the page often... Well I'm out of here... Have a nice day..

This is my cat smokier everyone... She's so cute.... But I had to get rid of her...when I moved... I miss her so much... But I will always have her pictures... So I can see her... Whenever I want to...

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If you click on number 1. It wail take you to yahoo games.. You can play pool... And other cool games.. My name for yahoo is homeboy233...






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 The Last Time This Site Was Update Was Sunday, October 20, 2002 10:12:28 PM


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Made By Suzi  At Suzi Crazy Land Of OZ

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