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Validor, a land founded on the beliefs which we in the Legion of Light hold dear, and we serve Validor as we serve the Light.
The capital of Validor is Rhovanion, and in Rhovanion is the heart of our land and our people, as well as the center of government and of Validor's Royal Army.
The Legion of Light is headquartered within the walls of The Light Keep, which guards the North Pass, principle passage between Validor and Rhy'din proper.
The wilderness of Validor is rich with forests and hills. Hunting is made easy by the abondent amount of wildlife found within these lands.

The Light Keep is a fairly typical medieval keep. It is circled by tall, thick outer walls with evenly-spaced turrets and guard houses. A single main gate opens to the main road to the east which leads north to Rhy'din proper and south to the rest of Validor. Inside the walls of the Keep we have the Inner Keep, two barracks, old and new, an infirmary, a gym/indoor training house, a flagstone courtyard, fenced-off training grounds, housing for workers etc, stables and various other buildings. The Inner Keep is the only entirely-stone structure inside the walls, but most of the other structures are mostly stone. The Inner Keep contains the Hall of the Light, the gathering place/mess hall for the Legion, the kitchens, the lower offices, and the tower with the upper offices. The Old Barracks are used for temporary staff, guests and such. The New Barracks are used for the soldiers. We also have another large building referred to as the Staff Quarters, which houses all the workers of the keep(cooks, stable-hands, maids, maintainence people, etc etc). The infirmary is staffed by our small cadre of healers

Most Roleplaying in Validor takes place here, The Legion of Light Message Board.

Map of Validor

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