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Self Medication

Duel Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis

Individuals who experience a dual diagnosis often face a wide range of psychosocial issues and may experience multiple interacting illnesses (more than two). The term "co-occurring disorders" is becoming a common term used to refer to dual diagnosis, or co-occurring substance abuse disorders and psychiatric or emotional illnesses.

This is where the alcoholism and Bipolar meet and feed off of each other as in so many cases.  Again you will need to control the Bipolar when it surfaces after the alcohol use is removed.  The window of time may be short when the underlying psychiatric or emotional illnesses shows itself, because the alcohol will end up coming back into play.  Thus the cycle begins again and it becomes more frustrating for the person try to be and stay sober.  Again both must be controlled or sobriety will fail.

I had to figure this out by myself.  I did a lot of researching on internet.  One of the sites I thought was the best at explaining I have linked to below. 

Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring Disorders