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Clairvoyant - Clairaudient - Clairsentient - Psychic Medium - Intuitive Development & Assessment Mentor - Animal Communication


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most readings provided with little or no wait depending on the schedule

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I have been providing professional psychic readings for fourteen years come September of 2009. This is when my sixth sense also became my profession.

Any business or business person, be they big business or small will agree that any business standing for this amount of time has a couple of successful elements. And these “elements” are not always business related. Some of them must be the way you treat people and view them as a part of mankind.

I love people. I like hearing their stories. I find the most amazing qualities hidden in the quietest of people. And I have been like this since around 11 or 12 years old…if not younger!

The human mind still amazes me. Just to wonder why it is that one person insists on chocolate but the other must have vanilla - astonishing! (this probably sounds cheesy but it is the truth).

Again even as a very young lady, when someone told me their “secret”, I appreciated that they felt comfortable in doing so.

I am unsure if it is the level of respect & regard I have for people or my advanced intuition ability…came first. Maybe I understand folks on a better level because this sixth sense appreciates their actions and thoughts … because in a way, I “become” them? I don’t know the answer to that question but it all comes down to - I do like people. And unless given extreme reason, automatic respect is given.

This, I believe, is one of the factors in my long term success as a reader.

Now another “trait” that my family and close friends (I am sure) do not find as appealing as some of my clients may, is the fact that I tend to over explain. I leave no stone unturned! When I send directions to an event or to my home, I will not only mention the road names and numbers of the highway, I make mention of schools, stores and other freestanding landmarks you will see along the way! Again…those who know me well don’t hesitate in reminding me that they don’t need to know about every Wal-Mart and Public Library along the way! (heehee) So to say my readings are detailed, would be an understatement in most cases. Now where this next statement may be a given to some, I better make the statement for those who don’t get it. This does not mean you can order a 10 minute telephone reading and I am going to spend an additional unpaid 40 minutes explaining everything. If I run over by a few minutes…no charge … no worry. But my sixth sense will also pick up on those who simply are not going to understand my reading…or those who are taking advantage of my over explanations by saying “oh I don’t get it. Could you explain a bit more?” And that does happen. Also … some things in life are a “given”. Meaning if I state in a reading…this guy/gal is a good match for you and I hear wedding bells…then those bells will end if you sleep with his/her sister, brother or mother! (This is actually a true story!) So make sure you are prepared to understand the golden rules of life as I don’t go that in depth with the readings. I will assume that you understand yes you are going to get the job if you arrive on time for your interview (yet another true story)… let me share this one with you.

Several years ago I read for a woman who was interested in knowing which of the 3 jobs she was interviewing for, was the best match. I felt as though her second interview was the company that would hire her. Without her telling me, I checked for accuracy by telling her a few items about the company, that she should know - that I should NOT know. I often do this technique to confirm my accuracy with a situation. After her verifications of the company information I told her yes, I felt she would get the second interviews position. Not more than maybe 10 days later…she re-phoned my office. She reintroduced herself and reminded me of the reading. I wasn’t sure why she was calling so soon for another reading. And she wasn’t. She was calling to tell me she didn’t get the job. Even though I had stated…I felt this was a sure thing. Her words were “I KNEW I should have been on time!” Immediately, my mouth dropped open. But after second guessing this in the few seconds between her words and my reply, I thought no way - no way. I had to ask her what she meant, about “being on time”.

“Well because you said I had this job FOR SURE…I was a bit late”. You know - I HAD to ask … how late. (and for those cynics who will find themselves taking time of their life to read this article…let me answer what is going on in your mind right now…NO I DO NOT know every single thing in the world…so yes I felt it best to ask her)…
She was “only about 20 to 30 minutes late”.

Needless to say - my prediction was wrong.

As you will see below in my list of what to expect…I address the old psychic being 100% right, 100% of the time. And to give you the Readers Digest abridged edition of my thoughts on 100% accuracy…I don’t feel like it is possible for ANY psychic to 100% correct.

So - in this case. I was wrong.
Should I have told her to brush her teeth, iron her clothes, dress accordingly, and BE ON TIME? Maybe I should have.
I didn’t even “go there” in the reading because I assumed she knew.

This lengthy saga takes me a bit off track (But I thought you may enjoy the story all the same) of my explanation on my work and the business aspects of my job.

My work like most businesses does not succeed because of the person who calls me once. It succeeds because of the customer who will think of me the next time they need psychic insight. Fourteen years is not made up of the one time person but rather of the customer who felt my reading was accurate, understandable and informative enough to recommend me to a friend. Therefore I want to do a good job for you.

I actually feel as though I am doing the job, I was meant to do. It feels right. It wasn’t an easy decision to place the title of psychic over my head. Can you even imagine what your family, in-laws, friends and neighbors would think if you did so? Trust me, it wasn’t easy and it isn’t easy. Psychic carries confrontation of all kinds. I guess this doesn’t bother me because after being in the field for these years I have seen what goes on behind the scenes of those who call themselves psychic. We have more than our share of bad practitioners and those with ulterior motives.
So I totally get the apprehension of potential clientele for any reader. But all the same, those who have this title and are legit, also suffer the aspects of that confrontation.

Below are several guidelines I have followed from the time I started to do readings professionally and some of them, personal traits.

I think when you are making ANY type of purchase, and especially from the Internet, you should have a good idea of what to expect. You should have a good idea of your businessperson or the company you are dealing with BEFORE you make that purchase.

If you have other questions or concerns before deciding on a reading with me, feel free to email the office. I don’t always answer the emails personally but my if there is a question that only I can answer, my assistant will make sure I get a copy of your email to my personal email address.




I think the one custom I am most proud of concerning the way I provide professional psychic insight, is the fact if I do not feel like I can help you with a situation - then I will not provide the reading. Which means your fee will be refunded. No charge to you.

There are times when I do not feel a connection as I write my clients first name (writing first names is something I do with every single reading I do, whether it is a telephone, in person or email reading. The writing of someone’s first name seems to begin the flow of psychic information surrounding the client).

A lack of connection can happen for many reasons.

Possibly the person doesn’t need a reading.
The situation they want insight on, is something they are supposed to work on personally…without advice. I believe we all have lessons that we go thru and it is up to us to handle it. Possibly the Angels just stand back and say “ok how will he/she handle this one?”.

I know many times I have attempted the connection with a customer and all I sense is silence. No details. No information. When I explain that I am not picking up anything on them or the situation, they tell me how strange that it is - because they have had 10 other readings from 10 other psychics and each and every one of those psychics were able to give them a reading!

Frankly if you have had multiple readings in a short period of time or multiple readings on one subject, this sends up a red flag to most professional readers. Even the clearest of minds will begin to get complicated when you have abundant information coming in.

I could go on and on because the reasons for no connection will be as individual as the person sitting with me. And if this happens, I won’t just chat to chat. I won’t pretend to receive this inspirational message from the heavens. I may refer you to another reader or suggest waiting to try again. I won’t deliver a reading that isn’t comfortable or necessary.


What surprises most folks is the fact that I actually get readings for myself from other psychics! I am just too close to the situations surrounding my life.

I may receive what I sense to be psychic insight for my situations, but I prefer to have my personal psychic insight validated by my long time psychic. I feel much better when I can say “yes that is what I thought too”.

Because I get readings, I provide readings in the same manner as I like to get my readings.

One of the important factors for me when I get a reading, is to be able to discuss my selected and specific topics and concerns.

I have had readings that when the timer starts at minute one the reader begins talking about my past life or my aura. And then three minutes before the timer dings, they ask if I have questions. Lets face it, at this point in time, we are all on a budget. We are watching our money and investments carefully.

I will address YOUR questions, concerns and topics. You are in charge of your reading and the time surrounding it. You may let me know when you phone into the office how much time you need. And I will do my best to stick to that time format for your subject matter. If we are going to run over, I do NOT increase your fee without giving you the decision whether to continue or complete the session. I do not slam the phone down nor does our phone system self disconnect at your selected time period. Whatever topic we are on when your timer rings - I will conclude before hanging up. You may also choose to continue your reading if you like. But you are always kept aware of the time and charge being incurred.


Not everyone who obtains a reading understands the chakra & aura system. Not every client is familiar with soul retrievals, walk-ins, kundalini risings, or the physical and spiritual realms of Angels.

By no means am I saying these areas are unimportant or uninteresting. In fact, personally I find it all very interesting. But the reason you are calling me is not to partake in a metaphysical course. It is to receive my psychic insight on your specific situations in a clear and direct manner in a style best suited for you.

If you want to know the deeper meaning behind a situation, I am more than prepared to address that with you. But again - this remains your choice.

And I hope that each and every client feels comfortable enough with me to let me know if there is anything they don’t understand. Since I receive psychic details thru my frame of reference, I do often ask my customer if I am making sense. I so often wish I could just hold the hand of my client and transfer the information I am “sensing”! I perceive the answers to your questions in so many ways. Thru visuals, hearing, feeling…sometimes when you ask a question, I begin to recall an event from my own life! I will see a movie I watched or hear a line from a book I have read. My psychic information often surfaces in symbolic answers. I always check to make sure I have interpreted that information in the manner you can understand by asking “does this make sense?”

One of the goals I set for myself when providing readings is to have my client leave the reading, with an understanding of their situation. I want them to feel a relief.

This doesn’t always mean the situation will always end in the way that we would like.

I can’t change destiny.

But maybe if you better understand the encounter, why it has happened, why it isn’t going in the direction we would choose…at least we understand the why’s.


For this reason, have a pen and paper handy!
I will give you a few tips before the reading begins on how to best take notes that will trigger information that came thru during your time with me.

As I read I will receive dates, numbers, names, descriptions, events, situations, hurdles & highlights, and other details surrounding your situation.

What people seem to forget is the fact that I see information from the future. All too often when I am providing a reading I will say a name or a series of numbers and my client says “Yea I don’t know a Jack”.
“I have no idea what those numbers mean?”
Of course you won’t! If the name or number is coming in three weeks or months later, you have not been introduced yet!

This is why I say write it down! I would rather be wrong and have you write down something unimportant - and complete whatever piece of information is coming thru - than to have you phone the office days, weeks or months later to ask “What did that name Jack mean Vicki, because now I have met a Jack!”

I don’t recall my readings. I don’t know if this is due to old age, having to much to remember inside my personal life or the fact that I am not entirely cognizant when I am in a psychic zone. And actually, I feel it is a combination of all of the above…for this reason I believe it is just as important to write the details down that do not make sense as it is to write down the data that already makes sense to you. Do not worry about your timer ticking away as you take notes. I will always accommodate for note taking by adding a few extra minutes to your reading without an additional charge.

Which brings us to the next expectation…


I am not a psychic telephone line. You don’t deposit more coins into the telephone to hear the rest of your reading.

Whether you have purchased the 10 minute reading or the one hour session, whatever topic we are on when your timer rings (announcing the end of the time you have purchased) I will COMPLETE the topic or question I am on.
This means I am not going to ask you to increase your payment to hear the end of a sentence.

If it takes me a few minutes to finish up the topic we are on, I will do this without an additional charge.

Now (unfortunately this needs to be clarified for those who will take advantage of this promise) this does not mean 2 seconds before your timer goes off, denoting the end of your purchased time, you cannot ask the meaning of life. This offer of my finishing whatever topic we are on does not mean you can order the 10 minute session and have 10 questions in mind that you would like to discuss.

Please purchase your reading time accordingly to the number of questions you have.

You may want to take time to view the part of my webpage titled WHAT TO DO BEFORE BOOKING A READING WITH PSYCHIC VICKIVEIL. That article will give you a better idea how to prepare for your reading before calling the office.


First of all think about this as the obvious - I AM a professional psychic reader! Can you imagine the judgments I have endured?!?!

I don’t know how I could have the audacity to discriminate against others. Not their views, not their choices, not their lives.

This didn’t just happen to me 10 years ago or after a course on enlightenment. Pretty much most of my life, I haven’t been one to classify and detest any one person or situation. Especially where my professional life is concerned.

Where most people get up, shower, brush their teeth, and fix their hair for their working day - I add one more thing to the list of things to do before work…I do a prayer and short meditation as a part of my get ready for work days. I have too. And if you happen to phone my office when I am in only to do paperwork or other non-reading type of work, it is not abnormal for me to explain my work day has not started yet. If I do not have my focus on, I won’t do the reading.

Now as I mentioned above, I tend not to be a judgmental person. But lets face it, I am human. There are things I would not do. Things that don’t work for me. Instances that I would not want my family or friends to find themselves in. Again - I am human.

Judgment is an opinion, a view, reasoning, belief -- it is what YOU have developed in your mind to be correct for YOURSELF.

So in all honesty - yes I have a list of judgments. BUT they are designed for myself - not for you.

Something I realized very early on in my life and work as a sensitive - is that I was providing readings for people, who were great people. And they were going thru a bad time.

This is life.

This will happen to me, to you, to others.

We will all find ourselves at some point in a situation that we would never ever dream we would be. No one is flawless. And to be honest, flawless would be quite boring because to remain flawless I would imagine one would have to sit entirely alone inside a single room. Right?

I have had so many first time clients tell me they are rather embarrassed or apprehensive to ask a question or approach a subject. Listen - drop that concern before you even dial the phone or make the drive to my office. I could only wish for the world where no one would point a finger at me and laugh because of my title. My title - is not only a working title…its who I am. And trust me I am well aware of judgments and finger pointing. I am more than familiar with preconceived notions about people - as even the nicest people have dropped their jaw open when I announce that my work is that of a psychic.

I have endured loss of friendships well developed when I decided to come out of the closet with my sixth sense…family and friends alike. It does hurt. And I would never intentionally do that to anyone else.

If there is a question or topic I do not feel that I can address without judgment - chances are I won’t form a connection to begin with. (see number one of this article). And if our connection was successful but there is something I don’t feel comfortable in addressing with an open heart for you - then I will tell you this and recommend someone who can help you.


I come from a probably odd to most mix of Catholic & Baptist background. The common denominator here is a strong belief in God. God is “my” higher power. And where my intention is never to disregard another’s belief system, I may use the term God during our session.

Again - because I prefer a respect for my belief system, I will also provide that same respect for YOUR belief system and apologize in advance if your higher power holds a different expression or phrase.

Religion, theology, and belief systems of ALL kinds have always interested me. With labels from Goddess to Jehovah, one thing they all hold in common (for me) is the strength behind a belief system. And I promise to honor your conviction. If my wording, phrases or mentions offend you, feel free to alert me to this.


Now there is a very thin line between suggestion and aggressive for this topic. I think the helpful and caring practitioner IS going to make suggestions for items and/or services that can further help their clientele with whatever topic of concern they are dealing with.

But all too often I have had the unfortunate experience to view the practitioner that almost shoves their products & services down the throat of their clientele. And I don’t believe this to be right.

Yes - the professional psychic is an operating business. We have bills and fees to pay to continue our work. From telephone bills to fees for the trade shows, we have fees.
We have to charge for many reasons outside of the obvious of paying bills. The non-obvious being the law of fair and even exchange of energy. However, I think simple mention and suggestion is enough. Placing the details about your other services whether in ad format or via your web site is also ample.

I will not persuade or push any service or product on you during your session. In fact it is rare that I mention more than a book or web site that may help your personal situation. The books I recommend are often the books I have read personally and would feel may fit your current situation. I have not written a book and have no plans on it at this time. So no worry that I will insist my product is going to change your life or that “the powers that be” are telling me you need to order another one hour reading!

If you are interested in my services or products, you can find them on my website and make the decision on your own if they are a requirement for you.


If for any reason at any time during your session you no longer feel this is for you - please stop me. You may interrupt me - cut me off - speak over me … whatever you need to do to stop your session and let me know you do not want to continue. I don’t need a reason. And there are no hard feelings. This is left up to you.

I will issue a refund thru whatever means you have paid for the unused monies.


This also means I will not answer your questions on death and/or terminal issues.

As a sensitive psychic - this means I literally take on the feelings of the topics and people I am connecting with.

Have you had your heartbroken?

Then I may feel this heartbreak as if it were my own.

Did you just have surgery on your right foot?
It isn’t abnormal for me to tell a customer I am being pulled to my foot and ankle area. And it hurts.

I am what is known as an empath.

An empath will unknowingly and involuntarily
take on the emotions and physical pains of others.

At the point in my life where I reflected back over my existence to confirm my psychic ability, the empathic “thing” was the first attribute I was able to associate with on a personal level.

I was sickly as a young child.
I tended to become the child I was hanging out with.
I knew when things were wrong.
I knew when people were lying to me.

And to my best memories these signs started or were already present by the age of 3 to 4 years old. (which is as early as I could pinpoint on my own)

You know that young child who screams and cries to their parent telling them “no they won’t! no they won’t!” when they have been lied to? That would be me. Where I would guess this personality trait could also fall under the label of
“brat” or throwing a fit too … all too often there was substance or hefty reasoning’s to my fits.

I can even remember (a bit too clearly actually) one event where my aunt, grandmother and grandfather were visiting my mother and myself for the evening. Now my aunt is only several years older than me. She is more like a sister than your traditional aunt figure. During their visit my aunt and myself had set up a Barbie world on the living room floor. We were having such fun when my “Maw maw” announced they would be leaving … for just a few minutes and then, she promised, they would return.

Now once again due to hindsight and research, I actually believe my grandmother was psychic as well - so maybe she could “foresee” the fit I was going to throw … hence her little white lie of returning. Granma had a total dead on hit because before she could even finish her sentence,
I had a total, hot mess meltdown.

The more they assured me of their return, the more I threw the fit. Screaming that they were lying.

Now - the only way I could recall this event (as no one else remembered it) was to find out how old I was when we lived in that certain location. My mother was a single mother and unfortunately when I was young we moved around … a lot and this was a way for me to determine my ages of the past. My aunt remembered that we lived in that particular location for only a short time of maybe more than a year and that I was barely three to three and a half years old while we lived there. Now I am not basing my entire consensus that I am psychic or empathic based on this one time event … but you get a partial point of how this whole psychic thing works for me … when I receive information … whether it is the way you are feeling, the way you felt … emotionally or physically, it is exaggerated and then pops up as my “own” thing.

So - imagine what it may feel like to sense someone’s impending death or bout with a terminal illness.

Trust me - it isn’t pretty.
Its not cool.
It isn’t fun.

And inside that same prayer and meditation period I mention above - I ask to NOT sense death & terminal.

I also believe that death is something decided between you and God (again refer upwards about my reference to “God” here) … when you will enter AND leave this lifetime.

There is two more reasons I choose not to participate in this type of information. Although listed here last, it is by no means the least important reason. I am not “that psychic” that believes I am never wrong. I am not “that psychic” that believes I am 100% correct in all of my predictions. I don’t think any psychic can be 100% across the board. We may have 100% days or individual readings…but all the time? Not happening. So what if your reading has been nothing less than amazing…and this is where that 10% of inaccuracy resides? This is a pretty big matter as far as I am concerned. Even though from the information I have sensed as a psychic and a medium … I believe there is a life after death…I am still not anxious to go thru the events that come about during our last days. Personally I wish God gave us a ticket on our descent to this earth life - and that ticket back to heaven was properly stamped with a date … on your 90th or 100th birthday I will send a ride…be at the bus stop. As everyone leaves on that 90th day or that 100th date…And we just prepared … we just knew that each and every loved one, each and every person had a minimum of 32,850 healthy happy days to spend. But we don’t.

And my final reason - how do I deliver such news?
Yes any reading is going to shed light on issues both good and bad but again this is not a little thing. And I don’t believe death is a choice…or if it is a choice then it is rare.
You see, this is an area of life, I am still unsure of. When someone asks me if their spouse will return, I will hear this profound YES … or “feel” a sense of excitement and happiness…letting me know yes by physically sensing. But I guess because I am uncertain of my thoughts and feelings toward death - there is a level of uncertainty there that makes me uncomfortable in the prediction. I never enjoy delivering less than positive news. Do I sugar coat my readings? No - but I do feel I choose my words & delivery for my clients with a means of tact and grace.
And thus again, leads us into the next guideline to expect in your reading with me….


I do not believe that every move we make - every event, every circumstance … is destiny.

I believe our lives and the events of life - are filled with choice AND destinies….

What if…on our travels to this life … as we passed our maker…we are told “Vicki … you will mother 4 children…marry twice … be a healer … you will deal with issues of illness, abandonment, and loss…BYEBYE!!…
And down the long slide we go.
Now once we get here …we get to “choose” …
yes it is destiny for me to mother four children…

But possibly 3 are stepchildren - one is biological.
Maybe I will be pregnant four times but I choose abortion?
This could also apply to adopting two - giving birth to two?
You see what I mean?
Choice & Destiny.

Based on my thoughts of the two - when I provide a reading and you provide your question - I almost can feel when there is some level of choice available to my client. And I will share whatever it is I see with the client. And I tend (like most anyone) to be drawn to the light. The positives … There are times when I feel like a situation has come to a point of destiny. When there isn’t another angle to look at. And when that happens I ask to see the reason why. Why the relationship can’t work - why the other person won’t understand your approach - why that job just isn’t yours…because sometimes just knowing why can be as healing (or so I believe).