2002 pics. cont.

(Oct. 19th)I think ive created a smallie maniac?..lol

Oct. 22 ,2002

another good day..total today was 15 smallies..too bad ya had to leave Duane..missed some good action at the 2nd spot...oh well next time ya know!

Oct. 28, 2002

I did go fishing the day after the last trip above , went on Oct. 23rd and had my best catch ever in fall(water level very low..and clear)...i landed 27 smallies with the majority of them going over 2 lbs. with some in the 3 lb class I lost two monsters that broke me off on some big boulders...couldnt steer them away from the rocks..these two fish were probably the biggest smallies ive EVER hooked into before..easy over 5 lbs. Sadly, i was alone and only after i took my pics. not knowing anything was wrong, i finally realized my batterys were too low to save those pictures...DAMN....i was very upset loosing those two monster smallies..but then not being able to save my pics. from that day was too much....i soon returned to that same stretch...BUT...Weather has turned really cold now...we got a bunch of rain too. Water level was up a bunch and the water was stained. Went out with Duane and Big Al, only one fish landed..and its the one above...i also missed 3 other hits..but they were very light...going to head out on Oct. 30th for another shot in a spot i know much better...have fishing it many many times in these type of conditions with great rewards..i'll post pics of the trip..if i land any?