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"My Heavenly Father And I"

"In The Garden" was a favorite Gospel Hymn of my
Godmother/Aunt Dorothy who passed away, and so I honor
her with the song.

"In The Garden"

I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses,
and the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.
...And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me
I am His own; and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other
has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush
their singing, and the melody that He gave to me, within my heart
is ringing.
...And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me
I am His own; and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other
has ever known.

I'd stay in the garden with Him though the night around me be
falling, but He bids me go; thru the voice of woe, His voice to
me is calling.
...And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me
I am His own; and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other
has ever known.

"Daisy" was my maternal grandmother's name, thus the daisies
below give tribute to a wonderful woman who I miss terribly.

A Favorite Song of my Momma;
"Just Wait Till The Morning Comes"

When the morning appears, oh it feels so near darkness is everywhere,
filled with so much despair, but I still have hope, that it'll all
be over, mountains will never move, darkness will disappear.
For, the sun will shine in the morning, just wait till the morning
comes. They that wait shall renew their strength they shall mount
up on the wings of an Eagle, oh yes; They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and never faint. For, the sun will shine in the
morning, just wait till the morning comes.

I am so very grateful and blessed to still have my momma here on
earth with me. I can't imagine my life without her.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

*** The following was written by me in 1999. I thought everything
was gone, but I found my original "My Heavenly Father" pages, and
I'd like to share this with you. ***

"Giving Honor To....My Father above and His son, Jesus Christ
for which nothing can be accomplished without their constant
and abiding love for me and mine."

Father, thank You for being so patient with me.
For the many times I mess things up and You are
still there for me, I am truly grateful. Help me
to think before I act, to be more cautious, and
to take better care of myself. You are my heavenly
Father. I am thankful for Your tender mercies,
Your sympathy toward me when I need You most,
and Your patience. How kind is your forgiving
Grace and Love...AMEN.

Father, You protect me from harm's way, wrapping Your wings
about me as an Eagle protects her young. She carries them on
her wings and doesn't let them fall. Thank You for carrying
me too. I praise You for Your endless love and compassion,
You strengthen my mind, body and soul. Thank You Father for
the love You show me every day. I think of how I was once in
sin's bondage, then you saved me. All I had to do was ask You
into my heart and You forgave my every single sin. Although,
my life was a mess when I gave it to You, You loved me anyway.
Step by step You performed miracles within me. You broke my
chains of sin and entrapment. You led me through every door
of my life and helped me to mature in You. Over and over I
slipped, and over and over you caught me. Help me Lord, for
only then am I free from sin. I take joy in putting other things
aside, for You are first in my life. No longer will I depend
on my own good works, but instead on Your wonderful grace.
Thanks be to You Father.

"Love beyond measure, selfless and free, Joy in each moment,
comes only from Thee. Peace, lasting peace, through Your
infinite love, patience and kindness, from Heaven above.
Goodness that's wrought by repentance and tears, faithfulness
lasting, all through the years, gentleness laced with strong
self-control, To You, Holy Spirit, I give my Heart and Soul."

Sometimes, being by myself is the greatest gift I can receive.
I love being by the lake, watching the "Sunset" and feeling
the cool breeze blowing around me. It is at moments such as
this that I remember another favorite Bible verse of mine;

"Be still, and know that I am God." I also hear this verse when
my days are trying to over-extend me. My mind is kicked into
accelerated speed. Responsibilities at work and home, schedules
to maintain, deadlines at work... then, I feel His nudge, I
recognize His voice. I've felt that nudge so many times before.
Over and over He nudges me, like a child tugging at their
mother's sleeve to gain the attention. Then, finally, I listen.
It seems as if I can block out the world and there is only my
heavenly Father and I. I offer silent prayer, and I can hear
Him saying: Savor this moment, and carry the strength I give
into your busy, strenuous day, or quiet peaceful night.
My Spirit goes with you, Francine. Then, with powerful wings,
His Holy Spirit swiftly gains control over me, and I give Him
the glory. So when you can't get someone's attention just ...
give them a nudge (smile).

"Give ear to my words, O Lord,
Consider my meditation My voice
shalt thou hear in the morning,
O Lord; In the morning will I
direct my prayer unto thee,
And I will look up." ...
Psalm 5:1,3

In closing, I just want to say "Thank You Father" for your
unending love and patience. I am very proud of myself for
accomplishing these pages. I do not have a "bragging pride"
but the kind that makes me feel pleased and warm inside.
I've worked very hard on this project, yet I couldn't have
done it without You. I thank You for the guidance, help,
friends, acquaintances, and for giving me the energy to
see this through. I thank You for teaching me to set realistic
goals for myself, but also challenging me to do my best. If my
accomplishments here should go unrecognized, no matter, I feel
good about them. Best of all, I know You are proud of me and
that You love me.

MY SON RAYMOND, the "Light of my Life" deserves special praise
too for the patience he has shown and his self-sacrificing gift,
so that his mom could finish. Raymond knew how important this
project is for me, and took a back seat; and being eleven years
old, that was not an easy thing for him to do. So, to my
"Angel from Above" I say thank you and know that your mom loves
you and will always be with you, whether on earth or in heaven...
You have my unconditional love forever, "I Love You Baby,
and so does God."


Some said I couldn't do it,
Some shook their heads in doubt.
Some rolled their eyes and sighed,
"You can never work it out."

You said that I could do it;
This task that's set for me.
I worked from dawn through dusk,
With help that came from Thee.

And now that it's nearly complete,
New goals have been placed ahead,
I'm glad I showed HIM HONOR,
And heard YOUR voice instead.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
He leadeth me beside the still waters,
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness,
For His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the Shadow of Death,
I will fear no evil, for thou art with me:
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house
of the Lord, Forever.... AMEN.... Psalm 23

"Be Still"

"Be Still," I hear Him softly say,
"Be Still," lay all aside.
He who made the universe stoops down,
And gathers up my cares.

"Be Still," He chides again,
His work begins within my weary soul.
"Be patient," in quiet stay.
Listen to me.

Though pressed on every side,
I clear my heart and mind.
In timid voice and heart,
I lift to Him my praise.

How quiet, His presence,
How healing, His words.
In hushed awe, I listen.
I SAVOR each one.

My will, he bends,
My heart, he sweeps clean.
My strength, He renews,
My soul, He fills to overflowing.

He teaches through His word,
I heed what He tells me.
I stand and give Him praise,
Together we go forth to serve.

*** I hope you enjoyed sharing a part of my spiritual world. ***

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