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Welcome to my Portfolio with RedRose Designs.
My name is Francine, but my internet friends
know me best as "ForeverSunset2u."

My main page was created with the font "Book Antiqua"
and the font color of #ffcc01. I also used #6c1010
for my background and the example of both colors
used are below.


To compliment my picture and background design,
I decided to use the font color #6c1010 with the "weave"
pattern for my background, a gradient, and #6c1010 for
my tile/background. I am using Paint Shop Pro 9.


Gradient pattern


Throughout my pages, you will experience the creativeness of me,
with RedRose Designs. My goal is to entertain you with what I have
created, so to get started click the "enter" button above,
or my Jump Menu below. Thanks for coming, and before you leave,
please share some love and sign my guestbook.