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Lesson 2

It is a blessing to experience the graphics and tags of
"Ankhs Creations." After deciding on my header, and getting
permission to use it in this format, I believe the colors
I have chosen compliment her tag. My header is called
Ankhs_Purple_Callas, and can be found at
Ankhs Creations.

I am still using the font "Book Antiqua," but this time
my font color is #464747, page background is #bbafbd, and my
text background color is #d4cbd5. Examples are as follows:


Along with using the font color for my page background,
I decided to add a vertical blind pattern, the tile border
is a gradient I customized, and #d4cbd5 is my text background.
I am using Paint Shop Pro 9.

Vertical Blind

Gradient pattern

Text Background

Thank you for visiting lesson 2 of my portfolio with
RedRose Designs. I hope you are looking forward to
seeing lesson 3. When it is completed my next button
will be linked to it.