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Chapter 1

I sat on my bed hoping that the damned phone would ring. I looked at the sleeping pills on my dresser, opposite my bed, I was so bored with my life that if X-mas wasn't coming soon(wich means presents-LOTS of them!), I would have seriously taken the lot. Again I looked at the phone but it just sat there half (or whole more like it), dead. So I decided to put myself out of my misery and call my friend Yiorwos, who I like to call(and I think he does too)Orgy(um...long story, but not this one).
"Hello?", Orgy's familiar voice answerd the phone.
"Oh, hi Org, it's Sida, wonna come over and listen to a couple of Cds? I've got Hanson's new X-mas one: 'Snowed In' ".
"Sure! Sounds great!"
"You like? Cool, we can order pizzas too, I'm kind of hungry." I said, looking at my watch, it was almost 8:30pm.
"K. Be there in 30min.", said Orgy and he hung up.
Awesome! I thought, picking up the box of sleeping pills and tossing it in my top dresser's draw. I won't be needing that, well, not tonight anyway. Not knowing what to do until Orgy came, I opened my computer and checked my e-mails. I had two, one was from my cousin Luke, and the other was from...Taylor!!! Yay! Hurray! Ignoring my cousin's e-mail(I'm sure it can wait), I started to read Tay's e-mail:

Sida, hey! Our tour is going great, we have one more concert in London before we come back home to Greece(!!!!!)(Well, why not?) We'll be back on Sunday, hope to see you then. BYE!
Love Tay.

Whoa! I was so happy I could fly! My lovely little Tay was coming back and I couldn't wait! I wanted so much to hold him in my arms, kiss him softly on his lips.... Suddenly the doorbell rings. I walk to he door and open it.
"Hey Orgy, come in", I say as I recognize his handsome face.
He greets me and we walk into my bedroom, instantly he spots my new Hanson cd, lying on my desk.
"Aaaah....", he says exitedly.
He puts on the cd while I order two ham and cheese pizzas from 'il Leone".

Chapter 2
Go Home
