Around 5:00pm the
phone rang, I jumped to get it.
"Hello?" I said, my heart beating.
"Hi, wassup Sida?", my friend Alexi answered back.
"Alexi? Oh...hi, I'm okay, you?"
"Good. You don't seem so thrilled, expecting someone else?", he said.
"Me? No... I mean yes. Tay was going to call...", I said trying to hide my
"Oh well, you got me instead! Wonna come over to my house? Jim brought this real
cool game for the computer, it's a quest, and I know you love 'em?"
"I'd love to, but I haven't seen Tay in like 2 months, so I don't think I'll
make it today, sorry."
"Whatever, you're the one missing out...bye!", Alexi said.
"Bye.", I said and put the phone down.
Minutes later the doorbell rang. I walked to the door wondering who it might be,
and opened it. As I open it, there in front of me stood my baby! TAY!
"AAH!!", I managed to say surprised.
"Missed me?", Taylor said smiling and huged me. " favourite.",
he said as he smelt my shoulder length brown hair.
I grinned and we walked inside. We sat on the couch in the lounge room and Tay
told me all about his trip and the fun he had with Zac and Isaac. Then he leaned
over and kissed me on the lips. I put my arms around him and stroked his long
blond hair. He lifted me on his lap and put his hands under my red top, feeling my naked
"I've missed you so much", he whispered.
"Me too", I smiled.
Chapter 3
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