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Chapter 5

I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. It was past midnight and even though I was tucked warmly into my bed I still hadn't fallen asleep. I lay under the warmth of my blankets curled up drifting in and out of consciousness. Memories of Tay coming and going. I shut my eyes again and visualized him, his soft almost dirty blond hair, so still, full of light, his blue eyes, two pools of cool water that totally absorbs you. His smile... like sunshine on a rainy day. His every kiss... the feeling of his slightly moist lips on my skin. His soft soothing touch... his fingers caressing my hair. I felt myself sink deeper into my conscious... deeper into some kind of dream... surrounded by the presence of my beloved Taylor Hanson.

I woke the next day not wanting to get up. The X-mas holidays were going so fast and soon school would open again. I sighed and pushed away my covers. Hanson were recording their next album and I feared that they soon would be off touring again. I couldn't stand another two months away from him again. When I first started to go out with Tay everything seemed so easy to me, I didn't care about tomorrow, I lived for the moment. Now though I wasn't so sure about anything. I loved Tay more than anything, but I felt as if it would all end soon. I used to jump everytime I heard one of Hanson's songs on the radio, but now it only made my heart sink. It reminded me of his 'other' life, his carrier life, the life of 'Taylor Hanson', the star, the singer of one of the most successful bands around, loved by thousands of teen girls. Sometimes I felt as if I didn't know him... I shook my head as if to shake off the bad thoughts. Why was I feeling so depressed? Maybe it was something I drempt of. I tried to recall what I had drempt last night, but my memory was blank. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I filled my hands with cold water from the tap and splashed it on my face. I dried my face and looked into the mirror. My hair was a mess, my sleep had straightened most of my slightly curly hair. I took my light blue hair band and tied my hair up. I had blue eyes too, not as beautiful as Tay's eyes though... no one had as beautiful eyes as Tay.

Later, in the afternoon, I walked out of my house and into the wet streets, it must have been raining, I decided, but I was too busy watching TV that I hadn't realized. I put my hands in my pockets coz they were beginning to crack from the cold. Damn! I always forgot to put cream on them. I walked on till I reached Taylor's house. I looked at it before I walked up to the door. The garden where Zac usually ran around followed by Mackie, Avery and Jessica was empty, it almost made me feel sad, but what did I expect on a rainy day? I walked to the door and rang the bell. Isaac opened it.

"Sid', oh, hi..."

"Oh, hi??? Well, thanks Ike... oh hi to you two.", I said teasing him for his impolite greeting.

"Sorry, didn't mean it that way... um... come in".

I walked into the warm house and up to the TV room where Zac, Mackie, Avery and Jessica were sitting and watching a movie. I went and sat next to them.

"Hiiiiiii!", called Avery and Jessica and gave me a hug.

"Hey girls, nice to see you", I said and kissed them both.

Next to greet me was Mackie: "See-da!", he said getting up.

"Come here baby!", I said giving him a big hug.

At this point Zac thought it funny to copy Mac. "See-dAAAAA!", he mimicked his little brother and jumped on me causing us both to fall on the floor.

"See-DA!", he laughed again. "See-DA! SEE-da!"

"Okay, Zac, we get the message", I laughed with him.

Just then Taylor came down from upstairs and smiled warmly at me. Our eyes met, and he put his arms around me and kissed me.

"Ooooooh baby!", shouted Zac, and then got up to chase Avery trying to kiss her. Avery ran squealing into the kitchen where her mother was.

"Hello Mrs Hanson!", I called out to Tay's mum who was in the kitchen. She popped her head out from the kitchen door and waved to me.

"Wonna go to my room, it's too noisy here", Tay said to me looking at Zac running around still trying to kiss Avery. Isaac had disappeared somewhere and Mac n' Jessica were trying to watch the movie they were watching when I came in, occasionally shouting out to Zac to keep quite.

I nodded and we walked to his room. I sat on the bed and waited for Taylor to shut the door and join me.

"I missed you", he said, we hadn't seen each other for a couple of days coz I had to go to my grandparents for two days.

"I missed you too baby", I answered back. "It was nice seeing my grandparents and everything, but I would have prefered to be with you", I smiled.

"We are having this concert next week at this little club in town, d'you wonna come?"

"Sure, I'll come, I just hope my parents don't plan ahead for me, they always seem to do that... plan things and tell me the day before, it really pisses me off!"

He looked at me and put my face in his hands. He pushed my hair back and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. We put our arms around each other and kept on kissing. I caught the back of his head and caressed his soft hair. He ran his hands on my legs and then caught my waist with them. Without letting my lips part with his I sat on his lap and wrapped my legs around him. Taylor slowly put his hands under my top and caressed my back then put his hands around my waist as he started to kiss my neck. I could feel the warmth of his breath as he gently licked and sucked my neck. I felt so secure in his embrace and so loved and cared for. 'How could I have ever thought of all those awful depressing things earlier on?', I asked myself. I realised then that there would never be anyone else for me, all I ever wanted was before me... holding me... kissing me... caressing me... Taylor moved his face up from my neck and kissed my lips again... I was definitely in Paradise! Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Tay?", a little voice said.

"Yeah!", Taylor called out obviously pissed that we had been interrupted.

"Dinner's ready mummy says...", Mac's voice came from behind the door.

"Shit!", Taylor sweared, "always finds the best times to interrupt!"

"C'mon Tayles, he didn't mean it, besides, how would a little boy of his age know that we were making out?", I said and kissed his cheek. "Lets go down and eat, I'm hungry."

Taylor got up still annoyed and we walked downstairs to the kitchen where Diana and Taylor's siblings were all eating fish and chips.

"OAH! The two LOVEbirds decided to join us? What an honour!", Zac said with his mouth full of chips.

Tay went red and gave his 11 year old brother a dirty look.

"Where's Ike?", I asked after noticing that he wasn't there.

"Ike left with Chris, she was picking him up at 6:00pm.", Diana explained.

"Ah... so that's why he didn't seem so excited to see me..!", I said.

"When was that?", Taylor looked at me.

I explained to Taylor what had happened earlier on and then we sat down and ate.

Chapter 6
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