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Chapter 6

It was the concert day today and I had promised Tay that I'd go, even though school was opening in two days time and I had lots of homework to read, but it could always wait, I'd do it tomorrow.

Natalie was coming with me and I had asked Orgy and his friend Evan if they'd like to join us and they had gladly agreed. Natalie arrived around 4:00pm and we went into my room to pick out our clothes for tonight. We decided to put something simple on. I wore my reddish coloured bell bottom corduroy jeans and a black sweater top with red sleeves and a zipper in the front. Natalie wore her dark blue bell bottom corduroy jeans (yeah, we often shop together, shows doesn't it?), and her bright red fleece on top. (How could we not wear red at a Hanson concert?). I tied my hair up in a tight pony tail on top of my head and let my light curls fall gently around my face, while Natalie let her long golden brown hair fall lose. Natalie put a black eyeliner around her eyes, and we both put some lip gloss on, we prefered the natural look better...

Later on Orgy and Evan arrived. Orgy had had a hair cut a couple of days ago and looked gorgeous. Evan had his hair tied back in a tiny pony tail again. They looked at us both all dressed up and ready to go and laughed to each other.

"Ease up girls, the concert isn't on till at least an hour and a half.", Orgy said mocking us.

Evan turned the TV on to MTV and sat down on the floor with his friend. Natalie and I went upstairs to have another look at ourselves in the mirror and put perfume on. When we finally came back down from upstairs the boys were still watching MTV. I watched in disgust Evan's and Orgy's mouths drop open as Mariah Carey's 'Honey' came on.

"Oh, please!", I said walking up to the TV and closing it. "Get real guys, she is so pathetic", I told them.

"No way! She's a babe.", Orgy argued with me.

"Yeah, right... whatever...", I said trying to agree with him. "But don't forget we've got a concert to go to, and I'm sure Miss Carey wouldn't mind if we missed her video, I'm sure she'd understand."

Natalie giggled, Orgy and Evan gave me a fake laugh to show their disapproval, and we all walked happily out of the door.

We arrived at the little club where the concert was being held at 6:00 pm. The place was almost packed with mostly girls, which put a smile on Orgy's and Evan's faces. We squeezed our way thourgh the crowd, bumping into everyone, trying desperately to get somewhere to the front of the stage so I could get a good view of Taylor. We managed to get up to about 10 rows from the front, the mass of kids who were in front of us were too firmly packed and blocked our way from going any further ahead.

The concert started at 6:30pm, which was any minute from now... Natalie and I watched as the girls in the first row started to get excited and were all screaming out Hanson's names. The noise in the room coming from everyone's conversations or yellings was so loud that I could hardly speak a word to Natalie or my other two friends without having to shout it out in the top of my voice.

Suddenly the lights in the room faded out and bright lights beamed on the stage. The conversations stopped immediately and all to be heard where the screamings coming from the crowd. My eyes brightened as I recognized three figures coming on stage. Zac came out first twirling his drum sticks in his fingers, looking at the crowd with big eyes and shouting something out that seemed like "Hello people!" Behind him came Taylor waving his hands in the air as to greet us all, smiling gorgeously to us all, followed by Isaac who waved to us and went up to the microphone to welcome us.

"Hello!!! Nice to see you all tonight! We have a few songs piled up for you, hope you all enjoy them."

"C'MON PEOPLE! LETS MAKE THIS ONE LOUD!", shouted Zac and started playing something on the drums.

"It's MMMBop for you!", Taylor said as they begun to play the tune to it that we all recognized and loved.

As the last notes of 'MMMBop' faded out they were instantly replaced by 'Where's the love'. Tay's strong voice traveled across the room, forcing girls scream out his name in desperation. The sound of his voice when he sang the chorus to 'Where's the love' gave me goose bumps and an overpowering need to hold him close to me and wisper: "I love you" into his ear. I yearned to touch his soft blond hair and kiss his lips. Evan brought me into reality as he shouted into my ear:

"There're GREAT! This is the BEST concert!"

My ear was practically heaving after Evan had just shouted in it at the top of his voice. Other than that I was glad he pulled me out of my 'Tay-dreaming', something I seemed to do very often at the most unexpected times.


Later that night, I lay in bed, exhausted but happy. I looked at Natalie sleeping on the pull-out bed next to me. The concert had finished later than we had expected and we had stayed after to help Ike, Tay and Zac clear up the stage. Natalie was too tired to walk home, so I invited her over to my house which was closer. I love it when we slept together coz that way we could talk about just anything till we fell asleep.

I rolled over in my bed and pulled the cover over my head. Tay's voice in 'Where's the love' was still echoing in my ears. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 7
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