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Chapter 7

Time was flying by, school had started and Hanson were getting ready to tour Europe again. The thought of another month away from Taylor was almost unbearable. I hadn't been able to see Taylor very often since school had started and now he was leaving again. Tears rose in my eyes as I desperately tried to think of something else.

I met up with Taylor later that day, we decided to go to the park.

"So when are you leaving, do you know yet?", I asked Taylor trying to control my voice, while we sat next to each other on a bench.

"Next week some time, probably on Monday...", he said and looked at me recognizing my pain. "You know, I'm not going forever, besides it's not the first time, last time we were away you handled it quite well", he said and stroked my hair.

"Yeah I know, it's just that I missed you so much and since you've been back we seem to have become even closer, and... you know, I'm just going to really miss you."

"C'mon Sid', I'm gonna miss you too, and I'd prefer to stay here with you, but it's not up to me, if our record company says we have to go then we have no choice."

"I know Tayles, I'm being so selfish, I'm really happy for you... I'm sorry...", I managed a weak smile and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're not being selfish, I feel the same way... don't be sorry...", he gently grabbed my chin in his hand and turned it towards him, he looked into my eyes and brushed his lips against mine.

"I want you to know that I've never felt like this about any girl... until now." He cupped my face in his hands and begun to kiss me again. As our tongues met I felt my stomach tighten, his touch alone rose so many emotions in me. I felt his hands stroke my hair and his fingers proceeding to caress my neck. I slid my arms around his waist and begun to stroke his back. Taylor placed his tongue on my lips and slowly slid his tongue around them, descending then to my neck where he moved his tongue up and down, leaving my skin moist, and slowly kissing my skin, bringing shivers up my spine. He then lifted his head up to mine and my lips felt the warmth of his on them as his tongue found mine and we continued kissing.


"ZAAAAC!!! Give it back NOW!", I shouted out trying to sound angry. Zac was too excited about their trip and was too worked up to mind my yelling, he just kept on running with my one shoe in his hand.

"You want it? Come and get it!", He called back with an evil smile across his face.

"Please Zac, I really need my shoe, I'm NOT walking through all that mud with my sock!", I said just sitting there feeling like a dork and looking like a stork with my one foot resting on my other shoe, the one he hadn't managed to take.

"No no no NO! You shouldn't have taken Mr Snail away, I told you you would regret it", he laughed and held up the shoe so I could have a better view of it.

"You were going to KILL Mr Snail if I hadn't saved him, you nausty little kid, now please, pretty please, give my shoe back, you are leaving soon and your parents won't be too happy if the reason you are late is coz you won't give me my shoe back."

Just then Isaac came out and caught Zac from behind "Is this little fellow giving you a hard time ma'm?" Isaac pretended to look serious but couldn't help smilling. He grabbed my shoe from Zac and tossed it to where I had been standing for the past five or so minutes.

"Ah, man!", Zac sighed defeated. "D'you have to butt in all the time Ike??? It wasn't any of your business!" Isaac just looked at him and laughed.

"Thanx Ike, what can I say, you just saved me from Mr Snail killer himself! You're my HERO! God knows what that little monster would have done to my shoe" I said putting it back on.

"We're going! We're going!" Mac squealed out as loud as he could, running in and out excitedly.

Mr and Mrs Hanson signled out to us to get into the car. We all helped with the luggage and took our seats in the car. I sat next to Taylor and put my hand in his. Taylor and I didn't say much, I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, all I wanted was for him to come back as soon as possible.

I kissed Taylor for a last time before he left and held him tight.

"I'll miss you... a lot" I whispered into his ear.

"I'll miss you too", he whispered back and wiped a tear that had uncontrollably rolled down my cheek, with his finger.

I said goodbye to the rest of the family and made peace with Zac before they headed off to board the plane. I watched as Taylor walked out of sight and couldn't help holding back a second tear from rollin down my face. I wiped my eyes embarrassed and walked out to catch a taxi home.


"Well, Sida, are you coming or not?", Natalie asked for the third time already.

"Uh... I don't know... you think I should?"

Natalie was ready to scream at me through the other side of the phone "What d'you think I've been telling you for the past 30 minutes?" God Sida, why do you have to make things so hard for us all?"

"Yes but..."

"What do you mean 'but'? Look, I know you miss Tay and all, but face it girl, he's not going to be back for another month or so, are you planning on waiting THAT long?"

"No... well... I just thought that..."

"Boy Sid', don't you think a lot?"

"Okay, OKAY! I'll come, just don't expect me to have a good time", I said feeling sorry for myself.

"Yeah! Now you're talking!", Natalie rejoiced.

We said goodbye and hung up. Why was I acting like a jerk? Ever since Taylor left all I could think about was the day he would come back. I realised then that I would probably die from boredom before he even got back if I just sat in the house like this. Natalie was right, I needed to get out and about, she had arranged for us to meet up with some of her friends, which I'd never met before, I didn't really feel like going, but I would just force myself to.

Chapter 8
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