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Mutt's Gallery (October 1998)

Mutt says "sit", "wait", and "look"!

Mutt with a recent purchase, the SH-2F!
Mutt with one of the latest purchases.
Click on image to see full size version.

Josh is 4 Months old now! Josh is 4 Months old now!
Meredith and Craig's Josh is 4 months old now!

Coral Chancellor
This is Coral. She is Noah and Cynthia's new born daughter.
Click on image to see full size version.

This is Dean's two-year old!
This is Kakabeak. Dean and Claire's 2 year old.

Mutt & Pristine's latest Art purchase
This is Mutt and Pristine's latest art purchase.
Click on image to see full size version and find out more about it.

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