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Recent News From AYL
* More than 70 representatives of Bulgarian and foreign NGOs, experts and public figures took part in a conderence "How the NGOs can influence the legislative policy?", organized the AYL in Novotel "Europe", Sofia.

* Association of Young Lawyers is going to implement a new project funded by Development of Civil Society Foundation. The project is aimed to provide citizens with expert help in solving of local problems as well as to promote transparency of the local authorities.

* "World Jurist", the bulletin of the World Jurist Association, published detailed information about the AYL and the partnership between the WJA and AYL.

* AYL President Borislav Tsekov and Board Member Dimitar Nichev met a delegation of Managment Systems International - Mr.Gerald Zarr, Mr. Jon Leeth and Ms Karen Otto in AYL's office in Sofia.

* AYL President Borislav Tsekov coordinated the Working Group on "Advocacy and Legislation" at the National NGO Meeting in October. More than 30 representatives of Bulgarian NGOs and donors took part in the discussion. Representatives of the Imternational Center for Not-for-Profit Law partcipated also. A resolution about the necessity of new NGO legislation in Bulgaria was adopted.

* AYL has initiated the creation of an NGO grass roots Coalition for Civil Action.

* AYL will support financially Bulgarian NGOs to create their sites in the Internet.