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Association of Young Lawyers

    The Association of Young Lawyers in Bulgaria is a politically unaffiliated NGO which works in the area of mobilizing young legal experts and civic resources for support of local initiatives and grass roots projects. It was founded by young and very committed legal professionals and civil rights activists, who work at their full capacity, in order to serve the need for developing an effective support network of well trained specialists volunteers ready to work at local, regional and national level and suggest public policy improvements, developing and implementing civic and in-house training, public awareness building initiatives in the areas of democratization and modernization of the local self-government, civic participation, advocacy, access to information, civil rights monitoring and public institution transparency enhancement. As a community of young professionals committed to the Euro-Atlantic values, AYL strongly supports through local public initiatives and expert assistance the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union and NATO.

Recent Projects of AYL:
Projects funded by the US Government acting through:
                                        US Embassy/USIA - Sofia
                                        USAID/Democracy Network Program
Projects funded by PHARE and Development of Civil Society Foundation

In October 1998, AYL initiated the foundation of a grass roots

Support the Amendments of the Referendum Act, proposed by AYL !!!

More About AYL
AYL Photo Gallery
AYL in Bulgarian and Foreign Media
AYL President's Message
Recent News from AYL
Personal page of AYL President Borislav Tsekov
Internet Parliament (in Bulgarian)- a page created by AYL to foster public debate on draft laws
Visit Our Partners:
World Jurist Association
Advocacy Institute, Washington, DC
Democracy Network Program
World Learning
Useful Links and Resources
Regular Report from the EU Commission on the Progress of Bulgaria towards Accession
Report on Human Rights Developments in Bulgaria, 1999
US State Department Report on Human Rights in Bulgaria
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