Inside you will find stories about my five favorite guys: justiN, chriS, joeY, lansteN, and jC, which make up NSYNC. Visitors off all ages are welcome, but some of the stories contain material not suited for those under 17. Please keep this in mind before you come in. All stories will have a rating, so you will know before you start to read what you are in for. Please do not send me hate mail concerning these stories. Because I warned you. All stories and characters, with the exception of NSYNC, are fictional and the property of this site. I do not know NSYNC, nor do I have their email addresses. Emailing me and asking me questions about them is futile.
Now that we've got the basics out of the
way, we can get down to business. I hope that you all enjoy your time
here. Feel free to email me
with any questions or feedback that you have for these stories. There are
hosted stories as well as my own.