(July 23rd) 
I'm still accepting requests to add to the hosted stories section. If you would like your story added, send me the story in a WORD DOCUMENT, PROPERLY FORMATTED AND CHECKED FOR SPELLING AND GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. Attach the document to the email with the link below, or my address is dians@webcatering.com . If the request doesn't follow my specific instructions above, I will delete the email. I'm sorry to sound bitchy, but I have a full time job, a husband, 2 kids, and a part time job on the computer at home to worry about. I simply don't have time to reformat and edit your story just so that I can put it on the page (not to mention battling with the HTML to get it to look right).

Also, every story that gets sent won't be posted on the page because I don't have an unlimited amount of space. I'm looking for good, quality stories here people. I don't want any of this "they met, slept together, and fell in love the first time they saw each other" stuff. I like stories with "real" plot lines and so do the visitors to this page. Now that I've rambled on for an hour... please take a look around the page and enjoy the new layout.

Feel free to email me with any comments or suggestions.

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