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Shawn Michaels News



Shawn Michaels delivered Sweet Chin Music to Triple H and won the World Heavyweight Championship Sunday night before a rabid sellous crowd at Madison Square Garden!

HBK, who hadn't held a title since dropping the WWE Championship to Steve Austin at WrestleMania 14, also pinned Chris Jericho in the Elimination Chamber match to set up his showdown with The Game.

Jericho looked unstoppable upon entering the ring. Y2J sent both Kane and Booker T back to the locker rooms after scoring pinfalls. RVD also looked impressive, starting the match with high-octane offense against the defending champion, Triple H.

After Michaels scored the pinfall, Madison Square Garden erupted with defeaning cheers and a shower of streamers and confetti. What will become of HBK's reign as the World Heavyweight Champion? Tune in to RAW at 9/8 CT Monday night on TNN to hear what the champ has to say!


World Heavyweight Champion Elimination Chamber Match

- Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Booker T. vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane

Eric Bischoff came down to the ring and explained the rules of the match. Two men start the match while the 4 others are locked in chambers within the huge structure. Pinfall and submission is how the match can be won. Chris Jericho came down first to a Saliva performance from The World; he was put inside one of the chambers within. Shawn Michaels, Kane and Booker T. were also put inside the Chambers. Rob Van Dam and Triple H were the first two to start the match off. The bell sounded and the match was underway. Triple H and RVD locked up and Van Dam backed The Champion back into the corner and then hit the spinning heel kick and followed up with an inziguri.

Triple H went for the early Pedigree and RVD back dropped him onto the steel floor on the outside of the ring, which is level with the ring due to the Chamber. RVD slammed Triple H into the chain wall and then looked to the crowd for approval and got it. He fired away at Triple H once he got up and knocked him to the outside of the ring and then hit the Rolling Thunder on the steel floor.
RVD got out of the ring and climbed one of the inside chambers with Jericho inside and was going to leap from it, but Jericho grabbed him through the chains and stopped him. Van Dam finally broke free and flipped right onto Triple H and they were both down and out.

They got back in the ring and RVD backed Triple H into the corner and pressed his boot into the face of the Champion. The timer came on and the bell sounded, Jericho was allowed into the match. RVD went right after him and hit him with a sidekick off the ropes and then tossed him onto the steel floor.

RVD got up on the top rope and missed Jericho but missed him and perched on the chain wall and then nailed Jericho. Triple then H got up and went after RVD but then fell down. Triple H and Jericho then went to double-team RVD. Triple H threw some blows at him and then tossed him onto the steel.

Triple H and Jericho then grabbed each of RVD’s arms and slammed him into the chain walls repeatedly. They continued the brutal beating on RVD and then the bell sounded and Booker T was let into the match. He hit the sidekick on RVD and went for the pin in the middle of the ring.

RVD fired back and nailed him with a martial arts kick and went for the pin on Booker. Triple H then came over and went after Booker. They dueled in the middle of the ring and RVD went up top of the inner chamber and nailed the high-risk move on Jericho in the middle of the ring.

Booker hit the suplex on Jericho in the middle of the ring and went for the pinfall but he kicked out. The bell sounded and Kane was released into the match. He came in and leveled Jericho and then went after Booker. He slammed him into the ringpost. Kane the grabbed Jericho and slammed him through the glass wall of the inner chamber. In the ring, Booker got the low blow from the outside and then got Chokeslammed by Kane.

Kane then went back to work on Jericho while Triple H came to and tried to get back in the action. The bell sounded and the last contender was let in the match, Shawn Michaels. He came in and nailed Kane with the flying forearm. Shawn got whipped into the corner and nailed his back and then Kane went back to Jericho and choked him.

Kane dropped Jericho and then Kane hit the Superkick on Kane. He sat up and Triple H hit the Pedigree on him. Chris Jericho then hit the Lionsault on Kane and pinned him to eliminate him from the match.

Jericho and HBK fought on the outside and Y2J slammed Michaels into the steel chains after clotheslining him to the outside steel. Triple H and Jericho then went to work on Michaels. They worked him over and he finally started to mount some offense on Jericho. Y2J hit the back body drop on Michaels and then they went back to the ring. HBK dropped Triple H and then got the bulldog from Jericho.

Michaels was a bloody mess at this point. Triple H took out Michaels and then Y2J tried to get the pin and The Champion pulled him off. Triple H and Jericho then went at it. Jericho went up top and got caught and Triple H went for the Pedigree, but he countered and got him in the Walls of Jericho.

Shawn Michaels connected with the Sweet Chin Music and eliminated Chris Jericho. He then went right after Triple H with fists to the bloody face. They exchanged blows and then Triple H hit the spinebuster and HBK kicked out of the pin.

Shawn went off the ropes and got back dropped onto the outside steel. Irish whip from Shawn into the steel chains. Triple H fired right back and got Michaels down and then catapulted him into the inner chamber wall and HBK went right through the fiberglass wall. Triple H got him back into the middle of the ring and went for the pinfall but he kicked out.

Michaels fired back and threw some blows and then got taken down again by the Champ. Michaels tossed Triple H into the chain wall and then tossed him back in the ring and went up to the top turnbuckle. Shawn then climbed to the top of the inner chamber and hit the flying elbow smash from the top of it. Both men were down and Shawn slowly rolled and got up to his feet.

Shawn went for the Superkick and missed and got nailed with the Pedigree and kicked out of the pin attempt. HBK got up and Triple H was in disbelief. He went for another Pedigree and HBK back dropped out of it and hit the perfect Sweet Chin Music and pinned Triple H to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. After the match, confetti and streamers came over the arena in celebration of the new champion.

Winner: Shawn Michaels - New WWE World Heavyweight Champion

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Update on HBK's Condition
Posted by PWS Journalist Ryan Clark on 08/26/2002

For those wondering, the general consensus backstage at Summerslam last night about HBK Shawn Michael's' match as amazing.

Several people in the backstage area were very impressed with the performance of both HHH and HBK. HBK looked almost as good as he did 15 years ago.
Going into the match, many people expected HBK to be careful and watch his bigger spots that could have resulted in injury. That was obviously not the case.

As of midnight last night, Michaels was said to be feeling fine backstage after the show, which is good news.

For those wondering, HBK will be off WWE TV for several weeks. They are going to play an injury angle with him until his return. (Triple H beating HBK after the match last night will be the angle so yes, that means no HBK on RAW tonight)

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Last match or not, Michaels amazes
by Phil Speer

UNIONDALE, N.Y. – Aug. 25, 2002 – It was the kind of match that friends, spouses and parents fly into town to see. Shawn Michaels and Triple H performed in a contest tonight that neither one of them – nor, if the fans at Nassau Coliseum are any indication, the fans – will ever forget.

For the record, Michaels won, but he took a severe beating from Triple H after the match.

Kevin Nash sat next to his longtime friend, Michaels, as the Heartbreak Kid received ice on his back after the match.

“It was everything I knew it would be,” Nash told about the match. “It’s not like I’m surprised about how good it was. I didn’t fly here to watch anything but. It was watching two of the greats.”

Nash was one of a few dozen Superstars who stopped by to shake Michaels’ hand and express their admiration for his ability and the match. “How long have you been off?” Chris Benoit came by and asked Michaels jokingly, implying that HBK’s performance in the match made it look like he was a full-time competitor, not one who had not wrestled in WWE since WrestleMania XIV.

Even Triple H expressed his admiration.

“Shawn Michaels proved to the world, to me, tonight, that he’s the greatest worker possibly there’s ever been,” said the Game, his face covered in dried blood, in an interview. “To be able to come back after four years, and look like he never missed a day … ”

Michaels modestly disagreed.

“Oh gosh no. I’ve missed a day,” he said with a chuckle. “(I’ve missed) 365 days, times four. I’ve gotta tell you I’m so jumbled right now, it’s hard to accurately describe (what I thought of the match). I’m very happy with it – that I came out healthy, the people seemed to like it, everybody back here was pleased. I’m no longer the guy who comes out of the ring and says, ‘I can do better.’ I think that was just fine. I’m pleased with it.

“I’m happy to be healthy, but I don’t really know how it looked visually. I can’t comprehend that right now.”

Triple H was much more than pleased.“I just had one of the greatest matches in my life,” he said. “I’m sure I’m going to be beat up tomorrow. But in the meantime there’s nothing like being able to go out in front of capacity, sold-out arena and do what we do. There’s nothing like it. For me to be in a role that is who I am (an antagonist), I was able to get what I haven’t been able to get now for about a year and a half, since May of 2001. It was a hell of a night. Win, lose or draw, I did what I said what I was going to do – put on the show of shows. Whether you love me or hate me, that’s what I do.”

During the interview, The Game wore a bandage that was at least six inches long across his forehead. He said it was too early to tell if he’d need stitches.
Michaels, meanwhile, said his back was becoming increasingly sore as his muscles tightened and the adrenaline wore off. And after the beating Triple H gave him after the match, he won’t be appearing on WWE television in the immediate future. He certainly won’t be wrestling any time soon, or possibly ever.

Because his wife, Rebecca, had never seen him wrestle, he flew her to the show tonight. And because it was such a big match, he also brought his mother and father. The three watched the match out in the audience, cheering when HBK took the offensive, chanting “HBK!” when the crowd did, literally jumping up and down with Michaels won. But Rebecca also shed a few tears when Michaels took the brunt of a high-impact maneuver; his mother covered her mouth with both hands.

Michaels jumped off the top rope to the ring-apron area, crashing through a table. He jumped off a ladder, dropping an elbow on The Game. He took several chair-shots. He was clobbered with a sledgehammer. In his first WWE match in four years, with a back that’s surgically fused, did Shawn take too many risks?

“Of course I’m concerned about (his health), but at the same time, I was working four years watching him do those things every night,” Nash said. “He took a couple of risks I wish he wouldn’t of tonight. But that’s Shawn, and there’s no way he’s going to go out there and not give it his all. Thank God he didn’t get hurt.”

Asked if he agreed with Nash that he may have taken too many risks, Michaels said, “That’s probably pretty accurate I guess. I still only know one way of doing this. My biggest concern was going out there and trying to do something too conservative and getting hurt. I don’t know if that makes any sense. But for me a lot of times if I start giving things too much thought, that’s when I get hurt.

“It was just that kind of match. Even if I’m not going to do much, I’m going to try to do something somewhat memorable. I don’t know what was that big of a risk. The splash through the table -- it’s not like the move is that tough. You just sort of fall off and fall through the table. It’s just the impact at the end. The impact at the end of all the moves hurts, so what are you going to do?”

Michaels said he doesn’t know about his future in the wrestling ring, and he won’t make any decisions for at least the next few days.

“I’ll see how I feel tomorrow. I have no idea how I’m gong to feel,” he said. “If I can’t get up and walk, yeah, you bet it is (my last match). If I feel good, I might be able … I’m sure it’s my last singles match. I just don’t think I can handle that on a regular basis.”

Although Triple H doesn’t know if he’ll ever have the opportunity, he’d love to have another match with Michaels. But he said he went into the match assuming he wouldn’t.

“I think we both went in with the mindset that this was a one-off for Shawn Michaels,” Triple H said. “You know, Shawn has a broken back. If you asked a doctor, he would tell you that Shawn is crazy for doing what he did tonight. Most people wouldn’t be walking if they were in Shawn’s position. We went out there with the mindset of, ‘Let’s shoot our wad, because we might not get another one. And if this is our only opportunity to live the dream with each other, we better make the most of it.’

“I can’t say this for sure because only the people that watched it can answer it, but I don’t think we disappointed anybody. I don’t think anybody who watches that match is going to say, ‘Damn it, I expected so much more from those guys.’ And if they do, kiss my ass.”


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Shawn Michaels



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