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From the Shrine... really has been a long time. I started this site in 1996, having no web page knowledge or experience. All I knew is that Shawn Michaels was my favorite wrestler and that I wanted to make a web site dedicated to him. So, I bought a scanner, dragged out all my old WWF magazine, programs, everything and taught myself the newest web design coding (at the time) HTML 4. CSS? Never heard of it. XML? Long in the future. With my little html book and Webmonkey, I created the HbkVixen's Heartbreak Hotel. It slowly got better as I got better, and was soon number one on the HBK Top 50 Site Poll. I was a bit overwhelmed, but I trudged on. We got a domain name and for a while were the only Shawn Michaels website still running.

Then Shawn left, and I kept at it. I put every rumor, every whisper, any inkling about the Heartbreak Kid up, hoping for the day he would return for good. And then he did, and all was right in the world... for a while. You see, after almost 6 years of dedication, I lost it all. I hoped it would return and as real life wormed it's way into my happy little iMac (college, dorm rooms, roommates, volunteer work, undergraduate classes, intense reviews for a select place in my art sequence, new friends and a new life) I lost my zeal. Not just for Shawn Michaels, but for the WWE. For the first time since I was 5 years old, I didn't care about wrestling. I thought it would come back. I watched the PPV's if I happened to be home, sometimes RAW... never Smackdown, but still, I had no desire. In the immortal words of Shawn Michaels, I'd lost my smile. After 8 years of working on, I could no longer put the time, effort, money or dedication into it. Worse of all, I lost my Shawn Michaels.

Oh he's there all right, but he is not the Heartbreak Kid. He is not the cocky, freewheeling, arrogant, know it all, womanizer I thought was the coolest thing since sliced bread since I was 8. Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, the character, is no more. Contrary to what you think, I have no problem with him being a born again Christian. I applaud his decision to be open about his religion and I cheered the day he wore a "Freedom of Religion Means ANY Religion" t-shirt. But the new Shawn Michaels character is not the man I dedicated this site to. Shawn Michaels is now more Michael Hickenbottom, and more power to him. To be strong in your beliefs in the world of professional wrestling is one of the hardest things to do, we've seen where it's gotten others in similar positions. Many a man has forgone his morals to bow to the almighty dollar. And yet, the WWE has embraced the new Shawn, with new merchandise geared towards his new faith (although I for one don't necessarily want a religious message on my Pro Wrestling Shirt, I'd rather have a fun catch-phrase or picture;). Good for him. I am proud of Michael Hickenbottom. But even he has said, that Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, is no more.

He is gone, probably forever. Am I sad? A bit. But it was bound to happen. We all grow up, find our own paths and walk down those paths alone, without caring what may happen. Shawn Michaels will always be my favorite wrestler. I will always applaud him, cheer for him, cry with him and remember all the good times. I grew up with Shawn Michaels and now, he has grown up with me.

Even after being inactive for almost two years, I still get email. Mostly from those of you who STILL think I am Shawn Michaels (sigh :) ). But I felt I should finally give it up. The HbkVixen's Heartbreak Hotel is closing. I will keep up ALL of the content since it will be harder and harder for you to find all these "old" images and files. I hope that this place continues to inspire those who would like to make there own sites, whether to Shawn Michaels or to someone else. Almost 8 years ago, I taught myself web design and now I am about to graduate college with a degree in Graphic Design from one of the best schools for it in the state. Who says the Internet won't get you anywhere? ;)

Thank you to Shawn Michaels, wherever you are, for being my inspiration, a friend I've never met, someone who has helped me through bad times without even being there, for making an 8 year-old geeky girl think that maybe she could do anything she wanted, after all and for making a now 23 year old (still geeky) woman remember what made her love wrestling for so long. I wish you nothing but the best with your life, your family, your career, your spirituality and your path. You will always be my Heartbreak Kid and I will always be your number one fan. To the over 105,000 of dedicated fans who have visited the Hotel regularly, thank you for all the support you have given me, even when I haven't been around. You are truly what made the Heartbreak Hotel the place and reason to be. Maybe someday I will return to this little home on the web and I will open the door and update once again, but until then....

It's checkout time...


Stacey C.
AKA HbkVixen

All material on this site is ©WWE. This site is not affiliated with the WWE, WWF, WCW or any other part of the WWE Corporation. This is a fan site in which no profits are being made from pictures or information. All original © still stand. Please do not use anything on this site for anything other than personal use.

Shawn Michaels



About the Staff




HBK Top 50




03/20/04-Final Update

11/18/02-Update after Survivor Series!! News & Merchandise!!

8/26/02- Update after Summerslam!! New Transcripts and more News!!

6/3/02- Update on HBK's Return!!

5/26/02-Full Transcript of HBK on Confidential