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Haunting Pt. 2

Hauntings Defined Hauntings can occur anywhere. Ghosts cannot always be seen. The ghost of anyone might haunt a place. Ghosts do not appear in order to terrorize the living. However, a true haunting must occur continually and be directly related to the place itself.

Apparitions Defined Serious investigators use the word apparition instead of ghost and there are five categories of apparitions:

1 Apparitions of the Living. This category constitutes about one-third of reported appartions. These are of friends or loved ones far away and usually asleep at the time their apparitions appear very real and solid somewhere else.

2. Experimental Apparations. This occurs when a living person deliberately tries to make his/her presence known to someone far away.

3. Crisis Apparitions. This occurs when a person whose ghost is appearing is undergoing some sort of crisis, usually death. It is the largest class of reported apparitions.

4.Apparitions of the Dead. These apparitions appear well after death and usually to carry out some purpose or to convey information to the person they are appearing to (e.g. Marilyn Monroe to John Myers).

5. Haunting Appartions. A haunting apparition appears in the same place continuously to one or more people. The people may have known the apparition or may be able to identify it from photographs or historial records. People usually describe visual hauntings as solid and real with somewhat clearly definable features. However, many haunting apparitions simply make noise or through a sudden drop in temperature or by actually touching the person.

Poltergeists.--means "nosiy ghost" in German. Poltergeists are ghosts that are heard, usually through crashes or thuds or show themselves by moving, tilting, lifting or throwing objects. Poltergeists differ from other apparitions in at least two ways.First, poltergeists tend to make their presnce known during the day. Secondly, and most important, they tend to attach themselves to a particular person, usually a teenaged girl under severe emotional stress.



Haunted Places
